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Jannah – The Reward for True Muslims


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Jannah is as big as the heavens and earth. Bricks of gold and silver comprise the walls, while the ground consists of saffron and rubies. Belief in the Hereafter is one of the six articles of faith in religion and is a place where the Momin (believers) will enjoy bliss. The reward of their happiness will vary according to the person’s righteousness. In Paradise (Jannah), believers will experience a state free from pain, suffering, or hardship, and they will receive everything they desire. It is a place of unimaginable beauty with rivers flowing with milk, honey, and wine and gardens full of lush fruits and fragrant flowers. Believers strive for the ultimate goal of Paradise, where they can experience anything present in this world. It is the coveted destination for Muslims seeking unparalleled bliss.

What is Jannah means in Islam

According to the Qur’an, Jannah means paradise, the garden of eternal happiness. The Muslim concept of Janat is where good and faithful Muslims go after the Day of Judgement. A beautiful, peaceful garden, where water flows, offers plenty of food and drink to the dead and their families in Janat.

Understanding Barzakh: The Stage Before Jannah

Barzakh in Islam is an Arabic word meaning “limb, barrier, division”. In the Islamic faith, Barzakh is a term that refers to the interval between a person’s death and the day of judgment. People often describe it as a state of waiting or an intermediate realm between the physical world and the afterlife.

How Many Levels of Jannah in Islam

In Islam, believers hold the belief that Janat has several levels. The Qur’an or Hadith does not mention the exact number of degrees. Commonly, people consider these to be seven levels. In Islam, each of the seven levels of paradise has a status according to which each soul is assigned a place.



Firdaus means a garden with all kinds of plants. There are grape vines everywhere. It is the most prestigious and considered superior to all other levels.


This is the ‘Eternal place’. After repenting and suffering the punishment of every sin, a Muslim is placed in this paradise. This is where the greatest acceptance from Allah (SWT) is found and the greatest victory is marked. The rivers flowing beneath the gardens provide everything one desires.


In Surah Yunus, the Almighty spoke about this level and said that people who have faith in Allah Almighty do good work. Their conviction directed them to stay good throughout their life and led them to this level. Such devotees would come across rivers flowing beneath them in the ‘Paradise of Delight’ and become a part of this level made of iron.

Jannat al-Mawa

It is a resting place made of brass for devotees and martyrs. Mawa is defined as a place where people take refuge. It has houses and dwellings. Surah Najm describes this level and calls it the ‘garden of adobe’ for the refugees. It is located near a lotus tree, which stands all around the sky.

Dar ul-Khuld

This level is the ‘Garden of the Rebel’ where man becomes eternal or immortal. This level of heaven compensates for the loss and hardship one encounters in the journey and stops the journey.

Dar ul-Maqam

It is a level of inner nature. This is where the soul finds an eternal place to live. This stage of Paradise is mentioned in Surah Fatir as a safe place where all sufferings and fatigues disappear. It is the place where nothing affects the soul.

How do we get to Jannah?

Here are some ways to attain the highest level of Jannah in Islam.

  • Have firm faith and belief in Allah and Islam
  • Doing righteous deeds and good deeds
  • Obedience to Allah and His Messenger
  • Seeking forgiveness and repentance
  • Seeking Allah’s mercy and grace

A List of Good Deeds for Getting Jannah

  • Build a Mosque.
  • Read and remember the holy Quran.
  • Donate Money to Needy.
  • Avoid backbiting, gossiping, and spreading rumors.
  • Upholding justice and fairness in all aspects of life.
  • Obeying parents.
  • Caring for orphans.
  • Forgiving others.
  • Seeking knowledge and disseminating it to benefit others.
  • Performing five daily prayer.

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The Importance of Believing in Jannah

Belief in Jannah is of utmost importance in Islam as it provides hope, inspiration, and guidance for Muslims. It serves as a reminder of the ultimate reward and eternal happiness that awaits believers in the Hereafter. This belief encourages individuals to persevere in the face of challenges, do good deeds, and righteous lives, knowing that their deeds will be rewarded in Janat.

How Believers can go to Jannah?

Those who follow Allah Almighty’s order and teaching of the Prophet (PBUH), fulfill His religious duties, and avoid His prohibitions, are destined to enter Janat without being called to account or suffering punishment.

Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) reported Allah’s Messenger (SAW) as saying:

The first group of my Ummah to get into Paradise would be like a full moon in the night. Then those who would be next to them; they would be like the most significantly glittering stars in regard to brightness, then after them (others) in ranks. They would neither void excrement, nor pass water, nor suffer from catarrh, nor would they spit. And their combs would be made of gold, and the fuel of their braziers would be aloes and their sweat would be musk and their form would be the form of one single person according to the length of their father sixty cubits tall. This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Ibn Abi Shaiba with a slight variation of wording.

[Sahih Muslim 2834d]

Who will go to Jannah according to the Quran

The Qur’an does not specify a specific group of people who will go to Paradise, rather it states that Janat is available to all who believe in Allah Almighty and follow His guidance.

In Surah Nahl verse 97 describe the qualites of the belivers to attain Janat
Whoever does good, whether male or female, and is a believer, We will surely bless them with a good life, and We will certainly reward them according to the best of their deeds. [Surah Nahl verse 97]

Allah (SWT) also describes paradise in many verses of the Quran.

Surah Baqarah verse 82
And those who believe and do good will be the residents of Paradise. They will be there forever. [Surah Baqarah verse 82]
Surah Muhammad Ayat 15
The description of the Paradise promised to the righteous is that in it are rivers of fresh water, rivers of milk that never changes in taste, rivers of wine delicious to drink, and rivers of pure honey. There they will also have all kinds of fruit and forgiveness from their Lord. Can they be like those who will stay in the Fire forever, left to drink boiling water that will tear apart their insides? [Surah Muhammad Ayat 15]

Duas for Jannah

Dua 1

Dua for Jannah
Our Lord, grant us the best of this life and the best of the hereafter and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.

Dua 2

Second Dua for Jannah
O Allah, I ask You for Paradise, and I seek refuge in You from the Fire.

Dua 3

Third Dua for Jannah
Our Lord, grant us what You promised us through Your messengers, and do not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, You do not fail in promise.

Rewards and Pleasures in Jannah

The rewards of Jannah or Paradise are beyond human imagination and include eternal bliss, perfect physical bodies, luxurious gardens, and palaces, reunion with loved ones, a company of Prophets (SAW) and righteous people, unimaginable pleasures and delights, and ultimate honor. Meeting and presence in the court of Allah Almighty These rewards are a source of inspiration and motivation for the believers to strive for goodness, to do good deeds, and to obtain the eternal rewards of Paradise to gain the pleasure of Allah (SWT).

Believers in Paradise will be granted unimaginable pleasures and delights. They will reside in magnificent palaces, beautifully decorated, surrounded by lush gardens and flowing streams of pure water. Believers will experience eternal youth and beauty, free from any physical disease or defect.

8 Gates of Jannah

Jannat has eight gates, each leading to different ranks and rewards.

  • Baab As-Salaat: This door would allow those who were punctual and attentive in their prayers to enter Paradise.
  • Baab Al-Jihad: Those who sacrifice their lives through Jihad in the cause of Islam will enter Paradise through this gate.
  • Baab As-Sadaqah: Only those believers who are allowed to enter through this gate who have given charity and given charity in the way of Allah.
  • Baab Ar-Rayaan: Those who fast with sincerity and seek Allah Almighty’s mercy will be admitted to Paradise through this gate.
  • Baab Al-Hajj: Entry through this gate is reserved for pilgrims going on Hajj. Those who had the strength to control their anger and forgive their brothers would be lucky to enter Paradise through this gate.
  • Baab Al-Kaazimeen Al-Ghaiz Wal Aafina Anin Naas: Those who had the strength to control their anger and forgive their brothers would be lucky to enter Paradise through this gate.
  • Baab Al-Imaan: Entry through this gate is for those who were steadfast in their faith in Allah (SWT) trusted in His judgments and lived a life that was in fulfillment of His commandments.
  • Baab Al-Dhikr: Believers who constantly remember and remember Allah (SWT) will be allowed to enter Paradise through the Baab Al-Dhikr.

If you want to learn more about the Gates of Jannah and who will enter through them, read our detailed blog about the 8 Gates of Jannah – The Doors to Eternal Paradise.

Impact of Jannah on Muslim Faith

The belief in Janat has a profound effect on the faith of Muslims. It is a source of hope, comfort, and encouragement in times of trouble and trouble. The knowledge that a paradise awaits them in the Hereafter encourages Muslims to persevere, and maintain a positive outlook, knowing that their struggles in this world are temporary. Belief in Janat also provides a moral compass, guiding Muslims to make choices that are consistent with the teachings of Islam and lead to the attainment of Jannah.


Last Updated on March 17, 2025 by Jamshed Anwer






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