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Online Quran Academy - Islamic Mentors

Read Quran with Tajweed Online

Reading the Quran with Tajweed is a beautiful way to connect with the divine words of Allah. Tajweed refers to the rules of pronunciation and recitation of the Quran. It ensures that each word is pronounced correctly, giving it the respect it deserves. By reading the Quran with Tajweed, you not only understand the words but also feel the essence and beauty of the verses. Islamic Mentors provides an online platform to learn and read the Quran with Tajweed. 


Para 1Alif Lam MeemDownlaod
Para 2SayaqoolDownlaod
Para 3Tilkal RusullDownlaod
Para 4Lan Tana LooDownlaod
Para 5Wal MohsanatDownlaod
Para 6La YuhibbullahDownlaod
Para 7Wa Iza SamiuDownlaod
Para 8Wa Lau AnnanaDownlaod
Para 9Qalal MalaoDownlaod
Para 10Wa A’lamuDownlaod
Para 11YatazeroonDownlaod
Para 12Wa Mamin Da’abatDownlaod
Para 13Wa Ma Ubrioo Downlaod
Para 14RubamaDownlaod
Para 15Subhanallazi Downlaod
Para 16Qal Alam Downlaod
Para 17AqtaraboDownlaod
Para 18Qadd Aflaha Downlaod
Para 19Wa Qalallazina Downlaod
Para 20A’man Khalaq Downlaod
Para 21Utlu Ma OohiDownlaod
Para 22Wa Manyaqnut Downlaod
Para 23Wa Mali Downlaod
Para 24Faman Azlam Downlaod
Para 25Elahe Yuruddo Downlaod
Para 26Ha’a Meem Downlaod
Para 27Qala Fama Khatbukum Downlaod
Para 28Qadd Sami Allah Downlaod
Para 29Tabarakallazi Downlaod
Para 30Amma Yatasa’aloon Downlaod