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Dua for Pain and Sickness: Turning to Allah (SWT) for Healing


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Dua in Islam – Introduction

Dua (supplication) is a fundamental aspect of the Islamic faith, involving calling upon Allah (SWT) for guidance, help, or forgiveness. It plays a significant role in our lives, especially during times of pain and distress. The Sunnah deeply roots making dua when in pain, serving as a powerful means of seeking relief and comfort.

In Islam, experiencing pain is seen as a test of patience, a reminder of human vulnerability, and an opportunity to draw closer to Allah (SWT). By making dua for pain, we turn to Allah (SWT) for help and solace during suffering. Islam offers several supplications from the Quran and Hadith for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Discover the deep role of dua in our lives and how it strengthens our connection with Allah (SWT). Read more about the importance of Dua in Islam.

This blog will explore various duas for pain relief, explain how to recite them, and provide guidelines on how often to repeat them for different types of pain and illnesses.

Dua for Pain Anywhere in Your Body

Recite this beautiful dua when you’re dealing with any kind of pain in your body.

This dua is a powerful way to ask Allah (SWT) for relief from any physical discomfort or pain you’re experiencing. It reminds us that only Allah Almighty can remove harm and grant relief.

Dua for pain in any part of Body:
"Allahumma inni as'aluka bi asma'ika al-husna wa bi sifatika al-'uliya an tashfini shifaa'an la yughadiru saqama."
“Allahumma inni as’aluka bi asma’ika al-husna wa bi sifatika al-‘uliya an tashfini shifaa’an la yughadiru saqama.”

This dua for pain invokes Allah’s (SWT) beautiful names and attributes, asking for complete healing. It reminds us that only Allah (SWT) can truly remove our suffering.

Dua When Someone is Sick

If you know someone sick, reciting a dua for when someone is sick is a form of empathy and care. A powerful dua for a sick person is:


Dua When Someone is Sick
"As'alullaha al-'Azeem rabbal-'arshil-'azeemi an yashfika."
“As’alullaha al-‘Azeem rabbal-‘arshil-‘azeemi an yashfika.”

This dua for a sick person asks for Allah’s (SWT) healing on behalf of the individual. Using this dua for sickness helps remind the sick that Allah’s (SWT) mercy contains all. Let’s explore the powerful supplications for different kinds of pain and how often to recite them.

Duas for Pain in Different Body Parts

Pain can occur in different body parts, and there are specific duas you can recite based on where the pain is located. Let’s look at these diseases for pain in the body.

Dua for Head Pain

Headaches can disrupt our daily routine. Recite this short verse for relief.

Dua for Head Pain:
"Lā yuṣadda'ūna 'anhā walā yunzifūn."
“Lā yuṣadda’ūna ‘anhā walā yunzifūn.”

This verse reminds us of the blessing of relief from pain in the Hereafter, but it can also be recited for relief from headaches in this world.

Dua for Stomach and Belly Pain

Stomach issues, including cramps, nausea, or general discomfort, are common. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us to turn to Allah (SWT) when feeling unwell. Supplication (Dua) can relieve stomach and abdominal discomfort. For belly, stomach, Gas, and Gastric Pain, the following dus is recited:

Dua for Stomach and belly Pain:
"Ya Allahu, Ya Allahu, Ya Allahu, Ya Rahmanu, Ya Rahimu, Ya Rabbal-Arbabi, Ya Ilahal-Aalihat, Ya Malikal-Muluk, Ya Sayyidas-Saadat, Ishfini Bi-Shifa'ika Min Kulli Daa'in wa Suqmin, Fa Inni 'Abduka wa Ibn 'Abdayka, Fa Ana Atakalabu Fi Qabdatika."
“Ya Allahu, Ya Allahu, Ya Allahu, Ya Rahmanu, Ya Rahimu, Ya Rabbal-Arbabi, Ya Ilahal-Aalihat, Ya Malikal-Muluk, Ya Sayyidas-Saadat, Ishfini Bi-Shifa’ika Min Kulli Daa’in wa Suqmin, Fa Inni ‘Abduka wa Ibn ‘Abdayka, Fa Ana Atakalabu Fi Qabdatika.”

Dua for Tooth Pain

Toothaches can be especially painful. This dua, similar to the general dua for pain, can bring comfort during a toothache:

Dua for Tooth Pain:
"Azhibi al-ba'sa Rabb an-naas ishf Anta ash-Shaafi, laa shifa'a illa shifa'uka, shifa'an laa yughadiru saqaman."
“Azhibi al-ba’sa Rabb an-naas ishf Anta ash-Shaafi, laa shifa’a illa shifa’uka, shifa’an laa yughadiru saqaman.”

This dua reminds us that Allah (SWT) is the ultimate healer, and His cure is the one that leaves no traces of illness behind.

Dua for Menstrual Pain

A menstrual period can be challenging for girls and women. It typically begins at puberty and can be physically draining. Many women experience severe menstrual cramps. Recite the following dua for menstrual pain for relief.


Dua for Menstrual Pain:
"Allahumma Rabban-naas, azhibil-ba's, washfi antash-Shaafi laa shifaa'a illaa shifaa'uka, shifaa'an laa yughaadiru saqamaa."
“Allahumma Rabban-naas, azhibil-ba’s, washfi antash-Shaafi laa shifaa’a illaa shifaa’uka, shifaa’an laa yughaadiru saqamaa.”

This dua is a beautiful reminder that Allah (SWT) knows our pain and suffering, and His healing is complete and perfect.

Dua for Eye and Ear Pain

For pain in the eyes or ears, a simple dua for eye pain or dua for ear pain is the general dua for pain relief:

Dua for Eye and Ear Pain:
"Allahumma matti'ni bi-basari wa'j'alhu al-waritha minni wa arini fi al-aduwi tha'ri wa'nsurni 'ala man dhalamani."
“Allahumma matti’ni bi-basari wa’j’alhu al-waritha minni wa arini fi al-aduwi tha’ri wa’nsurni ‘ala man dhalamani.”

Dua for Ankle Pain

Those who experience pain in their ankles can recite the following dua for relief.

Dua for Ankle Pain
"A'udhu billahi wa-qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa-uhaziru."
“A’udhu billahi wa-qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa-uhaziru.”

Dua for Anxiety

Anxiety is a common human experience, often caused by fears, worries, or uncertainties. In Islam, Muslims view anxiety as a challenge they can overcome through faith, prayer, and trust in Allah (SWT). The following powerful dua, recited by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is a spiritual remedy for anxiety, stress, and sorrow.

Dua for anxiety
"Allaahumma 'innee 'a'oothu bika minal-hammi walhazani, wal'ajzi walkasali, walbukhli waljubni, wa dhala'id-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijaal."
“Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-hammi walhazani, wal’ajzi walkasali, walbukhli waljubni, wa dhala’id-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijaal.”

How to Recite Duas for Pain?

The number of times to recite duas for pain can differ based on personal choice and guidance from the Sunnah. Typically, many duas for physical pain, like the one for placing your hand on the painful area, are recited seven times after saying “Bismillah” three times. However, other duas, such as those for general sickness or when making dua for a sick person, are often repeated three to seven times. Reciting these supplications after every obligatory prayer (five times daily) is also recommended for consistent relief. Finally, you can continue reciting the dua as often as needed, maintaining trust in Allah’s (SWT) healing and relief.

Patience and Trust in Allah (SWT) While Reciting Dua

It’s crucial to remember that Allah’s (SWT) healing can come in different forms. Sometimes, Allah (SWT) removes pain directly, while at other times, He allows it to continue as a test of patience. As you recite the dua for pain, remember to remain patient, trust Allah’s (SWT) wisdom, and know that every pain you take is a means of purifying your soul and earning Allah’s (SWT) pleasure.

Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that:

As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “When Allah wills good for someone, He afflicts him with trials.” [Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 5645]

Through these trials, including pain and sickness, our sins are forgiven, and their rank is promoted in the sight of Allah (SWT).


Reciting dua for pain is a powerful way to seek healing from Allah (SWT), strengthen your faith, and find comfort during hardship. Whether it’s a minor headache, menstrual cramps, or a more serious illness, turning to Allah (SWT) through dua is an essential aspect of Islamic practice. Remember to be consistent in your duas, seek medical treatment when necessary, and trust in Allah Almighty’s mercy and wisdom.

May Allah (SWT) grant us all relief from our pains and help us to remember Him in every moment of ease and difficulty.


Last Updated on November 29, 2024 by Jamshed Anwer






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