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Essential Duas for Hajj and Umrah: A Spiritual Guide



Hajj and Umrah are important acts of worship for Muslims worldwide. Hajj is obligatory for financially capable and non-disabled Muslims to perform at least once in their lifetime. Umrah is a highly recommended pilgrimage that can be carried out at any time of the year. Duas play an important role in our lives, enabling us to communicate with Allah (SWT) and seek guidance, forgiveness, and blessings during Hajj and Umrah journeys.

Dua is more than just words; it’s a conversation between a servant and their Creator. It’s an expression of love, gratitude, and dependence on Allah’s (SWT) infinite mercy and wisdom. You can read more about the importance of dua in our blog post: Importance of Dua in Islam.

Check out our blog for in-depth information about Umrah and Hajj.

Join us on this sacred journey as we present a list of Duas for Hajj and Umrah, guiding pilgrims toward a deeper and more spiritually improved experience. Let us accompany you on this path of spiritual growth and understanding.

Dua for Intention of Hajj

This Dua is for the intention of performing Hajj:

Dua for Intention of Hajj
Allahumma inni uridu l-Ḥajja fa yassirhu li wa taqabbalhu minni.
“O Allah, I intend to perform Hajj, so make it easy and accept it from me.”

Reciting this dua demonstrates readiness to obey Allah’s (SWT) command on the Hajj journey.

Dua for Intention of Umrah

This Dua is for the intention of Umrah:

Dua for Intention of Umrah
Allahumma innee uridul umrah; fayassir haa li wa taqabbalahaa minnee.
“O Allah, I intend to perform Umrah, so make it easy and accept it from me.”

Reciting this Dua represents your intention to start the blessed journey of Umrah, expressing your desire to perform this voluntary pilgrimage with devotion and sincerity.

Dua for Hajj and Umrah

If you plan to perform both Hajj and Umrah during the same journey, you can combine your intention and perform. That is known as “Qiran or Tamattu” Hajj.

Dua for Hajj and Umrah
Allahumma inni uridu l-ʿUmrata wa l-Ḥajja fa yassirhuma li wa taqabbalhuma minni.
“O Allah, I intend to perform Umrah and Hajj, so make them easy for me and accept them from me.”

Recite this Dua when you intend to perform Hajj and Umrah combined.

If you want to learn more about this type of Hajj, click the link and explore Qiran or Tamattu Hajj.

Dua when Leaving Home for Hajj

Dua Leaving Home for Hajj
Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'ala l-lahi wa lā ḣawla wa la quwwata illa bi l-lah
“In the name of Allah, I have placed my trust in Allah, and there is no power or might except by Allah Almighty.”

Recite this Dua before leaving home for Hajj, seeking Allah’s (SWT) guidance and protection throughout the journey and His refuge from potential pitfalls or missteps.

Dua When Boarding a Vehicle

Recite this dua when traveling anywhere or about to board a vehicle. It is recommended that you recite the following Dua:

Dua for Boarding a Vehicle
Subhanal-ladzi sakh-khara lana hadza wa ma kunna lahu muqrinin. Wa inna ila Rabbina lamun-qalibun.
“All praise is for Allah Almighty. How perfect He is, the One Who has placed this (transport) at our service. We would not have been capable of that, and to our Lord is our final destiny.”

Dua upon Arrival at the Holy Place

Upon arriving at the holy place, it is recommended to recite the following Dua to receive more blessings:

Dua for Arrival Holy place
"A'udhu billahi al-'Adheem wa bi-wajhihi al-Kareem wa sultanihi al-Qadeem min ash-Shaytan ir-Rajeem, Bismillahi wa as-salatu wa as-salamu 'ala Rasulillah, Allahumma ighfir li dhunubi wa aftah li abwaba rahmatik."
“I seek refuge in Allah the Almighty, by His noble countenance, and His eternal power, from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, forgive my sins and open the gates of Your mercy for me.”

Reciting this Dua, you pray for protection from Satan, forgiveness for sins, and ask for mercy and blessings upon arrival at a holy place.

Dua for Beginning Ihram

Reciting Tasbeeh (glorifying God), Tahleel (declaring God’s oneness), and Takbeer (exalting God’s greatness) is recommended.

Dua for Ihram
Subhan Allah, La ilaha ill Allah, Allahu Akbar.
“Glory be to Allah. There is no god but Allah, and Allah is The Greatest.”

For more information about Ihram, visit our blog, Entering the State of Ihram for Hajj and Umrah.

Talbiyah Recitation

The Talbiyah is a holy phrase recited by pilgrims during Hajj and Umrah, symbolizing their complete submission to Allah (SWT) and their presence for His service.

Talbiyah Recitation
Labbayka Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayka La Sharika Laka Labbayk. Innal Hamda Wan-ni'mata laka Wal-mulk. La Sharika Lak.
“Here I am at your service, O Allah. Here I am at Your service. You have no partner. Truly, all praise and blessings belong to You, and so does sovereignty. You have no partner.”

Dua for the First Sight of Kaaba

When you see the Kaaba for the first time, it can be a powerful and emotional moment. As Muslims, we believe that making dua at this time is important because it is the time of acceptance of prayers.

Dua for the First Sight of Kaaba
Allahumma zid hadha l-bayta tashrifan wa ta'dhiman wa takriman wa mahaba(tan), wa zid man sharrafahu wa karramahu mimman hajjahu awtamarahu tashrifan wa takriman wa ta'dhiman wa birra.
“O Allah, increase this House in honor and esteem, reverence and awe, and increase the one who honors and ennobles it, of those who travel to it for Hajj or Umrah, in honor, esteem, reverence, and piety.”

There is a beautiful dua that covers many important supplications. Through this dua, we can ask Allah (SWT) for beneficial knowledge, the ability to perform good deeds (amal), sufficient provision (sustenance), and healing from any sickness. With this single dua, we can express our desire for a balanced and blessed life.

Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘ilman naafi’an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan.
“O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, good sustenance, and accepted deeds.”

Dua for Tawaf

Circumambulating the holy Kaaba is a symbolic act during Hajj and Umrah. With each step, pilgrims start on a spiritual journey, following the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Hajar (AS). But Tawaf isn’t just about physical movement; it’s also a powerful opportunity for dua (supplication). As pilgrims raise their hands in supplication, their hearts turn towards Allah (SWT). Performing Tawaf during Hajj and Umrah is the time to ask the Almighty for blessings, guidance, and forgiveness through duas.

Dua for Tawaf 
SubhanAllahi walhamdu lillahi wala ilaha illallah wallahu akbar wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah.
“Glory be to Allah, and praise be to Allah. There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest, and there is no power nor might except with Allah.”

In another blog, we discuss the Tawaf in Hajj and Umrah: Significance and Method.

Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah

Sa’ee (walking between Safa and Marwa) is an important part of Hajj and Umrah, and it’s recommended to recite Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 158, during this entire act.

Sa'ee Between Safa and Marwah
Innassafaa wal marwata min sha'airillah, faman hajj al baeeta awi'tamara falaa junaaha a'laihi aiyattawwafa bihi maa, wa man tatawwa'a khairan fa innAllaha shaakirun a'leem.
“Indeed, Safa and Marwah are among the symbols of Allah. Hence, those who perform Hajj or Umrah at the holy Kaabah can safely walk between them without fearing sin. And Allah Knows and Appreciates him who does any good with a willing heart.” (Quran 2:158)

If you want to learn about one of the pillars of Hajj and Umrah, click on the link and read our detailed blog post on Sa’ee Between Safa and Marwah: A Pillar of Hajj and Umrah.

Dua at Mount Safa and Marwah

Duas recited at Safa and Marwa mountains during the Sa’i ritual of Hajj and Umrah:

At upon reaching Mount Safa and Marwah
“It surely Safa and Marwah are among the signs of Allah Almighty.”

This dua is recited only once upon reaching the top of Safa and Marwa while facing the Kaaba.

Dua for Drinking ZamZam Water

The most important thing is sincerity. Make dua from your heart and ask for whatever you desire. You can combine the general supplication (Bismillah) with the specific dua mentioned below.

Dua for Drinking ZamZam Water
Allahumma inni as'aluka 'ilman nafi'an, wa rizqan wasi'an, wa 'amalan mutaqabbalan, wa shifa'an min kulli da'.
“O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, abundant provision, and a cure for every illness.”

If you want to learn more about the history and significance of Zamzam water, click on the link and read our comprehensive blog, Zamzam Water: Its History, Significance, and Benefits for Muslims.

Dua after Every Prayer

Prayer (Salat) is a cornerstone of Muslim life, a direct conversation with Allah (SWT). But the act of worship doesn’t end with the final taslim. Many Muslims choose to extend their connection with Allah (SWT) by reciting duas (supplications) after each obligatory prayer.

Dua after Every Prayer
Allahumma a'inni 'ala zikrika wa syukrika wa ḥusni 'ibadatik
“O Allah, help me to remember You, express gratitude towards You, and worship You in the best manner.”

Dua between Two Sujood

In sujood, we are closer to Allah (SWT) than at any other point in prayer. This physical proximity translates to a spiritual closeness, making your duas more likely to be heard and accepted. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) highlighted the importance of dua between the two prostrations. He urged believers to “seize the opportunity” for supplication during this unique moment.

Dua between two Sujood
“O Allah, forgive me, have mercy upon me, guide me, enrich me, give me health, grant me sustenance, and raise my rank.”

Tasbih Fatima: Along with dua, it is recommended that you recite Tasbih Fatima after each obligatory prayer. This remembrance consists of 33 Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah), 33 Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), and 33 Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest).

Personal Duas

During Hajj and Umrah, pilgrims are encouraged to make personal duas in addition to the prescribed Duas for each Mansik. This is a great opportunity for pilgrims to express their desires, concerns, and gratitude to Allah (SWT) by speaking from their hearts. It should be remembered that Allah (SWT) always listens and responds to sincere Duas. While the following duas offer guidance for self-improvement, remember that dua is a personal conversation with Allah (SWT). You can make dua for anything that weighs on your heart, desires, or aspirations for growth.

surah al-Baqarah ayat no 286
“Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord! Do not place a burden on us like the one you placed on those before us. Our Lord! Do not burden us with what we cannot bear. Pardon us, forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our ˹only˺ Guardian. So grant us victory over the disbelieving people.”
surah Ali Imran verses 16
“Our Lord! We have believed, so forgive our sins and protect us from the torment of the Fire.”
“Guide us to the Right Path.”

It’s important to remember to include our loved ones, friends, and community in our prayers, asking for their well-being, guidance, and forgiveness. This selfless act strengthens the bonds within our community and fosters a sense of unity. By doing this, we can deepen our spiritual connection with Allah (SWT), experience the transformative power of prayer, and find solace and guidance on our faith journey.

The following blogs could provide valuable insights and guidance for those seeking to understand the importance of dua and its role in daily life.


The importance of making duas (supplications) during Hajj and Umrah cannot be overstated. These sacred journeys offer a unique opportunity to connect with the Divine, seeking blessings, forgiveness, and guidance. From the moment we intend to start this spiritual journey until we complete the rituals, we are encouraged to remain in a constant state of supplication.

May this guide serve as a reminder to embrace the power of dua throughout your Hajj or Umrah. Your supplications be sincere, and your journey be filled with spiritual growth.

May Allah (SWT) accept our prayers and bless our journey to Hajj and Umrah with guidance, spiritual enlightenment, and His (SWT) pleasure. Ameen.






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