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Understanding Tawakkul in Allah (SWT)


Tawakkul: Trusting Allah (SWT)

Ever felt like life’s a rollercoaster? Ups and downs, twists and turns. Imagine having a steady anchor during those wild rides. That’s Tawakkul. It’s the beautiful Islamic belief in relying completely on Allah, no matter what.

Think of it as having full faith that Allah’s got your back, always. It’s not about sitting idle, but working hard while knowing the outcome is in His hands. Tawakkul is like a warm hug for your soul, bringing you closer to Allah. Let’s dive deeper into this amazing gift.

Quran Verses Highlighting Tawakkul in Allah

The concept of Tawakkul, or reliance on Allah Almighty, is one of the central themes of the Quran. The Quran encourages its believers to trust in Allah (SWT) in all situations and to seek His help and guidance. Here are some verses that highlight the importance of Tawakkul in the Holy Quran:

The concept of Tawakkul in Allah, as mentioned in Surah Talaq verse 3
and provide for them from sources they could never imagine. And whoever puts their trust in Allah (SWT), then He (alone) is sufficient for them. Certainly Allah (SWT) achieves His Will. Allah (SWT) has already set a destiny for everything. (Surah Talaq verse 3)

The importance of putting faith in Allah as mentioned in Quran, Surah Imran verse 122
When two parties among you were about to lose courage, but Allah (SWT) was their ally; and upon Allah (SWT) the believers should rely. (Surah Imran verse 122)

The Quran verse encouraging its believers to trust in Allah (SWT).
And rely upon Allah (SWT); and sufficient is Allah (SWT)as Disposer of affairs. (Surah Ahzab verse 3)

These verses demonstrate that Allah (SWT) is the ultimate protector, provider, and planner for the believers. They reassure that Allah (SWT) will never disappoint them. Trusting in Allah (SWT) does not imply being inactive or surrendering to fate. Instead, it means staying proactive and hopeful, believing that Allah (SWT) will always support their efforts and ultimately reward them.

Hadiths Highlighting Tawakkul

There are many hadiths that highlight the importance and benefits of tawakkul. One of the best examples of tawakkul is the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), who faced many trials and hardships with patience and perseverance while always putting his trust in Allah (SWT). He taught us how to practice tawakkul in every situation, whether in war or peace, poverty or wealth, health or sickness. 

Hazrat Umar (R.A) said:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) say: If you were to rely upon Allah (SWT) with the reliance He is due, you would be given provision like the birds: They go out hungry in the morning and come back with full bellies in the evening.”

(Sunan Ibn Majah: 4164)

Hazrat Anas bin Malik (R.A) narrated that a man said:

“O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?”

He (SAW) said: “Tie your camel and put your trust in Allah.

(Jami at-Tirmidhi: 2517)

This means that we should take the necessary means and precautions, but then leave the outcome to Allah (SWT), who knows what is best for us.

How can we Practice Tawakkal

One of the actions that we can take to demonstrate our tawakkal in Allah is to perform qiyam ul layl, the night prayer, which is a special act of worship that brings us closer to our Lord and increases our faith. By praying at night, we ask Him for His guidance and help in our affairs. Qiyam ul Layl is a way of expressing our dependence on Allah and our hope in His mercy.

If you want to develop more tawakkul then perform five daily prayers.

Practicing Tawakkul involves consciously removing doubts and strengthening our trust in Allah (SWT). If you want to learn more about the 9 Practical Steps to Practice Tawakkul in Daily Life

Another action that we can take to strengthen our tawakkul in Allah is to constantly do Istighfar, the act of seeking forgiveness from Allah. Istighfar also opens the doors of blessings and opportunities for us, as Allah says in the Quran: “And whoever does evil or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness of Allah will find Allah Forgiving and Merciful.(4:110)

Read more about the amazing benefits of doing Istighfar and the secret of Astaghfirullah.

A third action that we can take to manifest our tawakkul in Allah is to give sadaqah, the voluntary charity, which is a sign of our generosity and compassion. Sadaqah benefits not only the recipients but also the givers, as it protects them from calamities, increases their wealth, and purifies their intentions. There are unbelievable benefits of giving sadaqah, as it reflects our trust in Allah’s provision and our willingness to share His wealth with others.

Finally, a fourth action that we can take to enhance our tawakkul in Allah is to make dua. There is a great importance of Dua in Islam, but we should make Dua with this firm belief in Allah Almighty that He will surely grant us our wishes. Dua is a means of obtaining Allah’s favor and mercy, as He says in the Quran: “And your Lord says, ‘Call upon Me; I will respond to you.’(40:60)

Practical Examples of Tawakkul

Tawakkul, which means trust in Allah (SWT), is a significant concept in Islam. We can learn how to practice tawakkul in our daily life by looking at the examples of the prophets. There are numerous stories of the Prophet’s trust in Allah (SWT) mentioned in the Holy Quran. In the subsequent paragraphs, we will discuss some of these stories.

The Tawakkul of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

In the Quran, there is a story about Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) that illustrates his unwavering trust in Allah (SWT). King Namrud, a cruel ruler, ordered a huge fire to be lit and threw Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) into it because he refused to worship the king. Even as Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was thrown into the blazing fire, he didn’t lose hope in Allah (SWT). Miraculously, Allah made the fire cool and safe for Ibrahim (A.S). This incredible event shows us how Hazrat Ibrahim’s (A.S) strong belief in Allah’s (SWT) guidance and protection, known as Tawakkul, allowed him to face an impossible situation with unyielding trust. It teaches us that putting our trust in Allah (SWT) can lead to miraculous outcomes, no matter how tough things may seem. 

The Tawakkul of Hazrat Musa (AS)

Similarly, the story of Hazrat Musa (A.S) demonstrates the power of Tawakkul. As Pharaoh’s army rushed towards them, the Israelites stood at the Red Sea with no hope. However, Hazrat Musa (A.S) showed genuine trust in Allah (SWT) and believed that He would undoubtedly help His Messenger. In response to his unwavering faith, Allah (SWT) commanded the sea to divide in half, allowing the Israelites to cross safely. This story reminds us that having complete trust in Allah (SWT) can bring about wondrous outcomes even in the most dire of circumstances.

The Tawakkul of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

Once, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was taking a nap under a tree, and his sword was hanging on the branch of the tree. An assassin who had been following him took his sword and placed his cloak on the face of the Prophet. The Prophet (SAW) woke up, and the man asked, “Who will save you now?” 

What do you think the Prophet PBUH did? 

He simply replied, “Allah (SWT)” with so much conviction and force that the man felt as if an earthquake was about to strike him. He fell to the ground, and the sword slipped from his hand. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) then asked him who would save him, and he replied with the declaration of faith, ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadarrasulullah, and accepted Islam.

During the Battle of Badr, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and his small group of followers faced a bigger and better-prepared enemy. Despite the challenging situation, the Prophet showed strong trust in Allah (SWT), praying for victory. He said, “O Allah (SWT), if You don’t grant us victory, there will be no one left on earth to worship You” (Sahih Muslim). The believers’ faith and reliance on Allah (SWT) led to a remarkable triumph in the battle. This event teaches us that even in difficult times, trusting in Allah (SWT) and seeking His help can bring about extraordinary outcomes.

Please read more about the significance of Battle of Badr and how this Ghazwa is regarded as an important moment in the development of Islam.

Benefits of Practicing Tawakkul:

Trusting in Allah (SWT) comes with numerous benefits. When you put your trust in Allah, you experience inner peace, reduced stress, increased patience, deepened faith, and a greater willingness to engage in acts of kindness and generosity.

Inner Peace: Relying on Allah Almighty brings a profound sense of inner peace. You understand that Allah (SWT) is in control and has a plan for every situation. This knowledge alleviates anxiety and stress.

Stress Reduction: Tawakkul helps in reducing stress by acknowledging that outcomes are ultimately in Allah’s (SWT) hands. You are relieved from the burden of feeling solely responsible for the results of your efforts.

Increased Patience: Trusting in Allah’s (SWT) wisdom fosters patience. Sometimes things may not go as planned, but you remain patient, knowing that Allah’s (SWT) plan is better.

Increased Faith: Tawakkul deepens one’s faith in Allah Almighty. As you experience Allah’s (SWT) support in your life, your trust and reliance on Him grow stronger.

Acts of Kindness and Generosity: With a deep sense of trust in Allah’s (SWT) provision, you are often more willing to engage in acts of kindness and generosity, knowing that Allah’s (SWT) blessings are abundant.

Defeating Shaitan: Another benefit of practicing Tawakkul is that it helps us defeat shaitan in many ways. Shaitan tries to make us despair of Allah’s (SWT) mercy and lose hope in His (SWT) promises. But when we trust in Allah (SWT), we are confident that He (SWT) will never forsake us or let us down.

If you have came this far then you must read our blog where we have explained fifteen ways to defeat shaitan.

The Connection between Tawakkul, Taqwa, and Sabr

Tawakkul means trusting Allah’s (SWT) plan, Taqwa means being mindful and pious, and Sabr is patiently persevering. These three work together, creating a balanced approach to life. It involves relying on Allah (SWT), being aware of His presence in our actions, and staying patient during tough times. This combination helps believers face challenges with a strong trust in Allah (SWT), promoting a virtuous life rooted in faith, mindfulness, and steadfastness.

Dua for Strengthening Your Tawakkal

Hazrat Abu al-Darda (R.A) said:

If anyone says seven times morning and evening;

Dua for Strengthening Your Tawakkal, which says Hasbiyallaahu laa 'ilaaha 'illaa Huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rabbul-'Arshil-'Adheem.
Hasbiyallaahu laa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa Huwa ‘alayhi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rabbul-‘Arshil-‘Adheem.

Allah is sufficient for me. There is none worthy of worship but Him. I have placed my trust in Him, He is Lord of the Majestic Throne.

Allah will grant whoever recites this seven times in the morning or evening whatever he desires from this world or the next. (Sunan Abi Dawud 5081)

Inspirational Quotes on Tawakkal Allah (SWT)

  • Tawakkul Allah Almighty, for He is the best of planners. [Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)]
  • Trust in Allah’s Almighty plan, for He knows what is best for you. [ Hazrat Imam Ali (R.A)]
  • Have full Tawakkal in Allah (SWT), and watch how He transforms your trials into blessings. [Hazrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab (R.A)]
  • Place your trust in Allah (SWT), and you will find strength in every struggle. [ Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)]
  • Tawakkul Allah (SWT), and you will see miracles unfold in your life. [Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (R.A)]
  • Believe in the power of Tawakkul Allah (SWT), and you will find peace in every storm. [ Hazrat Imam Hassan (A.S)]
  • When you have Tawakkul Allah (SWT), even the impossible becomes possible. [Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S)]
  • In the journey of life, Tawakkal Allah Almighty is the compass that guides you to your destination. [Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)]
  • Tawakkal Allah (SWT) and let go of worries, for He is the best Guardian of affairs. [Hazrat Aisha (R.A)]
  • When you trust Allah (SWT) completely, you’ll find Him all-sufficient and ever-responsive. [Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya]

Conclusion: Trust in Allah (SWT) through Tawakkul

In conclusion, it is important to trust in Allah (SWT) more than anything else in the world. Our faith in Him must be stronger than our trust in money, power, and material possessions. If we adopt piety and trust in Him, Allah (SWT) will make a way out of every difficulty for us. Sometimes this way may not be immediately visible, but with trust in Him, Allah (SWT) will make a way for us. We should remember the example of how Allah (SWT) cooled the fire for Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) and believe that Allah (SWT) will also make a way for us, even if it seems impossible.






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