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9 Practical Steps to Practice Tawakkul in Daily Life


What is Tawakkul?

Tawakkul is an Arabic term that refers to the act of trusting in Allah (SWT). It involves placing our faith in Allah Almighty and relying on Him, accepting that He is the ultimate planner and controller of everything. While we are encouraged to work hard, make efforts, and take necessary precautions for our goals, we are also reminded to practice Tawakkul in Allah (SWT) by putting our trust in Him and accepting whatever outcomes result from our efforts.

Al-Wakeel is one of the 99 names of Allah and is translated as “the Disposer of Affairs” or “the Trustee.” This name emphasizes Allah Almighty’s role as the ultimate guardian, manager, and disposer of all affairs in the universe. The Quran refers to Allah (SWT) as Al-Wakeel fourteen times.

Importance of Tawakkul

By completely trusting Allah and relying on Him, we avoid being depressed by potential losses or intoxicated by success. We recognize that everything is in Allah’s hands, which makes us humbler and more submissive to our Lord. Leaving matters to Allah provides relief from every hardship.

The importance of Tawakkul is emphasized in both the Quran and the Hadith.

Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

Importance of Tawakkul in Quran
[He is] the Lord of the East and the West; there is no deity except Him, so take Him as Disposer of [your] affairs. (Surah Muzzammil Ayat 9)

This verse reminds us of Tawheed which is the first pillar of Islam. He (SWT) controls the East and the West. It emphasizes the oneness of Allah (SWT) and encourages us to trust Him completely with our affairs.

Will our needs ever go beyond the East and the West?

Importance of practicing Tawakkul in Surah Furqan
And rely upon the Ever-Living who does not die, and exalt [Allah] with His praise. And sufficient is He to be, with the sins of His servants. (Surah Furqan Ayat 58) 

This beautiful verse reminds us that we should have Tawakkul in Allah (SWT), who is always alive and never dies. It encourages us to praise and glorify Him. Additionally, it reminds us that Allah (SWT) is fully capable of forgiving and managing our mistakes and sins.

Hazrat Anas bin Malik (R.A) narrated that a man said:

“O Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)! Shall I tie it and rely(upon Allah), or leave it loose and rely(upon Allah)?” He said: “Tie it and rely(upon Allah).

(Jami at-Tirmidhi 2517)

This hadith gives us advice that we should work hard and trust in Allah (SWT) at the same time. It suggests that we should take a well-rounded approach to life, where we have Tawakkul in Allah (SWT) and actively do our part. We should fulfill our responsibilities while also recognizing that the ultimate results are in the hands of a higher power.

9 Steps to Practice Tawakkul

Practicing Tawakkul helps us to turn challenges into opportunities for spiritual growth, and to build flexibility, find peace, and connect with Allah (SWT) consistently. 

In this article, we will go through nine important steps to learn and practice Tawakkul, discovering how it can help us in our daily lives.

1. Appreciating the Greatness and Mercy of Allah

Practical Tawakkul involves appreciating how great and merciful Allah (SWT) is. It means putting trust in Him while actively doing your best in life. It’s like recognizing that Allah (SWT) is amazing and kind, and at the same time, relying on Him while making practical efforts to succeed in whatever you’re doing. This combination acknowledges Allah’s Almighty greatness and actively trusts Him in everyday actions. 

By deepening your understanding of Allah Almighty’s names and attributes, you can have a better understanding of Tawakkul. Taking the time to learn about the various qualities of Allah (SWT) and reflecting on them is the first step towards developing Tawakkul.

2. Making an Effort to Attain Your Goals

To achieve your goals, you must make an effort and work towards them. There are two types of ways to do this: worldly and spiritual. 

Imagine you’re on a journey. You prepare well, pack your bags, and plan your route. But once you’re on the road, you trust that the journey’s outcome lies in Allah’s hands. You do your best, but you also recognize that ultimate control rests with Him.

So, Tawakkul isn’t passivity or laziness; it’s an active trust—an unwavering belief that Allah knows what’s best for us. It’s like a sailor who skillfully navigates the ship while trusting that Allah controls the winds and tides.

Remember: Tawakkul doesn’t mean we stop striving or planning; it means we combine our efforts with trust in Allah’s wisdom. When faced with challenges, we work hard but also surrender to His will.

3. Maintaining Tawheed in your Heart

Practical Tawakkul requires us to keep Tawheed, which means recognizing the oneness of Allah (SWT) and having firm faith in His unique and unmatched attributes, in our hearts. To practice Tawakkul effectively, we must maintain this oneness in our hearts by having sincere and unwavering belief in Allah’s Almighty sovereignty and relying on Him in all aspects of life. 

Tawheed is the first pillar of Islam and the indivisible unification concept of monotheism. It is Islam’s central and single most important concept, upon which a Muslim’s entire religious adherence rests. Tawhid unquestionably states that God (Allah) is one and single. It constitutes the foremost article of the Muslim profession of submission. The first part of the shahada (the Islamic declaration of faith) is the declaration of belief in the unification of God. To attribute divinity to anything or anyone else is considered shirk, an unforgivable sin according to the Qur’an unless repented afterward. We as Muslims believe that the entirety of Islamic teaching rests on the principle of Tawhid.

4. Being Grateful to Allah Almighty

To truly practice Tawakkul, it is crucial to show gratitude to Allah Almighty for the blessings and opportunities He provides. By acknowledging and thanking Allah (SWT) for what we have, we strengthen our reliance on Him and recognize that everything we possess is a gift from Him. 

Being grateful demonstrates our trust in His wisdom and provision. Therefore, expressing gratitude to Allah (SWT) is an essential aspect of Tawakkul. Let us make it a daily practice to appreciate His blessings and show our unwavering trust in Him.

5. Thinking Positively About Allah Almighty

When we face challenges or uncertainties, it is natural to feel overwhelmed or anxious. However, maintaining a positive perspective about Allah’s intentions and ability to guide and support us is essential to practice Tawakkul. By cultivating a mindset that believes in the mercy, wisdom, and benevolence of Allah, we can promote trust and hopefulness in our relationship with Him. 

It is worth noting that thinking positive thoughts about Allah is not merely a matter of wishful thinking or denial of reality. Instead, it is a conscious effort to focus on the positive aspects of our relationship with Allah and to trust that He will guide us through difficult times. This involves actively seeking out positive affirmations and reminding ourselves of Allah’s promises and blessings.

6. Taking Action and Learning from Your Mistakes

When you encounter obstacles, make mistakes or face challenges, it is essential to see them as opportunities to learn and improve. Rather than becoming disheartened, use these experiences as valuable lessons to help you grow and become a better person. Trusting in Allah (SWT) does not mean being passive; it means doing your best while understanding that the outcomes are ultimately in His hands. 

Thus, taking initiative, putting in effort, and gaining insights from your experiences are practical aspects of Tawakkul in your daily life. By taking action and learning from your mistakes, you can demonstrate your faith in Allah (SWT) and fulfill your responsibilities towards yourself and others. Ultimately, Tawakkul helps you develop a positive attitude towards life, enabling you to face challenges with courage and determination.

7. Eliminating Doubts From the Mind

As believers, it is natural for us to experience moments of doubt and uncertainty. However, it is important to recognize that some of these doubts and negative thoughts may be a result of Satan’s influence. These thoughts can often stem from fears of failure, poverty, humiliation, and other similar concerns that may seem overwhelming at times. 

It is essential to understand that these thoughts can have a significant impact on our lives, and they can hinder our ability to trust in Allah (SWT) and His plans for us. They can also cause us to lose focus and mess up our plans.

Practicing Tawakkul involves consciously removing doubts and strengthening our trust in Allah (SWT). By doing so, we can develop a more positive outlook on life and overcome any challenges that come our way.

8. Leaving the outcome to the Allah Almighty

Surrendering the outcome means that you have put in your best efforts, and now you trust Allah (SWT) to determine the results. It’s about acknowledging that Allah (SWT) has control over the outcomes of your actions. So, even as you work hard and make choices, you also let go of excessive worry about what will happen, trusting that Allah’s Almighty wisdom will prevail. It’s a way of surrendering to His plan and accepting that the final results are in His hands.

Hazrat Umar RA said:

“I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say: ‘If you were to rely upon Allah with the reliance He is due, you would be given provision like the birds: They go out hungry in the morning and come back with full bellies in the evening.”

(Sunan Ibn Majah 4164)

9. Being pleased with your destiny

To be pleased with your destiny in Islamic terms means to accept and embrace whatever outcomes or circumstances Allah (SWT) has decreed for you. It involves acknowledging that Allah (SWT), in His infinite wisdom, knows what is best for you, even if it may not align with your immediate desires or expectations. 

As a Muslim and true Moumin, you should accept Allah’s (SWT) Will, whether the result is in your favor or not. However, to strengthen your faith, it is crucial to be genuinely pleased with whatever Allah (SWT) has decreed. This can be particularly challenging, especially if the result is negative or tragic. Nonetheless, reaching a state of contentment with Allah’s (SWT) will is a significant aspect of demonstrating strong faith.

Keytake Away

Remember that practicing Tawakkul is an ongoing process that requires mindfulness, faith, and consistent effort. It is about aligning your intentions, actions, and trust in Allah’s (SWT) plan for your life.

If you’re interested in learning more about Tawakkul or putting your trust in Allah (SWT), we have a blog titled “Understanding Tawakkul in Allah (SWT)” that’s perfect for you. This blog shares insights into how prophets like Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), Hazrat Musa (AS), and Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) showed their trust in Allah. It also talks about the good things that come from Tawakkul, highlights important verses from the Quran related to trust, and explains how Tawakkul connects with other important Islamic values like Taqwa (God-consciousness) and Sabr (patience).

We encourage you to reflect on how you practice Tawakkul and incorporate it into your daily life and share your experiences with the community. Your stories can inspire and uplift others, encouraging a supportive environment where we can all grow in faith together.






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