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Comprehensive Guide to Islamic Donation and Charitable Giving



Islamic donation and charitable giving are essential to our faith, representing the values such as generosity and empathy. In Islam, we practice sadaqah and zakat while sharing a portion of our wealth to assist those facing hardship. This assistance can take various forms, such as offering food, shelter, or financial support to those who are less fortunate.

Modern Islamic donation practices have developed to meet current needs while upholding our traditional values. With the advent of technology, online platforms now make it easier for us to give zakat and sadaqah, allowing us to reach a global community in need. These platforms prioritize clarity and facilitate direct connections between donors and recipients. They operate in accordance with Islamic principles of responsible and impactful giving.

Types of Islamic Donations

In Islam, charity is a significant aspect of faith and practice. Here are the main types of Islamic donations:

Financial Donations

Monetary donations are a crucial part of Islamic charity. Mercy and generosity guide Islamic donors, who help those in need both near and far. Islamic donations often serve as lifelines for individuals facing poverty, hunger, or other hardships.

When making financial donations, it’s essential to be smart about it. Choose trustworthy Islamic charities to ensure your donation goes to the right place. Understanding the impact of your donations can help you make informed decisions about where to allocate your funds, maximizing the positive outcomes of your generosity.

Specific Donation Campaigns

Sometimes, we donate money to specific projects. For example, in Islam, “Donate Water Well” campaigns focus on providing communities with clean water. These projects help improve people’s lives by meeting essential needs.

When you involve yourself in specific campaigns, you can see exactly how your donation makes an impact. By supporting projects such as building water wells, you are creating lasting change in communities. Your support ensures that people have access to clean water, which is essential for their health and well-being.

These campaigns show us how our generosity can directly improve lives. They remind us of the power of focused giving and its impact on others.

Organ and Tissue Donation in Islam

The topic of organ and tissue donation in Islam involves a range of opinions and interpretations based on Islamic jurisprudence. Here’s an overview of the various aspects of this subject:

General Overview

Islamic law generally permits the donation of organs and body parts if it does not lead to the donor’s death and aims to save lives. However, opinions may vary among different scholars and Islamic schools of thought.

In Islam, organ donation involves giving organs such as the heart, kidneys, or liver to another person after death or while still alive. It also includes donating tissues like corneas or bone marrow for medical purposes. There is some debate among scholars regarding the permissibility of organ donation; however, some argue that it is not allowed because we do not own our body parts.

Detailed Considerations

When it comes to donating organs after death, the Islamic Fiqh Council has stated that organ donation is not haram (forbidden). There might be debates about when a person is considered dead and if there’s a permissibility to remove organs after death. People often discuss whether Islam allows organ donation, considering the good deeds it brings.

In Islam, blood donation is generally acceptable and even encouraged as an act of charity and life-saving. It is a voluntary charity that helps those in need and preserves life. Islam teaches us to help others and alleviate their suffering, making blood donation a virtuous act.

Other Types of Biological Donations

Less common topics in Islamic discussions include egg donation. Egg donation involves the donation of a woman’s eggs for use in assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Religious perspectives on egg donation may vary, with some scholars considering it permissible under certain conditions.

Others raise ethical concerns regarding issues such as parentage and the sanctity of human life. Ethical debates surrounding egg donation often revolve around consent, ownership, and the potential consequences for individuals and families involved.

Remember, opinions can vary, and it’s a good idea to seek guidance on these issues from knowledgeable religious scholars.

Handling Prohibited Wealth in Charity

Handling prohibited wealth in charity involves dealing with money or assets from forbidden sources in Islam, such as interest, gambling, or unethical businesses. In Islam, it’s crucial to ensure that when giving to charity, the money used comes from lawful sources and doesn’t involve anything prohibited. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the money used is earned through Halal ways according to Islamic teachings.

In Islam, dealing with interest money, known as “riba,” is a significant issue because the Quran strictly forbids it. Islamic scholars have differing opinions about donating interest money to charity. Some argue that they unlawfully earn interest and cannot purify or use it for charity. Others suggest that one can give it to charity, but only to eliminate it and not seek any reward or blessings from the act.

Surah Al-Baqarah verses 275 about the interest wealth
“Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stand who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say, “Trade is [just] like interest.” But Allah Almighty has permitted trade and has forbidden interest. So whoever has received an admonition from his Lord and desists may have what is past, and his affair rests with Allah Almighty. But whoever returns [to dealing in interest or usury] – those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein.” [Surah Al-Baqarah 275]

You can visit the blog “Riba (Interest) in Islam” for more information regarding interest.

Consult with knowledgeable scholars to ensure that donating interest money to charity complies with Islamic principles. The intention behind this action should be to seek purification and draw closer to Allah (SWT).

Charitable Giving on Behalf of Others

In Islam, donating on behalf of someone, whether alive or deceased, is a significant act of charity that carries great spiritual weight. This form of giving is rooted in the Intention (Niyyah) to seek blessings for the person in whose name the charity is given. It’s a way to honor loved ones and contribute to ongoing charity, known as Sadaqah Jariyah. Consequently, this charity continues to benefit people and accrue rewards for both the donor and the recipient even after death.

Here are some methods of Sadaqah Jariyah:

  • Direct Donations: Individuals can directly donate to charitable causes such as building mosques, schools, hospitals, digging wells, or supporting orphanages.
  • Endowment Funds (Waqf): Establishing a waqf is a method in which individuals dedicate assets like land, buildings, or funds to charitable purposes.
  • Planting Trees: Planting trees or supporting reforestation is an ongoing charity in Islam. Trees provide continuous benefits, such as shade, oxygen, and fruit, benefiting humans and the environment.
  • Supporting Orphans: Providing for the needs of orphans, including shelter, food, and education.

To learn more about the importance of donating to orphans, read our comprehensive blog about the 7 blessings of donating to orphans in Islam.

These acts of charity benefit the recipients and allow the donor to gain blessings and rewards continuously.

Choosing the Right Charitable Organizations

If you want to donate to an Islamic charity, it is important to research their donation policies thoroughly. One key aspect of paying attention to is the 100 percent donation policy, which guarantees that every penny you donate will go directly towards helping those in need.

This means no donation will be deducted for administrative or overhead costs, ensuring complete transparency and accountability. By choosing an Islamic charity with this policy, you can be confident that your donation will directly and meaningfully impact the lives of those who need it most. Take the time to select a charity that aligns with your values, has a clear and transparent donation policy, and makes a difference today.

Some Islamic charities operating in the UK, USA, and Canada are committed to transparency and accountability. Some of the best Islamic charities with a 100 percent donation policy are:




These are just a few examples, and many other worthy Islamic charities are operating in the UKUSA, and Canada. When choosing a charity, it’s important to do your research. By choosing the right charity, you can ensure that your donations benefit those in need and fulfill your charitable intentions in the best possible way.


Zakat and Sadaqah, Islamic donation and charitable giving are essential to our faith. They demonstrate our dedication to helping those in need and achieving social justice. Zakat and Sadaqah serve as acts of worship and tools for social welfare, fostering economic equality, and combating poverty.

We are encouraged to support organizations that uphold Islamic principles and ensure the effective use of donations. By engaging in charitable activities, we earn spiritual rewards and contribute to societal well-being, fulfilling our duty as stewards of the earth and helpers of humanity.

May your charitable efforts be blessed and bring positive transformations to the lives of others.






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