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Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA): A Sahabi of Paradise


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Imagine a man who witnessed the birth of Islam and walked alongside Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He wasn’t a king or a warlord but a brilliant merchant named Hazrat Abdul Rahman Bin Auf (RA). His story isn’t just about riches but about determined faith, brilliant business sense, and unmatched generosity. These qualities earned him a place among the ten companions of the Prophet (SAW) who were promised Jannah.

Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RA) displayed harmony between strong faith, excellent business sense, and generosity. His business success did not undermine his faith; instead, it demonstrated his capacity to maintain a balance between both aspects of his life. His story inspires us to pursue success in our goals while staying steadfast in our faith.

Glad Tidings of Paradise During His Lifetime

Hazrat Abdul Rahman Bin Auf (RA) was one of the ten companions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who were promised Paradise during their lifetimes. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) gave this good news of Paradise several times. One prominent instance is mentioned in a hadith found in Jami at Tirmidhi.

Narrated by Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RA):

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Abu Bakr is in Paradise, ‘Umar is in Paradise, ‘Uthman is in Paradise, ‘Ali is in Paradise, Talhah is in Paradise, Az-Zubair is in Paradise, ‘Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Awf is in Paradise, Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas is in Paradise, Sa’eed bin Zaid is in Paradise, and Abu’ Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah is in Paradise.”

[Jami at-Tirmidhi 3747]

During the Battle of Tabuk, Abdur Rahman (RA) showed remarkable generosity by donating a significant portion of his wealth to support the Muslim army. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) accepted this act of generosity and confirmed his place in Paradise, highlighting his elevated status.

If you want to learn about the Ashra Mubashra Sahaba, the ten blessed companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who were promised Paradise in their lives. You can read about their lives, essential contributions to Islam, and how they inspire us today.

Family Background

The exact year of Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf’s (RA) birth is not definitively known. Some sources estimate it to be around 580 CE in Mecca, while others suggest it could have been a few years earlier or later. His family was respected in Mecca, and he grew up learning about trade and how to manage a business.

However, his destiny took a remarkable turn when he embraced Islam. Among the first to respond to the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) message, Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) demonstrated his devotion by changing his name from Abu Amr to Abdul Rahman. This early conversion to Islam marked the beginning of a remarkable journey that would see him become a close companion of the Prophet (SAW) and a pillar of the early Muslim community.

Physical Appearance

Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) was tall and had a white face with a hint of red. He was known for his piety, generosity, and faith in Allah (SWT). It is said that he had a limp in his leg, which occurred after sustaining an injury in Ghazwa Uhud while fighting in the way of the truth.

Acceptance of Islam

Historical accounts suggest that Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) was among the first eight people to accept Islam. This places him alongside Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and a handful of others who accepted Islam in its early stages.

As a new Muslim in Mecca, Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RA) faced intense oppression along with the rest of the early Muslim community. The dominant crew in Mecca, the Quraysh, opposed the message of Islam. They subjected its followers to various forms of harassment, social rejection, and physical violence.

Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) took these hardships with strength and steadfast faithfulness. When the persecution of the Quraysh became unbearable, Allah (SWT) commanded Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to migrate to Medina. Following the Prophet’s (SAW) guidance, Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RA), along with many other Muslims, took part in the Hijrah. This migration marked a significant turning point in the History of Islam, providing the Muslim community with a new home where they could freely practice their faith.

The Hijrah is a crucial event in Islamic history, marking the beginning of the first Islamic state in Medina under Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) leadership. For more information, visit this blog post: Hijrah Madina ā€“ What is Hijra in Islam?

The Honour of Leading the Prayer

Hazrat Abdul Rahman(ra) bin Auf also led the congregation’s prayer with the Holy Prophet (SAW). Hazrat Mughirah (RA) relates, “I participated alongside the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the Battle of Tabuk.” He says, “The Holy Prophet (SAW) had gone to answer the call of nature before the Fajr prayer, so I carried the leather bag which contained water for him. When the Holy Prophet (SAW) returned and came close to where I was standing (as he was standing at some distance), I began pouring the water onto his hands, so he washed both his hands three times and then washed his blessed face. After that, he tried to remove his arms from his outer garment, but the sleeves were too tight, so he placed his hands inside the garment to uncover his arms and washed them up to his elbows. He then cleaned [his feet] by wiping over his leather socks. He then set forth, and I, too, walked with him until we found the people had ushered Hazrat Abdur Rahman (RA) bin Auf forward, and he was leading them in prayer. The Holy Prophet (SAW) had reached during the second of the two rak’aat [units of prayer], i.e., one rak’at had already passed by that time, and the second rak’at of the Fajr prayer was being offered when he joined the lines of prayer in congregation. When Hazrat Abdul Rahman (RA) bin Auf concluded the prayer with salam [salutation of peace], the Holy Prophet(sa) stood up to complete his prayer, which caused the Muslims to be anxious, and they began increasingly performing the tasbih [glorification of Allah (SWT)]. When the Holy Prophet(sa) had completed his prayer, he turned to the people and said, ‘What you did was right,’ or ‘You did well.'”

[Sahih Muslim]

Generosity and Charitable Acts

Hazrat Abdur Rahman Ibn Auf (RA) was known for his unique generosity and multiple charitable acts, significantly supporting the early Muslim community. Here are some instances of his vast generosity:

  1. Support for the Tabuk Expedition: He generously donated significant wealth to support the Tabuk expedition. This military campaign was led by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) against the Byzantine Empire. He contributed 200 awqiyyah of gold, which was a notable sum at the time. This act showed his strong commitment to the defense and growth of Islam.
  2. Support for Battle of Badr Survivors: After the Battle of Badr, the Muslims achieved a significant victory against the Quraysh. Abdur Rahman ibn Auf (RA) generously supported the survivors of the battle. His contributions helped provide 500 dinars for the needs of the injured and their families. This act showed his compassion and solidarity with fellow Muslims during difficult times.
  3. Arrival of Seven Hundred Camels Caravan in Medina: This story is about a caravan of seven hundred camels arriving in Medina. Caravans were a common way to transport goods and trade in old Arabia. This was a big deal because he was an intelligent trader, and having so many camels meant he was doing well in his business. As soon as the camels arrived, Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) saw an opportunity to help himself and the other Muslims in Medina. He used the things carried by the camels to support the Muslim community by giving them things they needed, like food and supplies. This event is an excellent example of how Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RA) lived by the teachings of Islam. These teachings emphasize that being generous and caring for others is essential.

Business Strategy

Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RA) was a bright and successful businessman. His approach to commerce is respected for its focus on ethical practices and sound financial principles. Let’s take a closer look at three critical elements of his business strategy:

Low Gearing/High Liquidity

  • Low Gearing: He minimized debt by not heavily relying on borrowing to fund his business experiences. This approach helped to reduce financial risk and Riba (interest) expenses, ensuring the stability and sustainability of his business. He primarily used his capital to fund his experiences, avoiding the pitfalls of excessive debt.
  • High Liquidity: He maintained high levels of cash reserves and efficiently liquidated assets. This high liquidity allowed him to respond to market opportunities and challenges quickly. For example, when he arrived in Medina, he promptly engaged in business using his available resources, starting with basic trading and growing rapidly. His ability to have readily available funds ensured that he could take business opportunities as they arose and maintain smooth operations.

High Volume/Low Profit

  • High Volume: This strategy involves focusing on high turnover by trading large quantities of goods to benefit from economies of scale. By selling a large volume of merchandise, the overall profits can be significant. This is true even if the profit margin on each item is relatively low.
  • Low Profit: This strategy entails maintaining modest profit margins on each sale to keep prices competitive and attractive to customers. This approach aims to increase sales volume and build a loyal customer base that appreciates fair pricing.

High Credibility

  • Trust and Reliability: He was known for his honesty and ethical business practices. His reputation for integrity and fairness was essential to his success. He ensured his transactions were transparent and kept his promises, which helped build trust among his trading partners and customers.
  • Contribution to Business Success: Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf’s (RA) high credibility made him the preferred choice for doing business. People knew they could rely on his word and the quality of his goods. This trust extended beyond his customers to include his peers and the broader community. His reputation for trustworthiness attracted more business and encouraged smoother transactions, further improving his business prospects.

For more information about business in Islam, visit this blog post: Ethics of Business in Islam.

Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) Net Worth

Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) was known for his immense generosity and significant contributions to the early Muslim community. Historical accounts mention that upon his passing, he left behind a vast amount of wealth. However, the exact value is not definitively documented.

How Did Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RA) Die?

Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) passed away in 33 AH (After Hijra), corresponding to 653-654 CE in the Gregorian calendar. He was approximately 75 years old at the time of his death in Medina. While specific details surrounding his cause of death are not extensively documented, historians believe he passed away peacefully from natural causes.


The exact location of Hazrat Abdul Rahman ibn Auf’s (RA) grave remains a subject of some debate. While some traditions place it near Amman, Jordan, definitive confirmation is lacking.


Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) is an outstanding example for modern Muslims, demonstrating how to live with honesty, generosity, and strong faith. His life teaches us that it is possible to succeed in business while adhering to Islamic values and helping others. He showed we can balance making money with fulfilling our religious duties and caring for our community. His generous actions remind us of giving to those in need. Abdul Rahman bin Auf’s (RA) life inspires Muslims today, teaching us that true success comes from combining personal wealth with community service and deep faith.

Last Updated on June 1, 2024 by Jamshed Anwer






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