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The Divine Key to Rizq: Blessings and Ways to Increase It


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Rizq (sustenance or provision) is a central concept in Islam that contains everything that sustains and benefits a person. It includes not only material wealth but also spiritual and emotional support, knowledge, health, and even the relationships we hold dear. Rizq is the sum of all blessings Allah (SWT) provided to His (SWT) creation.

In Islam, Rizq is a divine provision Allah (SWT) granted according to His (SWT) wisdom and mercy. Human effort plays a role in earning Rizq, but ultimately, Allah (SWT) bestows it. This provision extends to all creation, ensuring that every living being receives what is necessary for its existence and well-being.

Allah (SWT) is Ar-Raziq and Ar-Razzaq

Among Allah (SWT) ‘s names, two that are particularly relevant to the concept of Rizq are Ar-Raziq (The Provider) and Ar-Razzaq (The Sustainer).

Ar-Raziq signifies Allah (SWT) as the one who provides for all of His creation, while Ar-Razzaq highlights the continuous and significant nature of this provision. These attributes remind believers that Allah (SWT) is the essential source of all sustenance. He ensures that every creature receives its due share according to His divine wisdom.

To learn more about Al Asma ul Husna, click this link: The 99 Names of Allah: Al Asma ul Husna.

Allah (SWT) already writes Rizq

In Islam, it is a fundamental belief that Allah (SWT) has predetermined the Rizq (sustenance) of every individual. This concept stems from the understanding that Allah (SWT) creates and sustains all life. Moreover, His (SWT) knowledge encompasses everything—past, present, and future.

Here is the hadith, narrated by Hazrat Abdullah bin Mus’ud (RA), explaining what Rizq has already written.

Allah’s Messenger (SAW), the true and truly inspired, said,

“(The matter of the Creation of) a human being is put together in the womb of the mother in forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then Allah sends an angel who is ordered to write four things. He is ordered to write down his (i.e. the new creature’s) deeds, his livelihood, his (date of) death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched (in religion). Then the soul is breathed into him. So, a man amongst you may do (good deeds till there is only a cubit between him and Paradise, and then what has been written for him decides his behavior and he starts doing (evil) deeds characteristic of the people of the (Hell) Fire. Similarly, a man amongst you may do (evil) deeds till there is only a cubit between him and the (Hell) Fire, and then what has been written for him decides his behavior, and he starts doing deeds characteristic of the people of Paradise.”

[Sahih al-Bukhari 3208]

Types of Sustenance in Islam

In Islam, sustenance (Rizq) is understood as everything that Allah (SWT) provides to sustain and support human life, containing both material and non-material provisions. Here’s an overview of the types of sustenance in Islam:

Rizq al-Am (General Sustenance): Rizq al-Am refers to the general sustenance that Allah (SWT) provides to all of His (SWT) creation, regardless of their faith, status, or actions. This includes the introductory provisions necessary for life, such as air, water, food, and shelter.

Rizq al-Khas (Specific Sustenance): Rizq al-Khas refers to the specific and unique sustenance that Allah (SWT) bestows upon particular individuals. This often serves as a reward for their faith, holiness, or good deeds. This type of Rizq may involve spiritual blessings, knowledge, or specific forms of wealth and success. Allah (SWT) grants these to those He favors due to their righteousness and devotion.

Rizq al-Matlub (Sought-after Sustenance): Rizq al-Matlub refers to the sustenance that a person actively seeks through their efforts, work, and prayers. This type of sustenance is obtained through lawful means, such as engaging in business, education, or any other productive activity. It involves seeking provision while relying on both one’s efforts and trust in Allah (SWT) to provide.

Rizq al-Maw’ud (Promised Sustenance): Rizq al-Maw’ud refers to the sustenance that Allah (SWT) has promised to His servants. Allah (SWT) is described in the Quran.

(Surah Hud verse 16)
“There is no moving creature on earth whose provision is not guaranteed by Allah (SWT). And He knows where it lives and where it is laid to rest. All is (written) in a perfect Record.” (Surah Hud verse 16)

These categories highlight the diverse ways in which sustenance can be understood and experienced in Islamic teachings.

Rizq in the Hereafter

In the context of the Hereafter, Rizq is believed to expand beyond physical needs, containing spiritual and eternal provisions for the righteous in Jannah (Paradise). The Quran speaks of an ‘honourable provision’ for those who have faith and perform righteous deeds, a reward that is generous and everlasting. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran;

Surah Al-Hajj verse 50)
So those who believe and do good will have forgiveness and an honourable provision. (Surah Al-Hajj verse 50)

Dua for Rizq

A commonly recited Dua for Rizq is:

Dua for Rizq
“O Allah (SWT), I ask You for good (halal) provision, beneficial knowledge, and accepted deeds.”

Here is another dua;

Dua to Increase Rizq
“O Allah Almighty, suffice me with what You have made lawful (halal) and keep me away from what You have made unlawful (haram), and by Your grace, make me independent of all others besides You.”

Ways to Increase Rizq

Increasing Rizq (sustenance) in Islam involves various spiritual, ethical, and practical approaches. Here are some ways to increase Rizq:

Choose Halal, Give Up Haram

One of the most essential principles in Islam is ensuring that your earnings are halal (lawful) and avoiding haram (unlawful) sources of income. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stressed the significance of earning through honest and permissible means. He explained that lawful earnings bring blessings and barakah (increase) in wealth. In contrast, haram earnings lead to a lack of blessing and can even result in rejected supplications.

Ask Allah (SWT) and Call on Him (SWT)

Rizq is in the hands of Allah (SWT), and He (SWT) alone is the Provider. Regularly making dua (supplication) and relying on Allah (SWT) for sustenance is essential for increasing Rizq.

Seek Forgiveness and Repent

Seeking forgiveness (Istighfar) and repenting (Tawbah) from sins is a powerful means to increase Rizq. By turning to Allah (SWT) in repentance, one can remove the barriers that block Rizq and invite divine mercy and much into their life.


Be a Consistent Worshipper

Consistent worship and maintaining a close relationship with Allah (SWT) is an important factor in increasing Rizq. Acts of worship, such as regular prayer (Salah), recitation of the Qur’an, and other forms of devotion, bring barakah (blessings) into your life. Allah (SWT) promises to provide for those who fulfill their duties towards Him (SWT) and remain steadfast in their worship.

Show Gratitude to Allah (SWT)

Showing Gratitude to Allah (SWT) for what one already possesses is a way to increase Rizq. Gratitude entails recognizing Allah’s (SWT) blessings and utilizing them in ways that are pleasing to Him (SWT).

To learn more about Gratitude, click this link: Gratitude and Contentment: The Islamic Way to Happiness.

Keep the Ties of Kinship

Another important way to increase Rizq is to maintain good relations with family members and keep kinship ties. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,

“Anyone who wants to have his provision expanded and his term of life prolonged should maintain ties of kinship.”

[Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 56]

This shows that taking care of family and treating them with kindness can bring real benefits in terms of sustenance and longevity.

Give in the Way of Allah (SWT)

Giving charity (Sadaqah) is a proven method to increase your Rizq. The more one gives in charity, the more Allah (SWT) increases their wealth. By helping others and spending in the way of Allah (SWT), one can attract more blessings and provisions from the Divine.

Abandon Sins

Avoiding sins and repenting for past wrongdoings is crucial for ensuring that your Rizq is not blocked. Sins create barriers between a person and their sustenance, and they can lead to a lack of barakah (blessings) in your wealth.

For known significant sins in Islam, visit the following blog post: Major Sins in Islam: Need to Know to Protect Your Soul.

Things That Decrease Rizq

Some key factors are believed to decrease Rizq.


Ingratitude toward the blessings of Allah (SWT) can result in a decrease in Rizq. Failing to appreciate His (SWT) favours may lead to the withdrawal of those blessings, reflecting a lack of value for His (SWT) gifts. Allah (SWT) says,

(Surah Ibrahim 7)
“And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more. But if you are ungrateful, surely My punishment is severe.”(Surah Ibrahim 7)

Neglecting Salah (Prayer)

Salah is a fundamental act of worship and serves as a direct connection between a believer and Allah (SWT). Neglecting or consistently missing prayers can have severe consequences for your Rizq. Salah brings barakah (blessings) into a person’s life, and neglecting it can lead to a loss of these blessings.

Cutting Ties with Relatives

Islam highly stresses maintaining family ties. Cutting off relations with relatives can decrease Rizq and even affect your lifespan.

Engaging in Haram (Forbidden) Activities

Involvement in haram (forbidden) activities, such as earning through unlawful means, indulging in prohibited behaviors, or engaging in immoral acts, can severely impact your Rizq.

Engaging in Backbiting and Slander

Backbiting and slander are destructive behaviours that harm others and create discord within the community. These actions are strongly condemned in Islam as they can lead to a decrease in Rizq.

To learn more about backbiting, visit the following blog post: Beware The Grave Consequences of Backbiting (Gheebat) in Islam.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What brings Barakah (Blessings) to Rizq?

It has been mentioned earlier that barakah in Rizq can be brought by several actions, including earning through halal (lawful) means, maintaining good relations with family, giving charity (Sadaqah), and showing Gratitude to Allah (SWT).

Q2. Which Surah is decisive for increasing Rizq?

Surah Al-Waqi’ah is widely regarded as a decisive Surah for increasing Rizq. It is often recited to seek Allah’s (SWT) blessings for sustenance.

Q3. Can I make Dua to be Rich?

Yes, it is permissible to make dua to Allah (SWT) for wealth and prosperity, as long as the intention is to use that wealth in ways that are pleasing to Allah (SWT).

Q4. Why is my Rizq blocked?

Rizq can be blocked for various reasons, including engaging in sinful activities, earning from haram sources, and neglecting obligatory acts of worship.


Q5. Does sleeping after Fajr decrease Rizq?

Some Islamic traditions believe that sleeping directly after Fajr can decrease Rizq, as the early morning is considered a time of blessing and productivity. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) encouraged his followers to be active and start their day after Fajr prayer. However, this is more about maximizing productivity and taking advantage of the time of barakah rather than a strict rule.

Q6. Is Rizq fixed in Islam?

In Islam, Rizq is both fixed and variable. While Allah (SWT) has predetermined each person’s Rizq, it can increase or decrease based on actions like Gratitude, supplication, and maintaining family ties.

Q7. How does Rizq relate to salvation?

Rizq in Islam is not only about worldly sustenance but also relates to spiritual provision. A righteous life, guided by faith and good deeds, ensures eternal Rizq in Jannah (Paradise), reflecting the connection between Rizq and salvation. Through righteous actions, believers secure both worldly sustenance and the greatest reward of lasting salvation.


Understanding and seeking Rizq is essential for our worldly life and spiritual well-being. Recognizing that Allah (SWT) is the ultimate Provider encourages us to trust Him, knowing that He knows what is best for us. By focusing on Gratitude, righteous actions, and reliance on Allah (SWT), we not only secure our Rizq in this life but also lay the foundation for eternal sustenance in the Hereafter.

Remember that Rizq is more than just material wealth; it’s a reflection of our spiritual state and a path to ultimate salvation. Trust in Allah (SWT), seek His provisions and maintain a heart full of gratitude.

Last Updated on September 2, 2024 by Jamshed Anwer






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