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The Spiritual Significance of Surah Yaseen in Islam


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Surah Yaseen is the 36th surah of Quran e Majeed which is also termed as the heart of the Holy Quran This great surah is important for its multiple benefits and spiritual blessings.  It is therefore recited daily on a large scale by millions of Muslims across the world.

Its sweet rhyming ayats have a great soothing effect on the heart and soul which enhances our spiritual strength. In this article, we delve into the numerous benefits of Surah e Yaseen, Mubeen wazifa,  the beneficial times for its recitation, and the way to incorporate the surah into our daily lives.

What is Surah Yaseen?

Close-up view of Surah Yaseen from the Quran, beautifully illuminated with intricate design and Arabic calligraphy.

Surah Yasin is one of the most important and highly quoted Makki surahs of the Quran which is situated in Parah number 22nd and 23rd of the holy Quran. Containing 83 ayats, the surah discusses some of the most fundamental beliefs of Islam, like Monotheism, the Creation of Man, the Omnipotence of Allah Almighty, and the day of Judgment.

Explore more about the teachings of the Quran and Hadith in our dedicated category, where we provide insights into Islamic principles, spiritual practices, and the heartfelt understanding of the Holy Quran and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Dive deeper into topics that strengthen your understanding of Islam and enhance your faith.

07 Mubeen of Surah Yaseen

Mubeen is a word which is used 7 times in this surah. We can say that the entire surah is covered in 7 Mubeen which has great significance and power according to various religious scholars.

Recitation of surah Yaseen Mubeen has special blessings and rewards for the reciters. There are seven Mubeen in the surah which is recited a specific number of times to fulfill certain desires and goals.

How to Recite Surah Yaseen Mubeen Wazifa?

According to different traditions and quotes by religious scholars. However, the most commonly practiced way of reciting Mubeen Wazifa is given below.


  • First of all, make an ablution(Wadhu) to clean your body with strong Neyya(Intent).
  • Start reciting Darood e Ibrahimi until you reach the first Mubeen.
  • Again recite darood e Ibraheemi before starting the next(second Mubeen).
  • Simply read durood Shareef before you reach every Mubeen and after reaching Mubeen Shareef.
  • When you reach the  7th Mubeen, say durood shareef again and complete the surah till the end.

Raise your hands for Dua, and ask Allah (SWT) for what you desire. The will of Allah Almighty, your dua will be accepted as it has been the case many times.

Quotes and Hadith about Surah Yaseen

The importance and value of this blessed surah can be reckoned with as there are several Hadiths regarding it. Some of the prominent and relevant Hadith about the surah are as follows.

”Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Surah Ya-sin; whoever reads it, it is as if he has read the Quran ten times”.

” Whoever reads Surah Yasin in one night will be forgiven in the morning.”

“Whoever recites Surah Yaseen at night seeking Allah’s approval, Allah would forgive him.”

“Who continues to read it every night then dies, will die as a shaheed (martyr).

“Whoever enters the graveyard and reads Surah Yasin, their (punishment) will be reduced that day, and he will have ”Hasanaat” (reward) equal to the number of people in the graveyard.

“Who reads Surah Yaseen, Allah rewards him that is equal to that of reading the whole Quran ten times.” Whoever reads Surah Yaseen is forgiven; whoever reads it in hunger is satisfied; whoever reads it having lost their way, finds their way; whoever reads it on losing an animal, finds it.

Benefits of Surah Yaseen

The benefits of reciting surah Yaseen are numerous. The sublime ayats of this blessed surah offer some wonderful blessings and rewards that not only benefit us spiritually but physically too. Below are some of the benefits of reciting Yaseen Shareef.

1. Forgiveness of Sins

One of the most quoted and known benefits of reciting Surah Yaseen is its powerful effect of forgiveness of sins. It is believed that regular recitation of Sura e Yaseen brings the mercy of Allah Almighty and in turn, Allah (SWT) forgives all our major and minor sins if recited with due respect and sincerity.

Not only this, but we should also recite this great surah daily and make it an essential part of our daily worship. If you want to make a strong connection with Allah Almighty, then you must recite the surah translation so that you get the most out of it. The more you read surah yaseen the more you are rewarded by Almighty in Akhirah.

2. Spiritual Healing

Daily recitation of Yaseen Shareef offers extraordinary and profound peace and satisfaction to our minds. The surah is full of divine wisdom that brings a great connection with Allah SWT when recited regularly. It is recommended to read Yasin Sharif when facing a hard time and anxiety to get spiritual pleasure and relief from all sorts of stress.

3. Eternal Rewards

Reciting this blessed surah grants huge blessings and rewards in eternity. Allah (SWT) showers His special mercy upon those who recite the surah regularly. Frequent recitation with neat and clear intent and dedication can lead to success in Akhirah.

4. Easing the Death

The holy Text of Surah Yasin offers great healing and soothing for a person on the deathbed. Religious scholars recommend the surah should be recited so that the patient who is near death is relieved from agony and pain. With the blessings of Yaseen Shareef Allah (SWT) eases the process of death and the spirit peacefully leaves the body.

5. Curing of Diseases

The recitation of Surah Yaseen is also believed to offer physical healing. There are many cases where the most critical patients suffering from different diseases have recovered and been treated by reciting surah yasin. The diseased person himself or his family or loved one should recite the surah and blow upon the body of the patient so that he/she is blessed with good health.


6. Surah Yaseen Wazifa

A wazifa is a supplication or frequent recitation of the Holy text for a certain number of times to fulfill a specific goal or desire. This Hoy surah is also recited as Wazifa when it comes to the fulfillment of desires and accomplishing our goals in life.

7. Surah Yaseen 41 times

41 is an odd number that is of great significance in Islam. According to Muslim traditions, many recite surah Yaseen 41 times to fulfill their purposes and goals. This Wazifa can be useful for the following purposes.

  • Marriage proposal
  • Job
  • Improving financial well-being

When to Recite Surah Yaseen?

1. Fajr Recitation

The ideal time to recite surah Yaseen is when you have performed your fajr prayer. It is the most recommended time because your mind is fresh and full of peace. The morning recitation of Yaseen is very rewarding and beneficial.

2. After Maghrib Prayer

Evening recitations, especially after Maghrib prayer, are another ideal opportunity to recite surah Yaseen. This time allows individuals to reflect on the blessings of the day and seek Allah’s mercy before retiring for the night.

3. Recitation before Sleep

Nighttime is also the time of peace and there is a great opportunity to connect with your creator by reciting the Quran. It is believed that reciting surah yasin before sleep brings a peaceful sleep and tranquility with rewards from Allah (SWT).

4. Special Occasions

There are several sacred occasions in Islam that offer blessings and spiritual connection with Allah. For instance, reciting surah Yaseen on Friday, Discover more about the spiritual essence of fasting and the holy month of Ramadan in our dedicated category. From the virtues of fasting to the profound blessings of Ramadan, explore detailed insights, practices, and tips to make the most of this sacred time. Strengthen your connection with Allah through guidance on worship, charity, and self-reflection. The rewards and blessings of Yaseen Shareef are multiplied. It is, therefore, always recommended to read the surah at the above-sacred events.

Discover more about the spiritual essence of Fasting and the Holy Month of Ramadan in our dedicated category. From the virtues of fasting to the profound blessings of Ramadan, explore detailed insights, practices, and tips to make the most of this sacred time. Strengthen your connection with Allah through guidance on worship, charity, and self-reflection.

Can You Memorize Surah Yaseen?

  • It is not difficult to memorize yaseen surah if you are good at Arabic or a frequent reciter of the Holy Quran. If not then you should follow these steps.
  • Break down the surah into small sections of Ayats for your ease.
  • Do recite these ayat regularly and ultimately they will come to your tongue when recited frequently.
  • Start learning the surah with word-by-word meaning, and then extend the practice by learning ayats with translation.
  • Listening to surah in a different sweet voice regularly may also increase your memorizing practice.
  • Note: You may use the internet and Quranic apps for this purpose.
  • Continue the practice and inshallah you will ultimately memorise the surah.

For individuals proficient in Quranic recitation and Arabic, memorizing Surah Yaseen can be an enriching experience that strengthens their relationship with the Quran.

Click on the link and read the Fast and Easy Ways to Memorize Quran: Effortlessly Hifz Quran.


In conclusion, the recitation of Surah Yaseen is a precious spiritual practice that offers multiple rewards and blessings. As the heart of the Quran, this surah imparts the essence of Islamic teachings, focusing on the core beliefs and spiritual guidance. Incorporating Surah Yaseen into our daily routines helps build a deeper connection with Allah. It also brings His mercy and leads to the forgiveness of our sins.

Whether seeking spiritual satisfaction, peace, forgiveness, or fulfillment of desires and wishes, Surah Yaseen along with Mubeen Wazifa brings the light of hope and inner comfort. By making it a regular practice of our worship, we not only bless our spiritual journey but also prepare ourselves for the day of judgment where we will stay accountable for all our actions.


Last Updated on January 23, 2025 by Jamshed Anwer






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