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Miyana Rawi: The Role of Moderation in Muslim Life



Moderation is a fundamental concept in Islam that represents balance, justice, and self-control in all aspects of life. It is derived from the Arabic root word wasat, which means middle, moderate, or balanced.

Wasatiyyah (Miyana Rawi), which translates to moderation in all things, is an essential virtue in Islam. This concept refers to the middle path between extremes, encouraging us to adopt balance in every activity, whether religious or social, performed individually or as a group. Practicing Wasatiyyah (Miyana Rawi) requires us to lead a balanced and honest life, avoiding excess and deficiency. It ensures that our actions and beliefs align with the principles of justice, equity, and moderation.

Concept of Moderation in Islam

The Quran describes Muslims as a ā€œmiddle nationā€ (Ummah Wasat), highlighting the significance of Miyana Rawi. The true essence of maintaining balance in life according to Islamic principles differs from the common viewpoint. Allah (SWT) states in the Quran;

Surah Al-baqarah verse 143
ā€œAnd so We have made you believers in an upright community so that you may be witnesses over humanity, and the Messenger may be a witness over you. We assigned your former direction of prayer only to distinguish those who would remain faithful to the Messenger from those who would lose faith. It was certainly a difficult test except for those rightly guided by Allah. And Allah would never discount your Ė¹previous acts ofĖŗ faith. Surely Allah is Ever Gracious and Most Merciful to humanity.ā€ [Surah Al-baqarah verse 143]

This verse emphasizes our role as a balanced community tasked with being just and moderate witnesses to humanity.

Manifestations of Moderation in Daily Life

Moderation in Islam emphasizes the importance of living a fair and balanced life. When we integrate moderation into our daily lives, we find that it helps us to maintain a healthy balance between our spiritual, social, and personal responsibilities. Whether it is how we spend our money, communicate with others, or take care of ourselves, moderation helps us avoid extremes and promotes well-being. Letā€™s begin incorporating moderation into our daily lives and worship.

Moderation in Spending

Moderation in spending involves managing financial resources wisely and avoiding both luxuries and cheapness. Islam encourages balanced spending to fulfill needs without wastefulness. The Quran States that

Surah Al-Isra verse 27
ā€œSurely the wasteful are like brothers to the devils. And the Devil is ever ungrateful to his Lord.ā€ [Surah Al-Isra verse 27]

This verse highlights the importance of avoiding excessive spending, which can result in financial instability and social inequality.

Additionally, moderation in spending also involves the act of charitable giving and supporting those in need. By doing so, we fulfill our social responsibilities and promote economic justice. Therefore, a balanced approach to spending ensures that our wealth is used for beneficial purposes while maintaining personal and collective well-being.

Moderation in Worship

Moderation in worship involves maintaining a balanced and sustainable approach to our religious practices. In Islam, it is emphasized that we should engage in constant, heartfelt worship without overburdening ourselves. The goal is for our worship to be a source of spiritual nourishment rather than leading to physical or mental tiredness.

Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) narrated that:

ā€œThe Messenger of Allah (SAW) passed by a man who was praying on a rock, and he went towards Makkah and stayed a while, then he left and found the man still praying as he had been. He stood up and clasped his hands, then said: ā€œO people, you should observe moderation,ā€ three times, ā€œfor Allah does not get tired (of giving reward), but you get tired.ā€

[Sunan Ibn Majah 4241]

Practicing moderation in worship involves performing our daily prayers (Salah) on time and consistently engaging in additional acts of devotion such as fasting, charity, and reading the Quran without overwhelming ourselves with excessive rituals. Doing so can cultivate a deeper and more meaningful connection with Allah (SWT), fostering a sense of peace and fulfillment in our spiritual journey.

Moderation in Speech

Speaking with moderation means using language thoughtfully and respectfully, avoiding more talking and harmful silence. When conversing with others, we should maintain calm and considerate behavior. Speaking loudly can disturb and irritate unwell individuals who may be studying, sleeping, or engaging in other activities. As mentioned in the Quran:

Surah Al-Baqarah verse 83
ā€œAnd Ė¹rememberĖŗ when We took a covenant from the children of Israel Ė¹statingĖŗ, Worship none but Allah; be kind to parents, relatives, orphans and the needy; speak kindly to people; establish prayer; and pay alms-tax. But you Ė¹IsraelitesĖŗ turned awayā€”except for a few of youā€”and were indifferent.ā€ [Surah Al-Baqarah verse 83]

This verse highlights the importance of gentle and respectful communication. This principle helps to promote positive relationships and prevent conflicts, ensuring that speech is used to build up rather than tear down.

Moderation in Walking

When walking, Miyana Rawi refers to maintaining noble and humble manners in our physical posture. The Quran advises,

Surah Al-Isra 37
ā€œAnd do not walk on the earth arrogantly. Surely, you can neither crack the earth nor stretch to the height of the mountains.ā€ [Surah Al-Isra 37]

This verse highlights the importance of humility and calmness in walking and overall behavior.

Being mindful of our physical presence and how it impacts those around us promotes respect and care in public and private spaces. By walking with moderation, we show an inner balance and self-respect visible to others, contributing to a balanced social environment.

Moderation in Eating

Moderation in eating is essential for maintaining health and well-being. Islam supports a balanced diet, avoiding both overeating and lack. In the Quran, Allah (SWT) says,

Surah Al-Araf verse 31
ā€œO Children of Adam! Dress properly whenever you are at worship. Eat and drink, but do not waste. Surely He does not like the wasteful.ā€ [Surah Al-Araf verse 31]

Hazrat Miqdam bin Madikarib (RA) narrated that:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) say: A human being fills no worse vessel than his stomach. It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. But if he must (fill it), then one-third of food, one-third for drink, and one-third for air.

[Sunan Ibn Majah 3349]

This Hadith emphasizes the importance of eating in moderation to avoid physical pain and health problems.

Balanced eating habits help maintain energy levels, control diseases, and promote overall wellness. By following the principle of moderation in eating, individuals can enjoy a variety of foods without excess, ensuring that their dietary practices support a healthy lifestyle.

For more information about the Halal diet in Islam, visit this blog post: Islamic Dietary Laws: Halal and Haram Foods in Islam.

Moderation in Thought

Miyana Rawi involves maintaining a balanced view and avoiding extreme negativity and blind positivity. Islam encourages believers to think critically and reflectively, carefully considering matters before making decisions. The Quran repeatedly urges believers to use their intellect and reason, as seen in verses such as,

Surah Ar-Rum verse 8
ā€œHave they not reflected upon their own being? Allah only created the heavens, the earth, and everything in between for a purpose and an appointed term. Yet most people are truly in denial of the meeting with their Lord.ā€ [Surah Ar-Rum verse 8]

Practicing moderation in thought involves being open-minded, considering multiple viewpoints, and avoiding black-and-white thinking. It encourages intellectual humility, acknowledging that one does not have all the answers, and being willing to learn from others. This balanced approach to thinking fosters a more inclusive and balanced society where various ideas can coexist and contribute to collective wisdom.

Avoiding Extremism

Extremism (ghuluw) significantly deviates from the Islamic principles of moderation and balance. Ghuluw often involves taking religious practices or beliefs to more levels, leading to hardness and intolerance. This extreme approach is contrary to the essence of Islam, which promotes mercy, compassion, and understanding.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned against extremism; Hazrat Abu Al-Aliyah (RA) narrated that:

Hazrat Abbas (RA) said: ā€œOn the morning of Al-Aqabah, while he was on his mount, the Messenger of Allah said to me: ā€œPick up (some pebbles) for me.ā€ So I picked up some pebbles for him that were the size of date stones or fingertips, and when I placed them in his hand, he said: ā€œLike these. And beware of going to extremes in religious matters, for those who came before you were destroyed by going to extremes in religious matters.ā€

[Sunan an-Nasaā€™i 3057]

Benefits of Practicing Moderation in Islam

Practicing Miyana Rawi in Islam brings many benefits that improve both our spiritual and everyday lives:

Spiritual Benefits

  • Balance: Moderation helps us maintain a balanced spiritual life by avoiding extremes in religious practices. It ensures that we focus equally on all aspects of worship, allowing us to worship in a complete and fulfilling way.
  • Contentment: Moderation teaches us to be satisfied and thankful for what we have without always wanting more. This mindset of thankfulness brings inner peace and fulfillment to our spiritual journey.

Social Harmony

  • Tolerance: Practicing moderation encourages patience and understanding among people of different beliefs. It helps us avoid narrow-minded views and promotes respectful conversations and peaceful community relationships.
  • Community Unity: When we practice moderation, it helps create a community where respect and cooperation thrive. This unity reduces conflicts and strengthens bonds based on shared values and principles.

Personal Well-Being

  • Physical Health: Modifying our diet and lifestyle leads to better physical health. Following balanced eating habits, regular exercise, and avoiding excess improves our overall well-being.
  • Mental and Emotional Health: Avoiding extremes in our emotions and reactions reduces stress and pressure. Moderation promotes emotional strength, supporting our mental well-being in different situations.

Moderation is a key principle in Islam that guides us towards a fulfilling life. It contains spiritual growth, balanced relationships, and personal well-being.


Moderation in Islam is essential for guiding us toward a balanced and fulfilling life. It helps us maintain a balanced approach to spirituality, social interactions, and personal well-being. Spiritually, moderation ensures a balanced worship practice, avoiding extremes and fostering a sincere connection with Allah (SWT) through regular prayer. Socially, it promotes patience and community unity by encouraging respectful dialogue among people of different beliefs. Moderation in lifestyle choices, such as diet and spending habits, supports physical health, financial stability, and mental well-being.

By adopting moderation, we navigate lifeā€™s challenges wisely, avoiding excess and appreciating its blessings with happiness. This principle upholds natural Islamic values, fostering a peaceful, inclusive society where balance and harmony thrive. Thus, moderation remains essential for guiding us toward a purposeful life grounded in faith and balance.






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