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Dua for Palestine: Prayers for Peace, Protection, and Justice


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How to Make Dua for Palestine

The people of Palestine have endured continuous struggles and hardships marked by conflict, loss, and a deep longing for peace and justice. As Muslims, we feel a strong sense of empathy and connection to their suffering. This is especially true since this hardship occurs in a land of profound religious significance. Offering dua for Palestine is a way for believers to express their support, seeking Allah’s (SWT) mercy and protection for those facing oppression. Palestine is home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, the third most sacred site in Islam, making its safety and freedom a cause close to the hearts of Muslims worldwide.

The ongoing crises have brought Palestine to the forefront of global attention. For many in the Muslim Ummah, there is a deep and sincere desire to offer prayers, or dua, for the peace, safety, and well-being of the Palestinian people. Dua is not just a request for divine assistance—it is a powerful expression of unity, compassion, and solidarity. Through dua, we ask Allah (SWT) for mercy, protection, and justice for the people of Palestine. Furthermore, we pray for their rights to be restored and their lives to be filled with peace once again.

Powerful Duas for Palestine and the Oppressed

Here are some heartfelt duas you can make for Palestine and all those facing oppression and injustice worldwide.

Dua for the State of Palestine

This heartfelt dua asks Allah (SWT) to grant safety, peace, and victory to the people of Palestine. Furthermore, it seeks to strengthen them in their trials and bless the martyrs with mercy.

Dua for the State of Palestine: Allahumma ihmi bilad Filasteen, waj'alha ard amn wa aman, wansur ahlaha 'ala man dhalamahum wa i'tada 'alayhim, warzuqhum sabran wa thabbit aqdamahum warham shuhada'ahum, ya Rabb al-'Alameen.
Transliteration: Allahumma ihmi bilad Filasteen, waj’alha ard amn wa aman, wansur ahlaha ‘ala man dhalamahum wa i’tada ‘alayhim, warzuqhum sabran wa thabbit aqdamahum warham shuhada’ahum, ya Rabb al-‘Alameen.

Dua for Relief from Hardship

Difficulties weigh heavily on the soul, and for the people of Palestine, their struggles are immense. This powerful dua, made by Prophet Ayyub (AS) during his trials, calls upon Allah’s (SWT) mercy to ease their suffering and provide relief from hardship.


Dua for Relief from Hardship: Rabbi inni massaniyadh-durru wa-anta arhamur-rahimin.
Transliteration: Rabbi inni massaniyadh-durru wa-anta arhamur-rahimin.

Dua When Facing an Enemy

Here is a powerful dua to recite when facing those who may cause harm or oppression. It entrusts the matter to Allah (SWT), asking for His divine protection and control over the situation.

Dua When Facing an Enemy: Allahumma inna naj'aluka fi nuhoorihim wa na'udhu bika min shuroorihim.
Transliteration: Allahumma inna naj’aluka fi nuhoorihim wa na’udhu bika min shuroorihim.

This dua reminds us that Allah (SWT) is the ultimate protector. Therefore, by placing our trust in Him, we seek safety and peace from any harm or hostility.

Dua for the Martyrs of Palestine

This heartfelt dua is for the martyrs of Palestine who have sacrificed their lives for their land and faith. It also asks for strength and patience for their families during these difficult times.

Dua for the Martyrs of Palestine: Allahumma ighfir li-shuhada' Filasteen, warfa' darajaatihim fil Jannah, wajma'na bihim 'ala khayr, warzuq ahlahum as-sabr was-salwan.
Transliteration: Allahumma ighfir li-shuhada’ Filasteen, warfa’ darajaatihim fil Jannah, wajma’na bihim ‘ala khayr, warzuq ahlahum as-sabr was-salwan.

This dua seeks Allah’s (SWT) mercy, forgiveness, and a high place in Jannah for the martyrs. It also asks for patience and solace for their loved ones, reminding them that their sacrifices are honored by Allah (SWT).

Dua for the Success of the Palestinians

This heartfelt dua is for the success and triumph of the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and justice. It asks Allah (SWT) to grant them victory, perseverance, and relief from their hardships.

Dua for the Success of the Palestinians: Allahumma unsur ikhwanana fi Filasteen, wa ayyidhum bi nasrik, wa thabbit aqdamahum, warzuqhum al-fawz wa an-najah 'ala man dhalamahum, waj'al lahum makhrajan wa farajan qariban, ya Qadiru ya Mateen.
Transliteration: Allahumma unsur ikhwanana fi Filasteen, wa ayyidhum bi nasrik, wa thabbit aqdamahum, warzuqhum al-fawz wa an-najah ‘ala man dhalamahum, waj’al lahum makhrajan wa farajan qariban, ya Qadiru ya Mateen.

This supplication calls upon Allah’s (SWT) divine support to strengthen the Palestinians with His help. Furthermore, it asks to make their steps firm and bless them with success over their oppressors. It asks for a quick resolution, relief from hardship, and Allah’s (SWT) mercy in guiding them to victory and peace.

Dua for Victory and Freedom from Oppression

The people of Palestine seek freedom from oppression, and we join them in asking Allah (SWT) for victory over those who oppress them and liberation from unjust shackles. This powerful dua calls for Allah’s (SWT) divine help in overcoming adversities and gaining freedom and justice.

Dua for Victory and Freedom from Oppression: Allahumma unsur-na 'ala man dhalama-na, wa a'in-na 'ala man 'adana, wa fukk quyud adh-dhulm 'anna, warzuq-na hurriyyatan wa nasran qariban ya 'Aziz ya Jabbar.
Transliteration: Allahumma unsur-na ‘ala man dhalama-na, wa a’in-na ‘ala man ‘adana, wa fukk quyud adh-dhulm ‘anna, warzuq-na hurriyyatan wa nasran qariban ya ‘Aziz ya Jabbar.

This dua appeals to Al-‘Aziz (The Almighty) and Al-Jabbar (The Compeller). Specifically, it asks for relief from oppression and strength to overcome adversities. It is a plea for Allah’s (SWT) divine power to bring justice and grant freedom to those who suffer. Moreover, it reminds believers that Allah’s (SWT) might is unmatched and His justice is inevitable.


Dua for Justice and Fairness

Dua for Justice and Fairness: Allahumma ya 'Adl ya Hakim, ajlib lana al-'adl wa ath-hir al-haqq, waj'alna min al-ladhina yahkumuna bil-qist, wa ab'id 'anna adh-dhulm wa adh-dhalimin, wansurna 'ala man dhalamana, ya Qadi al-Hajat.
Transliteration: Allahumma ya ‘Adl ya Hakim, ajlib lana al-‘adl wa ath-hir al-haqq, waj’alna min al-ladhina yahkumuna bil-qist, wa ab’id ‘anna adh-dhulm wa adh-dhalimin, wansurna ‘ala man dhalamana, ya Qadi al-Hajat.

In times of oppression and wrongdoing, seeking justice from Allah (SWT) is essential. This dua calls upon Allah’s (SWT) divine attributes — Al-‘Adl (The Just) and Al-Hakim (The Wise). Moreover, it asks for fairness, the revelation of truth, and protection from unjust harm.

Dua for Strength and Trust in Allah (SWT)

In times of hardship, trusting in Allah’s (SWT) wisdom provides inner peace and resilience. We pray that the people of Palestine remain firm in their faith, finding solace and strength through their reliance on Allah (SWT).

Dua for Strength and Trust in Allah (SWT): Allahumma zid ikhwanana fi Filasteen thiqatan bika wa tawakkulan 'alayk, wa qawwi imana-hum wa sabra-hum, waj'al qulubahum mutma'inna bi dhikrik, warzuq-hum husn azh-zann bika fi kulli thuroof, ya Rahman ya Rahim.
Transliteration: Allahumma zid ikhwanana fi Filasteen thiqatan bika wa tawakkulan ‘alayk, wa qawwi imana-hum wa sabra-hum, waj’al qulubahum mutma’inna bi dhikrik, warzuq-hum husn azh-zann bika fi kulli thuroof, ya Rahman ya Rahim.

This dua asks Allah (SWT) to deepen their reliance on Him, provide inner peace, and fortify their faith in His mercy and wisdom.

Dua for Patience and Victory Over Oppression

This powerful dua, taken from Surah Al-Baqarah, calls upon Allah (SWT) for strength, patience, and victory over oppressive forces. It reflects the believers’ plea for divine assistance in times of hardship and struggle.

Dua for Patience and Victory Over Oppression: Rabbana afrigh' alayna sabran wa thabbit aqdamana wansurna' ala al-qawmil kafirin.
Transliteration: Rabbana afrigh’ alayna sabran wa thabbit aqdamana wansurna’ ala al-qawmil kafirin.


These heartfelt duas remind us of the immense power of supplication and our responsibility to stand with the oppressed through prayer. By making consistent dua for Palestine and all those enduring hardships, we demonstrate empathy, solidarity, and faith in Allah’s (SWT) justice.

We can amplify our efforts by sharing these duas with others, encouraging collective prayers for peace and relief. As Allah (SWT) is the Most Merciful, we trust in His divine will to bring justice and protect the oppressed. Furthermore, we believe He will grant lasting peace to Palestine and all those facing injustice worldwide.

Recite Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Ikhlas three times and dedicate the reward to the martyrs of Palestine. May their sacrifices be accepted, and may peace, justice, and mercy prevail for our brothers and sisters. Ameen.

May Allah (SWT) accept our duas, relieve the suffering of the oppressed, and guide us all toward a world of peace, compassion, and justice.

Last Updated on January 27, 2025 by Jamshed Anwer






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