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15 Ways To Defeat Shaitan



Shaitan, also known as the devil, is considered a source of evil. Defeating Shaitan involves resisting temptations, performing good deeds, and finding strength in faith and spirituality. Through practicing self-discipline, prayer, and righteous actions, we can protect ourselves from Shaitanā€™s influence and strengthen our connection with goodness and positivity. The key to defeating Shaitan is to reject negativity and embrace positive values.

Creation of Hazrat Adam (AS) and the Opposition of Shaitan

Allah (SWT) created the Jinn before Hazrat Adam (AS), and they lived on Earth. However, when the Jinn committed evil deeds, shed blood, and killed each other, Allah Almighty sent angels and Iblis to fight them. As a result, the Jinn were defeated.

Allah (SWT) created Hazrat Adam (AS) from clay and shaped him with His hands. He granted Hazrat Adam (AS) knowledge and taught him the names of everything. Allah (SWT) commanded the angels to bow down to him as a sign of respect. All the angels obeyed Allah Almighty and prostrated themselves to Adam (AS) except Iblis, who, out of arrogance, declared, ā€˜I am better than him; You created me from fire and made him from clay.ā€™

According to Islamic belief, Shaitan (Satan) refused to obey Allahā€™s command to bow down to Adam (AS), the first man created by Allah Almighty. As a result, Shaitan was expelled from Paradise and became an eternal enemy of humanity. Driven by jealousy and an inflated sense of self-importance, he rejected the authority granted by Allah (SWT), ultimately leading to his humiliation. Shaitanā€™s cunning mind led him to hell, where he asked for respite until the Day of Judgement. He promised to mislead and lead astray all the servants of the Almighty.

How Shaitan Traps People

Satan, the enemy of God and humanity, uses various strategies to deceive, tempt, and accuse people of sin. Some of his traps include:


Pride can be a trap set by Shaitan, the devil, who deceives people into feeling superior to others. This can cause them to act arrogantly and resist listening to differing opinions. When individuals become too proud, they often fail to acknowledge their mistakes. This can result in them committing wrongful actions and prevent them from achieving spiritual and personal growth.


Anger is a powerful emotion that can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive actions. Shaitan, an evil entity in Islamic belief, uses anger as a tool to trick people into behaving in negative ways. Shaitan can fuel peopleā€™s anger by intensifying emotions and making them lose control. This can lead to harmful behavior that hurts him and others. When someone is angry, He may not think clearly, and his actions can be hurtful and destructive. Therefore, it is essential to recognize and control anger, as it can have serious consequences if left unchecked.

Neglecting Obligatory Deeds

Neglecting obligatory deeds is a serious matter that can have grave consequences in this life and the hereafter. Obligatory deeds are those that Allah Almighty has commanded us to do, such as praying, fasting, paying zakat, and performing hajj. These deeds are the pillars of Islam and the means of attaining Allahā€™s pleasure and mercy. Neglecting them is a form of disobedience and ingratitude that can lead to Allahā€™s wrath and punishment. Therefore, we should strive to fulfill our obligations with sincerity, diligence, and love and seek Allahā€™s forgiveness for any shortcomings.

Wasting Time

The devil has a strategy for keeping people from sinning. If he canā€™t trap an individual into committing sins, he will keep them busy with insignificant activities that provide no benefits. Instead of utilizing our time productively, working towards our priorities, and striving for greater achievements, he distracts us with pointless actions.

15 Ways to Defeat Shaitan

Satan is recognized as the enemy of humanity. He seeks to destroy everything good and holy. Despite being a powerful and cunning adversary, he is not invincible. One can resist his temptations and overcome his attacks by relying on Allahā€™s grace and truth. Here are ways to defeat Satan in your life.


Taqwa is an Arabic term that refers to piety, mindfulness, or God-consciousness. It is commonly used to describe the attitude and conduct of a Muslim who endeavors to follow Allahā€™s commands and refrain from what He has forbidden. When we practice Taqwa, we avoid wrongdoing by being mindful of our actions and intentions. We strive to do good deeds and abstain from actions that go against our beliefs. This helps us remain steadfast and overcome the influence of Shaitan.

Read our other blog Making Sincere Intention.

Let our words inspire and guide you toward righteousness and inner peace. Join us as we explore the essence of Taqwa in Islam, the cornerstone of a faithful heart.

Surah Lail verse 5-7 about the way to defeat shaitan
As for the one who is charitable, mindful of Allah, and firmly believes in the finest reward, We will facilitate for them the Way of Ease. [Surah Lail verse 5-7]


Taqwa, or God-consciousness, is deeply connected to the concept of Tawakkul, which is the Islamic principle of trust in Allah Almighty. While Taqwa encourages mindfulness and obedience to Allahā€™s commands, Tawakkul relies on Allah (SWT) for support and guidance after taking all necessary actions. It is a state of heart and mind where a believer entrusts their affairs to the Almighty, confident that His wisdom and mercy will prevail. Together, Taqwa and Tawakkul form a spiritual framework that guides us through lifeā€™s trials and tribulations, always conscious of and reliant on the divine presence.

For a deeper understanding of how Tawakkul can transform your life, read our comprehensive blog on the subject of Tawakkul in Allah (SWT)

Morning and Evening Adhkar

Engaging in daily supplications every morning and evening is considered a strong defense against Shaitan. These prayers are a collection of phrases and verses taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which seek protection and refuge from the evil of Shaitan.

Daily Morning and Evening Dhikr

Engage in Supplications

Hadiths mention specific duas (supplications) that offer protection against Shaitan. These supplications seek Allahā€™s help in guarding against Shaitanā€™s whispers and influence.

For more guidance on incorporating spirituality into your everyday routine, explore our comprehensive collection of essential Duas for Daily Life.

Praying Salah

Praying Salah is one of the most important acts of worship in Islam. It is a way of communicating with the Almighty, the Creator, and Sustainer of the universe. Salah consists of Five Daily Prayers performed at specific times throughout the day. The prayers include recitations from the Quran, praises of Allah (SWT), and supplications for ourselves and others. Salah helps us to remember Allah Almighty, seek His guidance, and purify our hearts and minds. It also prevents us from committing major sins and is the primary way to defeat Shaitan.

Join us in exploring the beauty and discipline of Salah and enrich your understanding of this pivotal Islamic tradition. Read more to discover the serenity and piety of Salah, the second pillar of Islam

Surah Ankabut verse 45

Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, genuine prayer should deter one from indecency and wickedness. The remembrance of Allah is an even greater deterrent. And Allah fully knows what you all do. [Surah Ankabut verse 45]

Pray on Time

Performing Salah (prayers) punctually is a fundamental practice. It strengthens faith and provides a routine check against the distractions and temptations posed by Shaitan.

Recitation and Listening to the Quran

The Quran is a source of spiritual guidance and a means to repel Shaitan. Reciting the Holy Quran is a sacred practice for us, and we believe it is the words of Allah (SWT) revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Quran contains guidance, wisdom, and stories of the Prophets and their nations. Reciting the Quran has many benefits, such as increasing faith, knowledge, and eloquence. It also brings peace, tranquillity, and protection to the reciter. The Holy Quran is a powerful way to defeat Shaitan and protect ourselves. Itā€™s believed that the words of the Quran have a spiritually uplifting and protective effect. Regular recitation and listening to the Quran, especially Ayat-al-Kursi and Surah Al-Baqarah, helps to keep Shaitan away.

Embark on a spiritual journey that transcends the ordinaryā€”discover the profound Benefits of Reciting the Quran in our blog post.

Surah Al Baqarah || Be Heaven || Deep and Calm Recitation

Community and Companionship

Surrounding yourself with a community of believers and having righteous companions can provide support and encouragement, helping you stay on the path of virtue.


Regular self-reflection is essential for assessing and holding ourselves accountable for our actions. Through this process, we can gain insight into areas where negative influences, such as Shaitan, may affect our decisions or behaviors. By being mindful and aware of these potential influences, we can work to mitigate their impact and make more informed, positive choices in our lives.

Strengthening Faith

A strong relationship with Allah Almighty is strengthened through constant remembrance (Dhikr), reading the Quran, understanding its teachings, and fortifying the heart against Shaitanā€™s whispers.

A journey of spiritual enlightenment by exploring the Six Articles of Faith that form the foundation of belief and practice.

Observing Good Manners

Starting every action with the name of Allah (Bismillah) and seeking His refuge can prevent Shaitan from influencing your actions. Good manners and righteous conduct are barriers against Shaitanā€™s deceit.

A phrase that opens doors to wisdom and serenity. Let curiosity lead you to discover the rich layers of meaning behind the Significance of ā€˜Bismillahā€™.

Control Your Tongue

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you said something awful to someone and wished you didnā€™t? Maybe he did something to provoke you, or you were upset then. Whatever the reason may be, itā€™s important to remember that one of the ways that Shaytaan tries to create divisions among us is through our speech.

Staying in a State of Ablution

Staying in a state of ablution is a practice that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) encouraged, as it helps us maintain cleanliness and spiritual purity and avoid immoral behavior. When we perform wudu (ablution) before prayers or Quran recitation, we strive to remain positive and calm, knowing that negative words or actions can tarnish our spiritual state. By staying away from negative thoughts and being morally active, we can resist any attempt by Satan to mislead us.

For more information on ablution (Wudu), check out our detailed guide on How To Perform Wudu/wazoo According To Sunnah

Joining the Masjid Activities

Participating in activities organized by the mosque is an excellent way to strengthen your faith, connect with fellow Muslims, and contribute to the community. Being involved in mosque activities means actively participating in various events such as congregational prayers, learning about the faith, helping the community, or performing good deeds.

Surah At-Tawbah verses 18

The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allāh and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah, for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided. [Surah At-Tawbah: 18]

Acquiring Islamic Knowledge

Acquiring knowledge about Islam is a noble and rewarding pursuit, regardless of age and background. Islam is a religion that promotes learning, seeking the truth, and applying it to everyday life. There are several sources of Islamic knowledge, including the Quran, Sunnah, Hadith, Fiqh, Quran Tafsir, Seerah, and the history of Islam. Wise individuals who have a good understanding of Islam can easily distinguish between right and wrong, making it difficult for Satan to deceive them.

Check out our blog post on the virtues of seeking knowledge. Learn more here: Seeking Knowledge in Islam

Surah Fatir verse 28

Just as people, living beings, and cattle are of various colors as well. Of all of Allahā€™s servants, only the knowledgeable of His might are truly in awe of Him. Allah is indeed Almighty, All-Forgiving. [Surah Fatir verse 28]

Abu Hurairah (RA) reported:

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: ā€œDo not turn your houses into graveyards. Satan runs away from the house in which Surat Al-Baqarah is recited.ā€

[Riyad as-Salihin 1018]

Duaā€™s to Seek Protection from Satan

Surah Al-Muminoon 97-98

And say, My Lord! I seek refuge in You from the temptations of the devils. And I seek refuge in You, my Lord, that they even come near me. [Surah Al-Muminoon 97-98]

I seek refuge with Allah against Satan, the outcast.


In conclusion, defeating Shaitan requires a multifaceted approach rooted in faith, self-discipline, and righteous actions. Through practices such as Taqwa, God-consciousness, regular prayers, recitation of the Quran, supplications, and engaging in acts of kindness and charity, individuals can strengthen their spiritual defenses against Shaitanā€™s influences. Additionally, seeking knowledge about Islam, surrounding yourselves with a supportive community, and maintaining self-awareness through self-reflection are essential in resisting Shaitanā€™s traps. By incorporating these strategies into daily life, individuals can fortify their connection with goodness and positivity, ultimately overcoming Shaitanā€™s temptations and deceitful tactics.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which Surah mentions Iblis?

Iblis is mentioned in Surah Al-Kahf.

Does Iblis have a wife?

In Islamic tradition, there isnā€™t a specific mention of Iblis having a wife.

What are the sins of Iblis?

Pride and disobedience are the sins of Iblis.

What is the original name of the Shaitan?

The original name of Shaitan is Iblis.

Are Iblis and Shaitan the same?

Yes, Iblis and Shaitan are the same entity.

How can acts of kindness and charity serve as a shield against Shaitanā€™s influences?

Engaging in acts of kindness and charity not only pleases Allah (SWT) but also strengthens our moral character, making us less susceptible to Shaitanā€™s temptations.

How can you protect yourselves from the whispers of Shaitan in your daily life?

One way to protect oneself from Shaitanā€™s whispers is to regularly recite Ayat-ul-Kursi and seek refuge in Allah Almighty from the accursed devil.






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DomĆ­nio Exclusivo
DomĆ­nio Exclusivo
7 months ago

Your blog is a gratitude voyage, guiding us through the vast seas of life with a compass of appreciation. Thank you for the enriching journey!

CardƔpio Online
CardƔpio Online
7 months ago

“Thank you for being a motivational architect, designing a blueprint of success and inspiration in every post.”


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