What is Ghusal
Ghusl is an Arabic term that refers to the act of washing or cleansing. It is a type of ritual purification that involves washing the entire body with water. Ghusl is also known as “Major Ablution,” compared to wudu, which is “Minor Ablution.” Ghusl is essential after specific impure states, such as sexual intercourse, wet dreams, menstruation, childbirth, and for the deceased before burial, or before performing certain acts of worship including prayer, fasting, Friday prayer, Eid prayer, pilgrimage, and reading the Quran.
For more information about the Wudu, read our blog, How To Perform Wudu/wazoo According To Sunnah.
The purpose of ghusl is to attain both physical and spiritual purification. According to Islamic teachings, ghusl removes the state of major impurity (Janabah) that prevents a person from performing certain acts of worship. Ghusl also helps us renew our intention and focus on Allah Almighty.
Taharah or Ritual Purification
Ghusal, also known as “Taharah” or “Ritual Purification,” is significant in Islamic tradition. Ghusl is a cleansing act that goes beyond physical cleanliness and signifies spiritual purification as well. By performing Ghusl, we can maintain a state of ritual purity, which is necessary for performing religious obligations. Ghusl allows us to approach our religious duties with a sense of devotion and cleanliness, both physically and spiritually.

Types of Ghusl
There are six types of ghusl that must be performed, and they are listed below:
Ghusl Janabat
Ghusal Janabat is a type of ritual purification required for Muslims who have had sexual intercourse or any other act that causes significant ritual impurity, as mandated in the Quran and emphasized by the practices of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It serves as a way of cleansing oneself from the physical impurities. Ghusl Janabat is required not only after sexual intercourse but also after the emission of semen, menstruation, and postnatal bleeding (Nifas). The process involves ensuring full-body washing with water, with the intention of purification.
Narrated by Hazrat Aisha (RA):
“Whenever the Prophet (SAW) took a bath after Janaba, he started by washing his hands and then performed ablution like that for the prayer. After that, he would put his fingers in water and move the roots of his hair with them, then pour three handfuls of water over his head and all over his body.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari 248)
Ghusl Hayd
In Islam, menstruation is regarded as a state of ritual impurity. Ghusl Hayd is an Islamic ritual purification bath performed by women after the completion of their menstrual period (Hayd). This Ghusl is necessary to achieve a state of ritual purity, which is required for engaging in acts of worship such as Salah (prayer), fasting, and touching or reading the Quran. It plays a significant role in maintaining Muslim women’s spiritual cleanliness and ensuring the holiness of their religious practices.
Ghusl Nifas
Ghusl Nifas signifies the end of a state of ritual impurity after childbirth. During this time, her husband should also refrain from connecting with her until she becomes pure from her nifas. The duration of Nifas bleeding can vary from woman to woman. Some scholars use a 40-day timeframe as a reference point, but it’s not a strict limit. It is obligatory to perform Ghusl Nifas when the bleeding stops. Ghusl Nifas is similar to Ghusl of Janabat, but washing the mouth and nose is unnecessary. This ritual purifies the woman from the state of impurity (najasat) and allows her to return to her religious practices fully.
Ghusl Mayyit
Ghusl Mayyit is the ritual purification performed on a deceased Muslim. It serves as a final act of purification and respect for the deceased, preparing the body for burial according to Islamic rites. Typically, same-gender family members or designated individuals from the Muslim community perform Ghusl Mayyit. The process involves thoroughly washing the entire body with clean water to remove all impurities.
To learn more about the complete process for the Janazah Prayer, click on the link: Janazah Prayer: Steps of Janazah, and Essential Duas
Ghusl Istihada
Ghusl Istihada is a type of ritual purification that is performed by a woman who experiences abnormal bleeding outside of her regular menstrual period. When experiencing istihadah, a woman should not perform ghusl for every prayer but should make wudu for each prayer instead. She is allowed to pray, fast, recite the Quran, touch a copy of the Quran, and have intercourse with her husband.
Ghusl Mas-hil Mayyit
Ghusl Mas-hil Mayyit is not obligatory, but it is recommended as a purification practice. It ensures that individuals who have come into contact with the deceased maintain ritual purity. If a person touches more than one dead body or touches the same dead body more than once, only one ghusl Mas-hil Mayyit is required.
When Do We Perform Ghusl?
Ghusal can be done at any time, but it is required before certain acts of worship, such as the Friday prayer, the Eid prayer, or touching the Quran. In addition, there are some situations where ghusl is sunnah and recommended in Islam, such as:
- Before going to Jummah Congregational (Friday Prayer).
- Before going to Eid Prayers (Muslim annual feast prayers).
- Before the agreement, Umrah or Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah).
- When a disbeliever converts to Islam.
Parts of Ghusl
Ghusl, an Islamic ritual of purification, encompasses specific mandatory acts known as Fard, without which the Ghusl is incomplete, and recommended acts known as Sunnah, which are practices performed by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Fard of Ghusl
Ghusl has three obligatory parts that must be done in order. If any parts are skipped or not done properly, the ghusl is invalid and must be repeated.
- Rinsing the inner mouth.
- Sniffing water and blowout.
- Washing the entire body.
Sunnah of Ghusl
- Wash both hands up to the wrists.
- Wash the private parts and remove dirt from the body (using your left hand).
- Perform wudu (ablution).
- Pour water over the head three times, and rub the hair so that the water reaches the roots of the hair.
- Then, wash the body, ensuring the water reaches all parts, starting with the right side and then the left. Rub the body with your hands so the water reaches the entire body.
How to Perform Ghusl: A Step-by-Step Guide
The method of performing ghusl varies according to the different schools of Islamic jurisprudence (madhhab), but all agree upon some common steps. The procedure for performing ghusl in Islam includes the following steps:
- Make the intention (Niyyah) to perform Ghusl and say Bismillah (In Allah Almighty’s name).
- Wash both hands three times, starting with the right hand.
- Perform Wazoo(ablution) as usual.
- Perform a complete Rinsing of the inner mouth, swishing water around your mouth three times.
- Sniff water and blowout: Blow it out three times to cleanse your nose.
- Pour water over the head three times, ensuring it reaches the hair’s roots.
- Wash the entire body, starting with the right side, mouth, nose, and ears.
- Repeat the process, washing the left side of the body.
- After from top to bottom washing the body, recite the Dua, which is:
Finally, pour water over the body again, starting with the head.
Dua for Ghusl
There is no specific Ghusl dua, but we must recite Bismillah when beginning the Ghusl. You can also recite the following dua:

Tayammum is a purification ritual prescribed for us in situations where clean water is unavailable or using it may cause harm. This is especially relevant in arid regions where water is scarce or during travel when access to clean water may be limited. The process involves striking the palms onto clean soil, sand, stone, or dust and then wiping the face and hands with them. This act of purification is a mercy from Allah Almighty, making it easy for us to maintain our purity and perform our Five daily prayers wherever we may be. Tayammum is a simple yet effective solution that demonstrates the wisdom and practicality of Islam in all aspects of life.
Discover the full Tayammum procedure in our other blog. To learn more, click the link: Tayammum: Step-by-Step Guide.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The ghusl, accompanied by a statement of intent, must be performed whenever a state of major ritual impurity has been incurred: following sexual intercourse, seminal emission, menstruation, or childbirth.
Ghusl is a form of purification, or bath, that involves cleansing a body from impurities. There are different types of Ghusl, As Mention Above.
It is recommended to make Ghusl in the following order: Ghusl Steps are Mention Above.
Tayammum is the Islamic act of dry ritual purification using purified (clean) sand, stone, or mud. If clean water is not readily available, it may be performed in place of ritual washing (wudu or ghusl).
If a person is not clean because of sexual activity or a wet dream, or a woman is menstruating, and they pray after performing ghusl.
Ghusl is a important ritual in Islam that involves purifying ourselves by washing the entire body. This cleansing is believed to eliminate impurities from the body and soul. By performing ghusl, we can attain a higher level of spiritual purity and feel closer to Allah Almighty. Ghusl facilitates a deeper sense of focus during prayer, allowing us to connect more profoundly with the Creator. Moreover, it serves as a constant reminder of the importance of maintaining purity, seeking forgiveness, and striving to be a better Muslim. In essence, ghusl is a fundamental aspect of Islamic practice that enables believers to experience inner peace and spiritual fulfillment.
Last Updated on June 24, 2024 by Jamshed Anwer