Salah, or the daily prayer, is one of the five pillars of Islam that every Muslim must observe. Among the five prayers, the Friday prayer, also known as Jummah, has a special significance in our lives. It is a day of congregation, where we join together in worship and listen to the Khutbah or the sermon delivered by the Imam.
The Jummah prayer consists of two Rak’ahs, or units, followed by the Khutbah. It has a specific time slot, and it is obligatory for all adult males who are not sick, traveling, or enslaved. Women, children, and older people are exempted, but they can also join if they wish. On Fridays, we must leave our worldly affairs and head to the mosques to perform this prayer in unity and harmony.
This blog is designed to help you understand the importance, the procedure, and the consequences of missing the Jummah prayer. It will guide you through the steps of the prayer and answer some of the common questions and issues that you may face. We hope that this blog will inspire you to appreciate and practice this important prayer with devotion and sincerity.
The Significance of Jummah Prayer
The significance of Friday (Jummah) in Islam is underscored by the existence of an entire Surah in the Holy Quran named after this blessed day. Allah Almighty commands us in the Holy Quran:

This verse tells us to rush to the remembrance of Allah (swt) as soon as we hear the call for Jummah prayer. It reminds us to put aside worldly affairs during this sacred time and to join the collective prayer and spiritual reflection on Fridays, which is more beneficial for us.
Jummah Prayer in Hadiths
Friday prayer also has great religious significance and virtues in the light of hadiths. As our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, the Jummah prayer, along with the five daily prayers and the period between two Ramadhans, purifies us from the sins we commit in between them as long as we avoid major sins. (Sahih Muslim 233c)
Hazrat Muhamad (saw) also praised Friday’s excellence in various narrations. He (saw) said,
“The best day that the sun has risen upon is Friday. On it Adam was created, he entered Paradise, and on it, he was expelled from it. And the Hour will not be established except on Friday.”
(Jami` at-Tirmidhi 488)
The Holy Quran and the sayings of Hazrat Muhammad (saw) show us the importance of Jummah in our lives. They urge us to give preference to spiritual reflection, prayer, and remembrance of Allah (swt) on this blessed day.
Preparing for Jummah Prayer
As Muslims, we believe that it is crucial to prepare both physically and spiritually for Jummah. This is not just a cultural norm but also a recommended Sunnah (tradition) that enhances the experience of this congregational prayer. This practice shows our understanding that Friday is not just another day, but a day devoted to communal worship, contemplation, and connecting with Allah (swt). There are several recommended acts that we can perform to prepare for Jummah, as well as in our daily lives. Here are some of them:
Ghusal (Ritual bath)
Ghusal is a ritual of purification in Islam that involves washing the whole body with water. We should perform Ghusal before going to the Jummah prayer to ensure our physical cleanliness. This is based on the importance of cleanliness and purity in Islamic worship. By doing Ghusal, we are symbolically washing away our impurities before joining the Jummah prayer, which is a unique and honored day in Islam.
To learn more, you can visit our blog post, which tells about Ghusl in Islam, through which we achieve spiritual purity.
Wearing Nice Clothes and Using Perfume:
We should also wear clean and tidy clothes and use perfume for the Jummah prayer. This is a way of showing respect and reverence for the sanctity of the day. By dressing well and smelling good, we are expressing our desire to present ourselves in a dignified manner when attending the Jummah prayer. It also emphasizes the significance and distinctiveness of Friday.
Early Arrival for Jummah Prayer:
Another recommended act is to go to the Mosque early for the Jummah prayer. The earlier we go, the more rewards we get. The angels who record the names of the attendees for the Friday prayer write them down in the order of arrival, so they give preference to those who come early. This shows their dedication and eagerness for the Jummah prayer.
Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (RA): the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
Any person who takes a bath on Friday like the bath of Janaba and then goes for the prayer (in the first hour i.e. early), it is as if he had sacrificed a camel (in Allah’s cause); and whoever goes in the second hour it is as if he had sacrificed a cow; and whoever goes in the third hour, then it is as if he had sacrificed a horned ram; and if one goes in the fourth hour, then it is as if he had sacrificed a hen; and whoever goes in the fifth hour then it is as if he had offered an egg. When the Imam comes out (i.e. starts delivering the Khutba), the angels present themselves to listen to the Khutba.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (881) and Muslim (850)
These recommended practices aim to enhance the spiritual experience of Jummah prayer. Consequently, this reflects the significance of cleanliness, respect, and commitment in Islamic worship. Following these guidelines helps us approach Jummah with mindfulness and spiritual readiness.
Jummah Prayer Time
The time for Jummah prayer is the same as the time for Dhuhr Salah, which begins when the sun passes its zenith and ends when the shadow of an object is equal to its length. You should try to arrive early for the Jummah prayer, as it is mentioned above in this beautiful Quranic Ayah.
To find out the best time for Jummah prayer, you can check the local prayer timetables or use Islamic apps like Islamic Finder.
Jummah Prayer Procedure
The Jummah prayer is a sacred duty for every adult male Muslim, which replaces the Dhuhr prayer on Fridays. If you are not sure how to perform it, you can follow this simple guide.
First Adhan
The first Adhan is called by the Muadhin, who is in charge of announcing the prayer times in the Mosque. This Adhan is usually made an hour before the Jummah congregation starts and reminds us that the Jummah prayer is near. Its primary purpose is to motivate us to leave our daily tasks and get ready for the Jummah Namaz.
Sunnah Prayer
It is highly recommended to perform a voluntary Sunnah prayer before the Jummah prayer at the Mosque. This pre-prayer is a great way to enhance your spiritual bond with Allah (swt) and prepare yourself for the main Jummah Namaz. The voluntary Sunnah prayer consists of four Rak’ahs (units), and you should perform it with complete devotion and focus.
Second Adhan and Khutbah (Sermon)
The second Adhan is called right before the Jummah prayer begins. After that, the Imam goes to the pulpit (minbar) to deliver the Khutbah (sermon). The Khutbah is an essential part of our Friday prayer. It is mandatory for us to attend it and listen to it attentively.
The Khutbah has two parts, with a brief pause in between. In the first part, the Imam praises Allah (swt), sends blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (saw), and gives us religious guidance.
In the second part, the Imam continues with reminders and teachings that help us strengthen our faith and knowledge.
We should listen to the Khutbah in silence, as this is a sign of respect and obedience. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) himself said:
“When the Imam is delivering the Khutbah, and you ask your companion to keep quiet and listen, then no doubt you have done an evil act.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari: 934)
Jummah Prayer
The Jummah consists of two Rak’ahs. The congregation follows the Imam, and specific supplications and verses from the Quran are recited in each unit of the prayer.
Sunnah Prayer Maukada
After the Jummah prayer, it is recommended to perform two Rakats of voluntary prayer, known as Sunnah Muakkadah.
Hazrat Ibn’ Umar (RA) saw a man praying two rak’ahs after the Friday prayer in the same place (where he offered the Friday prayer). He pushed him and said: Do you offer four rak’ahs of Friday prayer? ‘Abd Allah (b. ‘Umar) used to pray two rak’ahs in his house after the Friday prayer, and he used to say: This is how the Messenger of Allah (saw) did. Sunan Abi Dawud 1127
Jummah Prayer FAQs
Can you pray Jummah without Ghusl?
Ghusl is a Sunnah act that we should perform before the Jummah prayer. It cleanses and refreshes our body and soul. However, it is not mandatory to do Ghusl for Jummah. You can still pray Jummah even if you have not done Ghusl, as long as you have performed Wudu according to Sunnah.
Is Jummah prayer obligatory for everyone?
Jummah prayer is a duty that Allah has imposed on every adult Muslim man. We should try our best to join the Jummah congregation at the Mosque and listen to the Khutbah. However, Allah has excused some people from this obligation, such as women, children, travelers, and those who have valid reasons.
Is it permissible to work during Jummah prayer hours?
Allah has given us a special gift in the form of Jummah. Therefore, we should stop our worldly activities and rush to the Mosque as soon as we hear the first Adhan for Jummah. Allah has promised us great rewards for doing so and warned us of severe consequences for neglecting it.
Can you pray Jummah at home?
No, because the common practice in Islam is to attend the Jummah (Friday) prayer in congregation at the Mosque. However, there may be some exceptional circumstances (Shari Masail), such as illness or other valid reasons, which may prevent individuals from attending the Jummah congregation. In such situations, we are recommended to offer Dhuhr Namaz.
Do you pray Jummah on Eid?
Jummah and Eid are two different types of prayers that Allah has prescribed for us. Jummah is a weekly prayer that we perform every Friday, while Eid is a seasonal prayer that we perform twice a year, on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. If Eid falls on a Friday, then we have the option of either praying both Jummah and the Eid, or praying only Eid and skipping Jummah.
It was narrated from Hazrat Ibn’ Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Two ‘Eid have come together on this day of yours. So whoever wants, that (the ‘Eid prayer) will suffice him, and he will not have to pray Friday, but we will pray Friday if Allah (swt) wills.”.
Sunan Ibn Majah 1311
Do you pray Zuhr after Jummah?
If you have not offered the Friday prayer, then you can offer the Zuhr prayer, otherwise not at all.
Jummah Prayer for Women
Women are not required to attend Jummah prayer at the Mosque, but they are welcome to do so if they wish. However, most scholars advise women to pray the regular Dhuhr prayer at home, as it is more rewarding and convenient for them. The Prophet (saw) said: “Do not prevent the female servants of Allah from going to the mosque of Allah, but their houses are better for them.”
Narrated Hazrat Tariq ibn Shihab (RA): The Prophet (saw) said:
The Friday prayer in congregation is a necessary duty for every Muslim, with four exceptions: a slave, a woman, a boy, and a sick person.
Sunan Abi Dawud 1067
The Consequences of Skipping Jummah Prayer
Skipping the Jummah prayer without a valid excuse is a grave sin that can have serious consequences for our spiritual and communal well-being.
Our holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) warned us:
“He who leaves the Friday prayer (continuously) for three Fridays on account of slackness, Allah will print a stamp on his heart.”
Abu-Dawood 1047
This means that our hearts will become hardened and distant from Allah (swt), and we will lose the benefits and rewards of the whole week ahead. Moreover, we will weaken our connection with the Muslim community and miss out on the chance to learn from the Khutbah and support each other. Therefore, we should make every effort to attend the Jummah prayer unless we have a valid reason, such as illness, travel, or fear of harm. By doing so, we will fulfill our duty to Allah (swt) and enhance our faith and brotherhood.
Last Updated on October 14, 2024 by Jamshed Anwer