Shab-e-Miraj, also known as, Al-Isra Wal-Miraj, is a significant event in Islamic history. It is a “Night Journey” that refers to the journey of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Mecca to Jerusalem in a single night. There, he led other prophets in prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque. After this, he ascended through the heavens, passing different levels and meeting various prophets until he reached a point close to Allah Almighty. This journey also involved visiting Paradise (Jannah) and Hell (Jahannam), where the Prophet saw the rewards for the believers and the punishments for the disbelievers. He witnessed meaningful signs from Allah (SWT) that showed him the reality of the Hereafter.
The primary purpose of this journey was for the Prophet to increase his faith and knowledge and to convey the message of Islam to his followers. To read a comprehensive exploration of this beautiful night journey on the 15th of Shaban, check out our blog post entitled “Al-Isra and Wal-Miraj – The Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad SAW.” It explains the whole journey of the Prophet, the people he met during the journey, his conversation with Allah, and how we got our five daily prayers.
Hazrat Muhammad visit to Jannat (Paradise)
The Shab-e-Miraj is associated with Hazrat Muhammad’s (SAW) visit to the heavens, including the highest levels of Jannah or Paradise. Although the Holy Quran does not explicitly mention specific details about Jannah during the Shab-e-Miraj, various hadiths provide valuable insights into what Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) witnessed and conveyed about Jannah during this miraculous journey.
According to the Hadith, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) witnessed several incidents during his visit to Jannah, offering insights into Jannah and the rewards that await those destined to call it their everlasting home.
The Choice of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
During the journey of Al-Isra and Miraj, the Holy Prophet (SAW) encountered many signs and wonders, one of which was a test of his wisdom and faith.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) reported:
On the journey, He (SAW) was presented with two drinking vessels: one full of wine and the other one full of milk. He looked at them. Then he took the vessel, which was full of milk. Thereupon, Jibril (Gabriel) said: “Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah) Who has guided you to that, which is in accord with Fitrah (i.e., Islamic Monotheism; pure nature of Islam). Had you selected wine, your people would have gone astray.” (Riyad as-Salihin 1393)
This shows us how the Prophet (SAW) was the best example for us in all aspects of life and how he always chose what was good and beneficial for himself and his Ummah. He also taught us to avoid what is harmful and intoxicating, as it leads to deviation and misguidance.
In our other, Read about the What is Shab-e-Barat? Exploring the Significance and Practices.
Palace of Hazrat Umar (R.A.)
One of the most beautiful sights in Paradise is the palace of Hazrat Umar (R.A.). On Shab-e-Miraj, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) witnessed its splendour and magnificence himself.
Narrated Hazrat Jabir (R.A.):
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “I entered Paradise and saw a palace that was unlike anything I had ever seen. It was grand and extraordinary. I asked the angels, ‘Whose palace is this?’ They said, ‘This palace belongs to Umar bin Al-Khattab.’ I wanted to enter it, but I stopped myself because I knew how much you value your self-respect, O Umar.” Hazrat Umar (R.A.) was moved by these words and said, “O Allah’s Messenger (SAW)! May my parents be sacrificed for you! How can I have any self-respect that would prevent you from entering my palace?”
(Sahih al-Bukhari 5226)
Al-Kauthar (Blissful River)
Al-Kauther is a river in Jannat, the Paradise of Islam. Allah has given this river to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), the Prophet and messenger of Islam.
In Surah Al-Kawthar (Chapter 108), one of the shortest chapters in the Quran,
Allah says: “Indeed, We have granted you, [O Muhammad], al-Kawthar.” The word al-Kawthar means “abundance” or “plenty”.Â
(Surah Al-Kawthar)
Hazrat Anas (R.A.), one of the companions of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), reported that he said: “I saw a river in Paradise, whose banks had tents made of pearl. I asked: ‘What is this, O Jibril?’ He replied: ‘This is Al-Kauther, which Allah has granted you.'”
(Jami at-Tirmidhi 3359)
Loan vs Charity – The Superiority of Loan
A loan is a good option for achieving long-term goals, such as buying a house or starting a business. Charity is a noble act that provides immediate help to those who need it without expecting anything in return. Both are essential ways of dealing with different problems in the world.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) saw the superiority of loans over charity during his miraculous night journey, the Shab-e-Miraj, as mentioned in the following Hadith:
Hazrat Anas (R.A.) bin Malik (R.A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “On the night on which I was taken on the Night Journey (Isra), I saw written at the gate of Paradise: ‘Charity brings a tenfold reward and a loan brings an eighteenfold reward.’ I said: ‘O Jibril! Why is a loan better than charity?’ He said: ‘Because the beggar asks when he has something, but the one who asks for a loan does so only because he is in need.’
(Sunan Ibn Majah 2431)
The Value of Poverty and the Fate of Women in the Hereafter
Hazrat Imr (R.A.) Narrated:
The Prophet (SAW) said, “I looked at Paradise and saw that the majority of its residents were the poor, and I looked at the (Hell) Fire and saw that the majority of its residents were women.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 5198)
This does not mean that poverty is a virtue or that women are doomed; instead, it has deeper meanings and implications.
One of them is that poverty can be a test and a blessing for those who endure it with patience and gratitude. The poor may have fewer distractions and temptations in this world and more reliance and trust in Allah. They may also have more compassion and generosity towards others who are in need.
Read more about the Patience in Islam and its Virtues!
The Prophet (SAW) said, “The poor will enter Paradise five hundred years before the rich.”
Another one is that women are not inherently sinful or inferior to men. The reason why there are more women in Hellfire is because they are ungrateful to their husbands, and they curse frequently. These two major sins can be avoided by being thankful and respectful. Islam gives women a high status and great rewards in Paradise if they are righteous and obedient to Allah.
Jahannam (Hellfire) and its Warnings:
During the Shab-e-Miraj, Allah (SWT) warned Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) about Jahannam, a terrible place of punishment for those who disobey Him and reject His guidance. Jahannam is mentioned 77 times in the Quran, and it describes its horrors in detail. These warnings are meant to make us fear Allah (SWT), follow His commands and avoid the actions that could lead us to Jahannam. These warnings are also a mercy from Allah (SWT), as He wants us to repent and seek His forgiveness before it is too late. Therefore, we should take these warnings seriously and strive to be among the righteous believers who will enter Jannah (Paradise).
Read more about the concept of Jahannam in Islam, where you can also get detailed insights into the levels of Jahannam.
The Burden of Neglected Prayers:
One of the actions that could lead us to Jahannam is neglecting our prayers, which are the pillars of our faith and the means of communication with Allah (SWT). Allah SWT has clearly shown the fate of neglecting our prayers to our Holy Prophet SAW on Shab-e-Miraj.
The Prophet (SAW) said: “I passed by a people whose heads were being crushed by heavy stones. I asked: O Gabriel! Who are these people? Gabriel said: These are the people on whose heads are the burden of prayer. That is, they feel the burden of prayers on themselves.” (Ibn Majah).
The Prophet (SAW) also said: “The first thing that will be judged among a person’s deeds on the Day of Resurrection is the prayers. If they are in order, then he will have prospered and succeeded. If they are lacking, then he will have failed and lost.” (Tirmidhi).
Therefore, we should not take our prayers lightly or delay them but rather perform them on time and with concentration.
Consequences of Withholding Charity
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: Then I saw a group of people who were clothed in rags and eating poisonous trees and hot stones like animals. I asked: O Gabriel! Who are these people? Gabriel said: These are the people who refused to give charity from their wealth. Allah does not wrong His servants, but these individuals were wronging themselves through their actions.
This serves as a reminder of the importance of giving charity and helping those in need.
Trusts Unfulfilled
In a narration attributed to Hazrat Muhamad (SAW) about the Shab-e-Miraj, the Prophet (PBUH) said that he (SAW) passed by a man who had gathered a large bundle of firewood. The man, however, could not lift the bundle due to its weight. Despite this, he continued to add more firewood to it out of sheer greed.
Confused, the Prophet (PBUH) asked the angel Jibraeel (AS) about the identity of the man. In response, Jibraeel (AS) informed the Prophet (PBUH) that the man was from the Prophet’s Ummah (community) and he had been entrusted with something by others, but he was unable to fulfil his obligation. Instead of returning the trust to its rightful owners, the man had collected more trust, increasing the burden of his unfulfilled duties.
Read more about the 4 Angels of Islam and Their Duties.
Commit Adultery:
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said about his journey of Shab-e-Miraj: I passed by a group of people in front of whom there was freshly roasted meat in a pot on one side and smelly (bad-smelling) m at on the other. I asked: O Gabriel! Who are these people? He (RA) said: These are the people who have a lawful (pure) wife, and they have sexual intercourse with a wicked woman and sleep with her until morning.
False Witnesses:
Hazrat Muhamad (SAW) said: Then I saw a field full of terrible pigs, whose whole body was like a human being and whose face was like a pig, and whose tongue was torn out and being pulled in the opposite direction. I asked: O Gabriel! Who are these people? You said: These people? Those who have made false witnesses lose their livelihood. These people lied with incredible arrogance.
Oppressive Women
Hazrat Muhamad (SAW) said: Then I saw a group of women hanging upside down on their breasts and legs, and they were all being flogged with fire. I asked Gabriel: Who are these people? He said: These are the cruel and impure women who gave birth to illegitimate children and killed them to hide their crime.
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: During this Night Journey, I saw some people from whom the angels cut meat and fed it to them, so they said: Eat the meat of your (dead) brothers as you eat meat in this world, were. I asked! O Gabriel! Who are these people? They are being forced to eat their flesh. He said: These are the flaws that make people more vocal.
Hazrat Anas (R.A) said:
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “During the Mi’raj (the Night of Ascension), I saw a group of people who were scratching their chests and faces with their copper nails. I asked, ‘Who are these people, O Jibril?’ Jibril replied: ‘These are the people who ate the flesh of others (by backbiting) and trampled people’s honour.“‘ (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 335)
Proud and Arrogant People
Hazrat Muhamad (SAW) said: Then I saw that there was a forest, and there were holes in the ground, and from those holes, big bulls came out with big bodies and big horns. They are scared and want to push their horns, hands, and feet into these tiny holes. I asked Gabriel, who are these people? He said: These are the people who talk big and small in the world. And words of pride and arrogance come out of the mouth.
People with Drug Addiction
Hazrat Muhamad (SAW) said: Then I saw some people whose faces are black and blue eyes are very terrible and the lower lip is crawling on the ground and the upper lip is placed on the head. Their mouths are oozing such stinking pus and blood that the whole field is rotting. I asked Gabriel, who are these people? He said: These are the drunkards who will suffer the same punishment until the Day of Judgment.
In conclusion, the Shab-e-Miraj journey of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a miraculous event that holds significant importance for Muslims worldwide. It not only helped the Prophet Muhammad PBUH increase his faith and knowledge but also conveyed valuable insights to the Ummah about Jannah, Jahannam, and the Hereafter.
The journey is a reminder to all Muslims that we must strive to follow the example of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in all aspects of life and always choose what is good and beneficial for ourselves and our community.
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May Allah (SWT) grant us the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet (SAW) and witness the beauty of Jannah in the hereafter, Ameen.
Last Updated on April 22, 2024 by Muhammad Haseeb A.