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What is Shab-e-Barat? Exploring the Significance and Practices


What is Shab-e-Barat?

Shab-e-Barat is the night of forgiveness and mercy, which falls on the 15th of Shaban, the eighth month in the Islamic calendar. The name comes from two words: ‘Shab,’ which means night in Persian, and ‘Barat,’ meaning deliverance or forgiveness in Arabic. It is considered one of the most significant nights in Islam, as it offers us an opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty and correct our course if we have gone astray. 

Shaban is a sacred time for Muslims, serving as a period to gear up for Ramadan. It’s a time filled with acts of kindness, giving to those in need, and fasting. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said, “Shaban is my month, and Ramadan is the month of Allah.” Aside from Ramadan, he SAW would fast more during Shaban than any other month.

What Makes Shab-e-Barat so Special?

On Shab-e-Barat, it’s a time of great blessings and mercy from Allah (SWT). It’s also a time Allah (SWT) descends to the lowest heaven and forgives those who sincerely seek forgiveness by doing Tawbah. So, Muslims are encouraged to spend the night in prayer, asking for God’s mercy, doing good deeds, and, for some, fasting during the day to make the most of this blessed night.

Shab e Barat in Hadiths:

The actions and sayings of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) offer valuable guidance for Muslims in various aspects of life, including matters related to spirituality and religious observances. 

The Hadiths of Shab-e-Barat reveal the importance and virtues of this night, as well as the recommended acts of worship and Dua that one should perform on this night.

One of the Hadiths that mention Shab-e-Barat is reported by Hazrat Ali (R.A.) bin Abu Talib, who said:

“The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: ‘When it is the night of the middle of Sha’ban, spend its night in prayer and observe a fast on that day. For Allah descends at sunset on that night to the lowest heaven and says: ‘Is there no one who will ask Me for forgiveness, that I may forgive him? Is there no one who will ask Me for provisions that I may provide for him? Is there no one who is afflicted by trouble that I may relieve him?’ And so on, until dawn comes.'”

[Sunan Ibn Majah 1388]

Another Hadith that mentions Shab-e-Barat is reported by Hazrat Aishah (R.A.), who said:

I missed the Prophet (SAW) one night, so I went out looking for him. I found him at Al-Baqi, raising his head towards the sky. He said: ‘O ‘Aishah, were you afraid that Allah and His Messenger would wrong you?'” She said: “I said: ‘No, it is not that, but I thought that you had gone to one of your other wives.’ He said: ‘Allah descends on the night of the middle of Sha’ban to the lowest heaven, and He forgives more than the number of hairs on the sheep of Banu Kalb.’

[Sunan Ibn Majah 1389]

These Hadiths inspire us to seek Allah’s forgiveness and increase our worship and devotion. We should also make Dua and Supplications for ourselves, our families, our community, and the entire Ummah. 

Is Celebrating the Middle of Shaban Allowed?

Shab-e-Barat is a night of great significance and blessings for Muslims. Therefore, many Muslims spend this night in worship, reciting the Quran, and offering prayers. Subsequently seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT), which is collectively known as ‘Qiyam-ul-Layl’. 

Please read our blog on 10 Amazing Facts About Qiyam ul Layl.

However, some Muslims also engage in activities that are not in accordance with Islamic teachings, such as using fireworks. This is a waste of money, a source of pollution, and a danger to life and property. Islam forbids harming oneself or others, and using fireworks can cause harm to both. Moreover, using fireworks distracts one from the true purpose of this night, which is to remember Allah (SWT) and seek His blessings.

Parents have a responsibility to educate their children about the Islamic rulings on what is halal and what is haram. They should also explain to them the importance and virtues of Shab-e-Barat and how to observe it in the best way. For more guidance on this topic, you can read our blog post on Islamic parenting tips.

Is Shab e Barat Allowed in Islam?

Shab e Barat is a night of great significance in Islam, as it is mentioned in various authentic hadiths that narrate its virtues and blessings. According to one of these hadiths, Allah (SWT) descends to the nearest heaven on the night of Shaban and forgives more people than the number of hairs on the sheep of Banu Kalb, a group that had a large flock of sheep. The only ones who are not forgiven are those who associate partners with Allah, hold ill-will towards others. Also, those who sever ties of kinship (cutting off family relationships), or persist in major sins. Therefore, Shab e Barat is a night of mercy, and forgiveness and a chance for Muslims to repent and seek Allah’s pardon. 

Although some scholars may differ on minor issues regarding the observance of this night, such as offering specific prayers or fasting on the following day, they all agree on its general status and importance in Islam.

In our other blog read about Al-Isra and Wal-Miraj: Story of the Prophet’s Miraculous Journey.

Shab e Barat Prayers and Duas

The 15th night of Shaban provides an excellent opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty and correct our course if we have gone astray. Although praying or spending the night awake is not mandatory, the potential blessings make it a good idea to take advantage of the opportunity. 

Who would want to miss out on such blessings?

You can plan your activities before the night begins and still benefit from this blessed night. The key is to avail the opportunity for forgiveness and positive change.

There are a few things you can do:

Salah (Prayer)

Prayer is the best way to communicate with our Creator and express our gratitude, repentance, and supplication. There is no fixed number of units (Rakah) for this night, and you can pray as much as you can. The important thing is to pray with sincerity, concentration, and devotion. You can also recite longer chapters (surahs) from the Quran during your prayers, such as Surah Yaseen, Surah Rahman, or 4 Quls.

Read more about Salah: The second pillar of Islam.

In addition to the obligatory prayers, you can also perform voluntary prayers (Nawafil) to increase your rewards and blessings. Nawafil prayers are a great way to get closer to Allah and seek His forgiveness and mercy. Please read our blog post to learn more about the significance of Nawafil prayers for Muslims.

Tilawa (Recitation)

Recitation of the Quran is another beautiful way to seek Allah’s Almighty favour and guidance. You don’t have to recite the whole Quran in one night; you can set a target and stick to it. We can also choose specific chapters (surahs) that have special virtues and benefits. These Surahs include Surah Yaseen, Surah Rahman, or 4 Quls. You can recite them more than once if you wish. It is not obligatory, but it is highly rewarding.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of reciting the Quran and how it can enrich your spiritual journey, you can read our blog post on this topic. You will find valuable tips and insights on how to make the most of your tilawa and connect with the words of Allah. You can access the blog post here: Benefits of Reciting Quran: A Spiritual Journey.

Dua in Shab-e-Barat

Dua is a powerful tool that Allah (SWT) has given us to communicate with Him and ask for His mercy and blessings. Making heartfelt requests to Allah (SWT) is highly encouraged. There are guidelines for praying on the 15th night of Shaban, and it’s a way to seek forgiveness for our sins and draw closer to Allah (SWT).

Dua is one of the most effective and rewarding ways to connect with Allah (SWT) and express our needs and desires to Him. Allah (SWT) loves to hear from His servants, and He responds to their calls. 

He says in the Quran: 

“And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me.”


Some of the duas that we can say repeatedly are as follows:

Dua for Shab-e-Barat
“O Allah, You are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me”(Sunan Ibn Majah 3850)

"Our Lord! Take us not to task if we forget or fall into error" [Qur'an 2:286]
“Our Lord! Take us not to task if we forget or fall into error” [Qur’an 2:286]

To learn more about the importance of dua in Islam, you can read our blog post. 

In our other blog post, you can also find some important duas for daily life.


One of the easiest and most beneficial ways to seek Allah’s (SWT) grace is to remember Him through tasbih or prayers, which is called Dhikr. You can do it anytime and anywhere, without having to move from your place. Dhikr helps you to connect with Allah (SWT) and feel His presence in your heart. Spending the whole night in Dhikr is not obligatory, but it is highly recommended.

Dhikr is one of the practices that have been confirmed by the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), along with Salah, Tilawa, Dua, and others. These practices are essential for seeking Allah’s Almighty favour and protecting ourselves from the consequences of our sins. We should make them a part of our daily routine. Even if we do it in small amounts because they can save us from the potential harm of Hellfire.

The Superstitions of Shab e Barat:

Some people have mistaken beliefs and superstitions about the 15th night of Shaban, also known as Shab-e-Barat. They think that:

  • The spirits of the dead visit their relatives on this night.
  • There is a special tree in heaven with the names of all humans on its leaves. Whoever’s name falls from the tree on this night will die in the next year.
  • Allah (SWT) decides the fate of people’s life and death on this night.

However, these beliefs are not based on the Quran or the Sunnah (the practices of Prophet Muhammad). They are superstitious and contrary to Islamic teachings.

Read about the Concept of life after death.

Shab-e-Barat is a blessed night when Allah (SWT) forgives those who seek His mercy, accepts their prayers, and grants their wishes. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) advised us to spend this night in worship, repentance, and supplication. He also said that we should fast on the following day.

Let us follow the authentic guidance of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and make the best use of this night by strengthening our relationship with Allah (SWT). Let us avoid superstitions and focus on the actual teachings that lead to spiritual growth and well-being.






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Cardápio Online
Cardápio Online
7 months ago

“Gratitude is the compass that points us towards a fulfilling life, and your posts are the map guiding us on that journey. Thank you for the direction!”


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