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4 Angels of Islam and Their Duties


Angels in Islam

Belief in angels is one of the six articles of faith in Islam, which are based on the statements in the Qur’an and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). 4 Angels play an important role in Islam and are considered special beings created by Allah Almighty. These celestial beings, known as “Malaika” in Arabic, which means “to assist and help,” are considered with utmost respect and honour.

Although the exact number of angels is unknown, it is believed that only Allah (swt) knows their precise count. The Holy Quran and the Hadiths provide limited information about angels, leaving much to the imagination and interpretation. However, it is known that Allah Almighty has assigned specific tasks to all angels, which they carry out with complete obedience and devotion.

In our other Blog, we discuss the Tawheed: The First Pillar of Islam.

How Angels Look Like

Angels are created from light and have no independent will or choice. Their sole purpose is to worship Allah (swt) and execute His commands. Despite their critical role in the grand scheme of things, the world of angels remains a mystery to us as it exists beyond our senses. The Holy Quran extensively mentions angels, providing insight into their characteristics, duties, and importance. Through these revelations, we learn to appreciate the essential role angels play in Islam.

They’re part of a hidden world we can’t completely understand, but Allah mentions them in the Quran.

Quranic Ayat about the four angels in Islam

O believers! Protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, overseen by formidable and severe angels, who never disobey whatever Allah orders always doing as commanded. [Surah Tahrim verse 6]

Surah Baqarah verse Ayat No 285

The Messenger firmly believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. They all believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His messengers. They proclaim, ā€œWe make no distinction between any of His messengers.ā€ And they say, ā€œWe hear and obey. We seek Your forgiveness, our Lord! And to You alone is the final return.ā€ [Surah Baqarah verse 285]

Hazrat Aishah (RA) reported that:

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “Angels were created from light, jinns were created from a smokeless flame of fire, and ‘Adam was created from that which you have been told (i.e., sounding clay like the clay of pottery).” [Riyad as-Salihin 1846]

Who are the 4 Main Angels

According to Islamic beliefs, Allah Almighty has assigned certain duties to a multitude of angels. However, the 4 main angels of Islam are believed to hold the highest significance in the entire universe. These angels are responsible for carrying out the most crucial tasks under Allah Almighty’s command. Let’s take a closer look at each one of them and their respective responsibilities:

Here are the Names of the 4 Angels of Islam and their Duties:

  1. Hazrat Gabriel (AS)
  2. Hazrat Mika’il (AS)
  3. Hazrat Israfil (AS)
  4. Hazrat Azrael (AS)

Angel (Gabriel) Jibreel

Hazrat Jibril (AS) was the angel who delivered Allah Almighty’s messages to the Prophets. He brought good news to Hazrat Maryam (AS) about the birth of Hazrat Isa (AS). He also played a crucial role in conveying the message of Allah Almighty to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during his meditation in the cave of Hira. Hazrat Jibril (AS) appeared to the Prophet (SAW) in various forms, resembling a human being. In the Holy Quran, Hazrat Jibril (AS) is referred to as Ruh al-Amin, ruh al-Qudus, and Rasulun Karim, highlighting his noble character and trustworthy nature.

Hazrat Jibraeel (peace be upon him) used to convey the message of Allah to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and called it revelation. Read our second blog for the first Revelation.

Surah Baqarah Ayat No 97

Say, O Prophet, ā€œWhoever is an enemy of Gabriel should know that he revealed this Quran to your heart by Allahā€™s Will, confirming what came before it as a guide and good news for the believers. .ā€ [Surah Baqarah Ayat 97]

Surah Tahrim Ayat No 4

It would be better if your wives both turned to Allah in repentance, for your hearts have certainly faltered. But if you continue to collaborate against him, then know that Allah Himself is his Guardian. Gabriel, the righteous believers, and the angels are all his supporters as well. [Surah Tahrim Ayat 4]

Angel Mika’il (Michael)

According to Islamic belief, the angel Mika’il (also known as Michael) is responsible for providing sustenance to all living beings on earth. Angel Mika’il is believed to play a key role in the changing of seasons, the blowing of the wind, and the occurrence of rain, all of which are considered essential for the well-being of the earth and its inhabitants.

The Holy Quran tells us;

Surah Baqarah Ayat No 98

Whoever is an enemy of Allah, His angels, His messengers, Gabriel and Michael, then let them know that Allah is certainly the enemy of the disbelievers. [Surah Baqarah Ayat 98]

Angel Israfil (Israfeel)

Angel Israfil, also known as Hazrat Israfeel, holds a significant role in the events that will unfold on the Day of Judgment. This angel is responsible for blowing the trumpet that will signal the end of the world and the beginning of the afterlife. It’s believed that Israfil will blow the trumpet twice – the first time to bring about Doomsday, and the second time to resurrect all souls for the final judgment.

As mentioned in the Quran,

Surah An-Naml Ayat No 87

The Trumpet will be blown a second time, and then, behold! They will rush from the graves to their Lord. [Surah Yaseen Ayat 51]

Angel Azrael (Angel of Death)

Angel Azrael, also known as Malak-ul-Maut (the angel of Death), is responsible for the solemn task of separating a person’s soul from their physical body upon their passing. In other words, Azrael is known as the Angel of Death, and it is believed that he carries out this duty with utmost care and respect.

Read our other blog on The Concept of Life After Death in Islam.

In this regard Allah Almighty (SWT) says;

Surah Sajdah Ayat 11

Say, O Prophet, ā€œYour soul will be taken by the Angel of Death, who is in charge of you. Then to your Lord, you will all be returned.ā€ [Surah Sajdah Ayat 11]

What do Angels Look Like?

Angels are perceived as spiritual beings with wings and are often viewed as beautiful, glowing entities that resemble humans but possess a special divine aura. We believe that angels can take on different forms depending on their purpose or message. However, it is rare for anyone to have seen them in their true form.

We have gathered information about angels from the Quran and the Sunnah

  • Angels do not require nourishment through eating.
  • Angels are often depicted as being of a large size.
  • Angels are considered to be genderless, neither male nor female.
  • Angels have the ability to take on human form.
  • Angels are often depicted with wings, which can come in pairs of two, three, or four.
  • People describe angels as incredibly beautiful, except for the Angel of Death.

How many angels are there in Islam?

There is no exact count of how many angels exist, and we do not know their nature or manner of existence. This knowledge is only known by Allah Almighty.

Who is the gatekeeper of Jannah?

Riįøwan (Riswan), is an angel in Islam, who guards the gates of heaven.


In Islam, there are 4 major angels, but there are also numerous other angels, such as the angels of Kiraman Katibin. These angels record the deeds of every individual. The angel on the right shoulder records good deeds, while the angel on the left notes bad deeds. On the Day of Judgment, these angels will present a complete record of a person’s actions to Allah Almighty, showing their conduct throughout life. Likewise, angels called Nakir and Munkir appear before a deceased person in their grave.






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10 months ago

helped me for an essay thanks!
btw i dont think the angel of death is azrael since there is no authentic hadeeth mentioning this nor the quran and allah refers to it as the angel of death.

Last edited 10 months ago by DASF


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