Choosing Islamic Boy Names
Choosing Islamic boy names for your baby is a special responsibility in Islam. A good name carries great meaning and blessings, reflecting Islamic values, virtues, and culture. According to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), parents should choose names with positive meanings, as a person’s name can shape their character and destiny.
Whether you’re looking for a classic or modern name, or something unique or traditional, this guide offers a comprehensive list of Islamic boy names, including names from the Quran and Islamic history. Take your time to choose a name that will bring blessings and inspire your child throughout his life.
The Importance of Names in Islam
Islamic tradition emphasizes the importance of giving a child a good name.
Hazrat Ibn Umar (RA) narrated that:
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “The most beloved of names to Allah Almighty is ‘Abdullah and ‘Abdur-Rahman.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 3728)
Therefore, when choosing a name, parents should select one that holds positive meanings and reflects Islamic values.
You can also find beautiful Islamic girl names and their meanings by clicking the link: Best Islamic Girl Names: Meanings and Their Significance in Islam.
How to Choose the Right Islamic Names for Baby Boys
When selecting Islamic names for your boys, it’s important to consider the following factors:
- Meaning: Ensure the name has a positive and blessed meaning in Islam. A good name brings barakah (blessings) to your child’s life. Avoid names with negative or inappropriate meanings, such as names that imply arrogance or names of tyrants.
- Ease of Pronunciation: Choose a name that is easy for your child and others to pronounce to avoid mispronunciations and misunderstandings. A name that flows naturally will be used correctly and with respect.
- Connection to Islamic Heritage: Opt for names that are rooted in Islamic teachings, such as names from the Quran, Prophets, or Sahabah (companions). These names carry spiritual significance and remind your child of the values and virtues of Islam.
The Complete List of Baby Boy Islamic Names
Here is a list of Islamic boy’s names that hold meaningful and positive significance for your baby boy:
- Aarif: Knowledgeable, Wise, or Aware.
- Abbas: Lion
- Abdullah: Servant of Allah (SWT), or Slave of Allah (SWT).
- Abdul-Aleem: Servant of the All-Knowing, or Servant Of The Omniscient.
- Abdul-Aziz: Servant of the Almighty.
- Abdul-Bari: Servant of the Creator.
- Abdul-Fattah: Servant of the Opener.
- Abdul-Ghaffar: Servant of the All-Forgiving.
- Abdul-Hadi: Servant of the Guide.
- Abdul-Hafiz: Servant of the Protector.
- Abdul-Hakeem: Servant of the All-Wise.
- Abdul-Haleem: Servant of the Mild.
- Abdul-Hamid: Servant of the Praiseworthy.
- Abdul-Jabbar: Servant of the Giver.
- Abdul-Kareem: Servant of the Generous.
- Abdul-Majid: Servant of the All-Glorious.
- Abdul-Malik: Servant of the King.
- Abdul-Muhaimin: Servant of the Protector.
- Abdul-Mujeeb: Servant of the Responder.
- Abdul-Musawwir: Servant of the Fashioner.
- Abdul-Qadir: Servant of the Capable.
- Abdul-Qahhar: Servant of the Subduer.
- Abdul-Qayyum: Servant of the Self-Existing.
- Abdul-Qudus: Servant of the Holy.
- Abdul-Rafi: Servant of the Exalter.
- Abdul-Rahim: Servant of the Merciful.
- Abdul-Rahman: Servant of the Most Gracious.
- Abdul-Rashid: Servant of the Guide to the Right Path.
- Abdul-Saboor: Servant of the Patient.
- Abdul-Salam: Servant of the Peace.
- Abdul-Samad: Servant of the Eternal.
- Abdul-Wahid: Servant of the One.
- Abdul-Wadood: Servant of the Loving.
- Abdul-Wahhab: Servant of the Bestower.
- Abdul-Wali: Servant of the Protector.
- Abeed: Worshipper.
- Abraar: Righteous.
- Altaf: Kindness, Graces.
- Adeel: Just.
- Adeem: Rare, or Great.
- Adnan: Settler, Eternal settlement, Pleasant.
- Ahmad: Praiseworthy, Most Commendable.
- Ahsan: The Best, Most Handsome, Most Beautiful.
- Akram: Generous.
- Alam: Universe, World.
- Ali: Noble, Exalted.
- Aman: Safety, Protection.
- Ameen: Trustworthy, Faithful.
- Ameer: Commander, Prince, Ruler.
- Amin: Trustworthy, Faithful.
- Amjad: Magnificent, Glorious.
- Ammar: Long-lived Builder
- Amr: Long-lived.
- Anas: Love, Affection.
- Anwar: Luminous, Radiant.
- Arman: Desire, Wish.
- Arqam: Writer.
- Asad: Lion.
- Asif: Gatherer, Harvester.
- Asim: Protector, Guardian
- Atif: Sympathetic, Compassionate
- Awais: Gifted or Bestowed.
- Azam: Great.
- Azhar: Bright, Shining.
- Babar: Lion.
- Badr: Full Moon
- Basim: Smiling.
- Bassam: Smiling.
- Bilal: Full moon, Water, Victorious, Winner.
- Daaim: Perpetual, Constant.
- Daanish: Knowledge, Wisdom.
- Dabeer: Successor.
- Daher: Always, Constantly.
- Daleel: Guide, Proof.
- Damir: Conscience.
- Daneen: Name of a Mountain.
- Dawood: Beloved Friend, Beloved (Quranic Prophet).
- Ebrahim: Biblical Prophet.
- Ehsan: The Best.
- Eijaz: Miracle.
- Eliyas: Biblical Prophet.
- Emad: Support, Pillar.
- Emran: Exalted Nation.
- Eshan: Good Thing.
- Fadil: Virtuous, Excellent.
- Fahad: Panther.
- Faisal: Decisive, Resolute.
- Faiz: Successful, Victorious.
- Faizan: Abundance.
- Fakhr: Pride, Glory.
- Fareed: Unique, Precious.
- Farhan: Happy, Joyful.
- Fariq: Different.
- Faris: Knight, Horseman.
- Farooq: Differentiator.
- Farrukh: Happy, Auspicious.
- Fateh: Conqueror.
- Fawad: Heart, Soul.
- Fawaz: Successful, Victorious.
- Fawzi: Successful, Victorious.
- Fayaz: Generous.
- Fazal: Favour, Grace.
- Ghani: Rich, Wealthy.
- Ghayoor: Jealous, Possessive.
- Ghulam: Slave, Servant.
- Hadi: Guide.
- Hafeez: Protector, Guardian.
- Haider: Lion.
- Hakeem: Wise, Intelligent.
- Hamid: Praiseworthy.
- Hamza: Lion.
- Hanif: Monotheistic.
- Haris: Protector, Guardian.
- Haroon: Hope.
- Hasan: Beautiful, Handsome.
- Hashim: Breaker, Crusher.
- Hasib: Noble, Respected.
- Hesham: Generous.
- Hibatullah: Gift of Allah (SWT).
- Hilal: Crescent Moon.
- Hisham: Generous.
- Hud: Those Who Ask Forgiveness.
- Husam: Sword.
- Hussain: Handsome.
- Ibrahim: Biblical Prophet.
- Ibtisam: Smile.
- Idrees: Studious, Smart, or to Learn in Arabic.
- Iftikhar: Pride, Honour.
- Ihsan: The Best.
- Ihtisham: Modesty.
- Ijaz: Miracle.
- Ikhlas: Sincerity.
- Ilyas: Biblical Prophet.
- Imad: Support, Pillar.
- Imran: Old Arabic Name.
- Imtiaz: Distinction.
- Inam: Gift, Blessing.
- Inayat: Gift, Blessing.
- Intikhab: Selection, Choice.
- Iqbal: Prosperity.
- Irfan: Knowledge, Understanding.
- Isa: Salvation of God.
- Isam: Connection, Bond, Promise.
- Ishaq: Standing On The Right.
- Ishtiyaq: Longing, Desire.
- Ismaeel / Ismael / Ismail: Heard by God.
- Jaber: Mighty, Powerful.
- Jafar: Stream, River.
- Jahangir: Conqueror of the World.
- Jahanzeb: Beauty of the World.
- Jalal: Greatness.
- Jamshed: Shining River, Light.
- Jaleel: Great, Revered.
- Jamal: Beauty.
- Jameel: Beautiful, Handsome.
- Jarrar: Courageous.
- Jawad: Generous, Giving.
- Jazib: Attractive, Charming.
- Jibran: River, Stream.
- Junaid: Young Soldier.
- Kabir: Great, Large.
- Kadeem: Old, Ancient.
- Kamil: Perfect, Complete.
- Karam: Generosity.
- Kareem / Karim: Generous, Noble.
- Kashif: Discoverer, Revealer.
- Kazim: Restraining, Controlling.
- Khalid: Immortal, Eternal.
- Khalil: Friend, Companion.
- Khawar: Sunrise.
- Khayyam: Tent Maker.
- Khurram: Happy, Cheerful.
- Luqman: The Prophet Named in the Quran.
- Maaz: Refuge, Shelter.
- Mahdi: Guided One.
- Mahir: Skilled, Proficient.
- Majd: Glory, Praise.
- Majid: Glorious, Praiseworthy.
- Malik: King, Owner.
- Manaf: Generous, Kind.
- Mansoor / Mansur: Victorious, Aided.
- Masood / Masoud / Masroor: Happy, Prosperous.
- Matin: Strong, Powerful.
- Maqbool: Accepted, Beloved.
- Marwan: Old Arabic Name.
- Mashkoor: Grateful, Thankful.
- Mazhar: Appearance, Manifestation.
- Mazin: The Cloud that Carries Rain.
- Mehboob: Beloved, Dear.
- Misbah: Lamp, Light.
- Moaaz: Refuge, Shelter.
- Moazzam: Respected, Esteemed.
- Mohamed / Mohammad / Mohammed: Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
- Moiz: Honored, Respected.
- Momin: Believer, Faithful.
- Mosaab: Undefeatable (The name of a Companion of the Prophet).
- Mounir: Shining, Radiant.
- Mubashir: Giver of Good News.
- Mudassir / Mudathir: Covered, Wrapped.
- Mufaddal: Preferred, Chosen.
- Muhsin: Benefactor, Doer of Good.
- Mujahid: Struggler, Fighter.
- Mumin: Believer, Faithful.
- Munawar: Radiant, Illuminated.
- Musa: Quran Name of Boy.
- Mustafa: Chosen, Preferred.
- Mutaz: Proud, Honored.
- Nabeel: Noble, Generous.
- Nadeem: Friend, Companion.
- Nadir: Rare, Precious.
- Naeem: Blessing, Pleasure.
- Nafees: Precious, Valuable.
- Nahyan: Prevention, Restraint.
- Najeeb / Najib: Noble, Distinguished.
- Najm: Star, Planet.
- Nashit: Active, Energetic.
- Nasir: Helper, Supporter.
- Nasr: Victory, Triumph.
- Nasrullah: The Victory of Allah (SWT).
- Nawaf: High, Lofty.
- Nawaz: One Who Caresses.
- Nazar: Sight, Vision.
- Nazim: Organizer, Arranger.
- Nihal: Drink, Water Source.
- Noman: Blessing, Grace.
- Nooh / Nuh: Quran Prophet Noah.
- Noor: Light, Illumination.
- Noorullah: The Light of Allah (SWT).
- Omar / Omer: Long-lived, Flourishing.
- Omeir: Living a Long Life.
- Osama: Lion, Powerful.
- Owais: Little Wolf.
- Pervaiz: Fortunate, Victorious.
- Qaiser: Emperor, Ruler.
- Qamar: Full Moon.
- Qasim: Distributor, Allotter.
- Qusay: Distant, Far.
- Rahat: Rest, Comfort.
- Rahim: Compassionate, Merciful.
- Raihan: Sweet Basil, a Fragrant Plant.
- Rajab: 7th Month of the Islamic Calendar.
- Rashad: Guidance, The Right Path.
- Rashid: Well-Guided, Wise.
- Rauf: Kind, Compassionate.
- Raza: Contentment, Pleasure.
- Razak: Provider, Sustainer.
- Rehan: Sweet Basil, a Fragrant Plant.
- Reza: Contentment, Pleasure.
- Rifat: High Status, Elevation.
- Rizwan: Pleasure, Acceptance.
- Ruhan: Spiritual, Mystical.
- Saad: Fortunate, Happy.
- Saadat: Happiness, Prosperity.
- Saalih: Righteous, Good.
- Sad: Good Fortune, Lucky.
- Sadiq: Truthful, Sincere.
- Saeed: Happy, Fortunate.
- Safdar: Brave, Bold.
- Safi: Pure, Clear.
- Safwan: Smooth, Soft.
- Sahar: Moon, Dawn.
- Sahil: Shore, Coast.
- Sakhi: Generous, Liberal.
- Salah: Righteousness, Goodness.
- Salahuddin: The Righteousness of Religion.
- Salman: Safe, Secure.
- Sameer / Samir: Companion, Entertainer.
- Samy: Elevated, Exalted.
- Sanaullah: The Glory of Allah (SWT).
- Sarmad: Eternity, Perpetuity.
- Saud: Happiness, Good Fortune.
- Sayedullah: Master of Allah (SWT).
- Sefatullah: Attribute of Allah Almighty.
- Sefi: Pure, Clear.
- Shaaban: Separation or Dispersion (8th Month of the Islamic Calendar).
- Shafiq: Compassionate, Kind.
- Shaheen: Falcon, Bird of Prey.
- Shahid: Witness, Martyr.
- Shaikh: An Elder, Respected Person.
- Shakil: Beautiful, Handsome.
- Shams: Sun, Sunlight.
- Shamshad: Evergreen.
- Sharif: Noble, Honourable.
- Shaukat: Grandeur, Prestige.
- Shoaib: Guiding One or who shows the Right Path (Biblical Prophet Jethro).
- Siddiq: Truthful, Sincere.
- Sikander: Persian King Alexander.
- Siraj: Lamp, Light.
- Sunan: Way, Path.
- Suyuf: Swords.
- Syed: Leader, Master.
- Taha: The purest; Peace (The name of a Chapter in the Quran).
- Taimur: Iron, Strong.
- Talal: Nice, Charming.
- Talat: Appearance, View.
- Taleb: Seeker, Student.
- Talha: Tree with Good Fruit.
- Tamam: Perfection, Completeness.
- Tameem: Complete, Perfect.
- Tamir: Rich, Abundant.
- Tariq: Morning Star.
- Tawfiq: Success, Prosperity.
- Tayeb: Good, Kind.
- Thabit: Firm, Steady.
- Thaher: Manifest, Visible.
- Ubaid / Ubayd: Worshiper, Servant.
- Umar: Long-lived, Flourishing.
- Usama: Lion, Powerful.
- Usman / Uthman: Steadfast, Firm, or Reliable, (Companion of the Prophet(SAW)).
- Uzair: Helper or strength, (Biblical Prophet Ezra).
- Wahab: Generous, Giving.
- Wahid: Unique, Singular.
- Wajahat: Eminence, Respect.
- Waleed / Walid: Newborn Child.
- Wasif: Describer, Storyteller.
- Wasiq: Strong, Secure.
- Wassim: Handsome, Good-Looking.
- Wazir: Minister, Assistant.
- Yaamin: Blessed, Fortunate.
- Yahya: Yahweh is merciful, (Biblical Prophet John).
- Yakub / Yaqoob: He who Supplants (Prophet Jacob).
- Yaman: Right, Proper.
- Yameen: Blessed, Fortunate.
- Yasir / Yaser: Wealthy, Prosperous.
- Yasin: Name of a Chapter in the Quran.
- Yassir: Easy, Simple.
- Yazeed / Yazid: Increasing, Growing.
- Yonus / Younus: Dove, (Quranic Prophet Jonah).
- Yousaf / Youssef / Yusuf: God Increases in piety, power, and influence.
- Zaahir: Manifest, Visible.
- Zafar: Victory, Triumph.
- Zaid / Zayed: Abundance, Growth.
- Zaidan: Growth, Abundance.
- Zaim: Leader, Chief.
- Zaki: Pure, Virtuous.
- Zakir: Rememberer, Reciter.
- Zamir: Companion, Entertainer.
- Zarar: Helper, Assistant.
- Zikriya: Prophet Zechariah.
- Ziya: Light, Splendour.
- Zohaib: Shining, Radiant.
- Zubair: Strong, Powerful.
- Zuhair: Flower, Blooming.
- Zulfikar: Sword of Ali, Son-in-law of the Prophet (SAW).
- Zulqarnain: One with Two Horns, Mentioned in the Quran.
This list offers a variety of choices, from traditional to modern, ensuring a name for every preference and family.
Final Thoughts
Selecting a name for your baby boy is a special responsibility in Islam. By choosing a name that reflects Islamic values and good character, you are giving your child a meaningful identity that will guide him throughout his life. A well-chosen name is more than just a label—it’s a source of blessing and inspiration for your son as he grows.
When choosing a name, remember to make dua (supplication), asking Allah (SWT) for guidance in selecting a name with a positive meaning and spiritual significance. The name you choose can shape your child’s character and destiny, so take time to reflect on what resonates with your faith and values.
May Allah (SWT) bless you and your family with love, joy, and guidance as you welcome your new addition into your lives. May the name you choose for your baby boy bring him blessings, honour, and success in both this world and the Hereafter.
Last Updated on January 13, 2025 by Jamshed Anwer