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Prophets and Messengers in Islam



Allah has given guidance to human beings through His Prophets and messengers in Islam. Although prophets are human beings, Allah chose them to convey His message to humans in this world. Allah grants prophethood; individuals cannot create it. According to the Qur’an, Allah chose for prophethood and messengership only those individuals who could resist the carnal desires and temptations of Satan, and who were pious and righteous among people.

Read our other blog on the 4 Angels of Islam and Their Duties.

Prophets in Islam

Allah chooses a person to receive divine revelation and guidance, and that person is known as the Prophet. In Islam, Allah Almighty has sent countless prophets throughout history to guide and teach people the right path. In Islam, Adam holds the position of the first prophet, followed by other renowned prophets such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Muhammad (SAW), considered the Seal of Prophets, is the last and most significant prophet. Some reported numbers of Prophets are more or less 124,000.

Allah Almighty says in the Quran;

[Surah Baqarah verse 213]
Human beings was [of] one religion [before their deviation]; then Allāh sent the prophets as bringers of good tidings and warners and sent down with them the Scripture in truth to judge between the people concerning that in which they differed. And none differed over it [i.e., the Scripture] except those who were given it – after the clear proofs came to them – out of jealous animosity among themselves. Allāh guided those who believed to the truth concerning that over which they had differed, by His permission. And Allāh guides whom He wills to a straight path. Ā [Surah Baqarah Ayat 213Ā ]

Belief in one God, read our blog on the Tawheed.

Messengers in Islam

Allah chooses Prophets to deliver new religious laws (Sharia) or convey specific messages to particular communities or civilizations. Messengers receive a scripture or a Holy Book as an inspired revelation to guide their followers. Examples of Messengers include Musa (Moses), who received the Torah, and Isa (Jesus), who received the Gospel (Gospel). Muhammad (SAW), the last prophet of Islam, is considered both a Prophet and a Messenger because he received the Qur’an, the last and final revelation. The number of messengers was 315.

Allah Almighty says in the Quran;

 In Surah Al-Anā€™am verse 48 describe about the Prophets and Messengers in Islam.
We have sent messengers only as deliverers of good news and as warners. Whoever believes and does good, there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. [Surah Al-Anā€™am verse 48]

Difference Between Prophet and Messenger

There is difference between a Prophet (Nabi) and a Messenger (Rasul) in Islam. A Messenger presents a new religious law (Syariya) where a Prophet continues the old law. Thus, while all Messengers are Prophets, not all Prophets are Messengers. All Prophets are men. The Messenger is higher in rank than the Prophet.

25 Prophets and Messengers in the Quran

The Holy Quran is the divine message of Allah SWT, revealed for Muslims to read, understand and practice. It contains religious beliefs, rules and regulations of daily life, duties and supplications and many other important topics discussed in the Holy Quran.The Holy Quran discusses the stories and incidents of the lives of the Prophets and Messengers in Islam, emphasizing their importance. The Holy Quran mentions the names and provides brief details about 25 Prophets and Messengers in Islam along with information about their followers.

Hazrat Adam (AS), The First Prophet

Allah created the first human being, Hazrat Adam (AS). Adam (AS) was the first Prophet of Allah, as mentioned in the Holy Quran. According to the Holy Quran, Allah made it from clay. The Holy Quran mentions Adam (AS) 25 times. He stayed in Paradise for some time with his wife Amma Hawa (Eve). They brought them down to earth later.

Hazrat Idris (AS)

Hazrat Idris (AS) is one of the early Prophets of Allah. The Holy Quran mentions him only twice. In Surah Maryam, verse 55, the Quran mentions as “the true Prophet of Allah.” Surah Al-Anbiya mentions him along with Hazrat Ismail (AS) and Hazrat Dhul-Kafil (AS). There is only a brief introduction to Idris (AS) in the Holy Quran. He is said to have been the first person to start writing with a pen and was lifted to the heavens with his fully alive body. The Holy Quran does not mention these events.

Prophet Nuh (AS)

Hazrat Nuh (AS) is one of the earliest and most important Prophets of Allah. Allah has sent the disbelievers to preach the Oneness of Allah. He preached to non-believers for about 950 years. But only a few believed his message. Allah sent a great flood as a punishment for the disbelievers. His wife and one of their sons were also unbelievers, so they drowned in the great flood. The Holy Quran mentions Noah (AS) 43 times.

Hazrat Hud (AS)

Allah sent Hazrat Hud (AS) to Aad, the nation known for being destroyed by the wind, and he was carried for seven days and eight nights. They, as unbelievers, turned their ears away from the message of Allah. Hazrat Hud (AS) is said to be the first prophet who spoke the Arabic language. The Holy Quran mentions him seven times.

Hazrat Saleh (AS)

Hazrat Salih (AS) is one of the most famous Prophets of Allah. His miracle was the birth of a camel from a stone. An Arabic Prophet was sent to Thamud. Allah punished them for their arrogance and disobedience to Allah’s message. The Holy Quran mentions him nine times.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is one of the most important Messengers of Allah. They call you “Jaddul Ambiya,” meaning Father of Prophets. Allah sent seventy thousand Prophets from among his progeny, including the last and final Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). The Holy Quran mentions him 69 times in different verses.

Hazrat Lut (AS)

The Holy Quran mentions Hazrat Lut (AS) 17 times. Allah sent him to the people of Sodom. He was the nephew of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). His nation engaged in homosexuality. They were all involved in this serious crime. He exhorted them to give up this crime. But they did not follow his preaching. Finally, Allah stoned the entire nation to death, raining down from the sky.

For more knowledge, we invite you to read The Concept of Life After Death in Islam.

Hazrat Ismail (AS)

Ismail was the son of Ibrahim. Allah ordered Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice his younger son Hazrat Ismail (AS) in the way of Allah. He followed the order and slaughtered Ismail. But Allah replaced him with a sheep. Hazrat Ismail (AS) is the ancestor of the Arabs. The Holy Quran mentions him 12 times.

Hazrat Ishaq (AS)

Hazrat Isaac (AS) is the ancestor of the Jews. Allah had given him an unparalleled blessing. Your generation, called Bani Israel, blessed more than 70,000 Messengers of Allah to emerge.

Hazrat Yaqub (AS)

Hazrat Yaqub (AS) was the son of Hazrat Ishaq (AS). Its popular name is Israel. They are known as “Bani Israel,” which means Children of Israel, as descendants. The Holy Quran mentions him 16 times.

Hazrat Yusuf (AS)

Hazrat Yusuf (AS) was the grandson of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). He was called the most handsome and handsome person in the history of human beings. He was thrown into a well by his half-brothers out of jealousy. But then Allah made special arrangements for him and he became the Chief Minister of Egypt. His story has been described by Allah as “Ahsan al-Qasas” (the most beautiful story) in the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Quran mentions him 17 times.

Hazrat Shuaib (AS)

Allah sent Hazrat Shuaib (AS) to the people of Madinah. The people there were dishonest in their business dealings and highway robbers. Hazrat Shuaib (AS) advised them not to indulge in this heinous sin. But they did not abandon their wickedness. Allah punished them with a terrible cry and an earthquake. They buried all of them alive.

Hazrat Ayub (AS)

Hazrat Ayub (AS) was a rich and blessed person. He was tested by the decline of his wealth and property, the death of his sons and daughters, and, most painfully, the decline of his health. But he persevered and showed great patience in all adversity. His great patience is now a well-known proverb. Allah has mentioned them four times in the Holy Quran.

Read our indepth blog on the Patience in Islam and its Virtues!.

Hazrat Musa (AS) and Hazrat Haroon (AS)

Both the above Prophets were real brothers. Musa (AS) is the most mentioned Prophet in the Holy Quran. Allah has mentioned him 136 times in the Holy Quran and Hazrat Haroon (AS) has been mentioned 20 times in the Holy Quran. The wicked Pharaoh ordered the killing of all the infant sons of the Israelites. Yet in the meantime, Allah sent him to Pharaoh’s palace and he was brought up by Pharaoh’s wife, Saida Asiya, who was a noblewoman.

Hazrat Dawud (AS) and Hazrat Solaiman (AS)

The Holy Quran mentions Hazrat Dawud (AS) and Hazrat Solaiman (AS) as the greatest Prophets. Both of them were rulers. Hazrat Sulaiman (AS) is said to have ruled not only humans but also the jinns, animals, insects, and even the air. Allah has mentioned Dawud (AS) 16 times and Sulaiman (AS) 17 times in the Quran.

Hazrat Ilyas (AS) and Ilyasa (AS)

Allah has mentioned these two prophets only twice in the Holy Quran. There is not enough information about these prophets.

Hazrat Yunus (AS)

The Holy Quran mentions Hazrat Yunus (AS) four times. Disillusioned with the will of Allah, he abandoned his people. A whale swallowed him for 40 days. Then asked Allah for forgiveness. Allah sent him back to his people, and his people repented of their sins and believed in Allah’s message.

Seeking forgiveness by doing Istighfar.

Prophet Dhul-Kifl (AS)

Very little information is available about Prophet Dhul-Kifl. The Holy Quran mentions him twice. Some scholars believe that he was the son of Prophet Ayub. But that’s not exactly what it’s about him.

Zakariya (AS) and Yahya (AS)

These two Prophets are father and son. Allah miraculously gave birth to Yahya (AS) at his ripe old age while his mother was barren.

Isa (AS) (Jesus)

Hazrat Maryam miraculously gave birth to Jesus as a virgin. He is the Prophet who has the most followers. Allah has mentioned his name 25 times in the Holy Quran, 11 times as the Messiah and 23 times as Ibn Maryam (AS).

Hazrat Muhammad (AS)

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the last and final Prophet of Allah. Allah sent him to the Arabs. He brought the last revelation of Allah. The last and final divine message was revealed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the form of the Holy Quran. Allah has sent every Prophet throughout human history only to a specific nation. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent the entire humanity until the Day of Resurrection.

In our other blog, we discuss Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.): Life, Revelation, and Legacy.


In conclusion, the Holy Quran narrates the stories of 25 Prophets and Messengers in Islam, emphasizing their divine guidance. From Hazrat Adam to Hazrat Muhammad, each played a crucial role in conveying Allah’s message and shaping Islamic history.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is the last Prophet of Islam?

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet. Allah will not send any other Prophet after him.

which Prophets are in which heaven in Islam?

There are different accounts of what happened during the ascension, but most traditions have the same elements: Muhammad (SAW) ascended to heaven with the angel Gabriel and met a different Prophets on each of the seven levels of heaven. First Adam, then John the Baptist and Jesus, then Joseph, then Idris, then Haron, then Moses, and finally Ibrahim.

We write a blog on Jannah (Heaven), click here.

How many Prophets and Messengers in Islam?

There are more or less 124,000 Prophets and 315 Messengers in Islam.

Is Jesus a Prophet in Islam?

Muslims believe that Jesus was a Prophet of Allah.

Who was the first Prophet of Islam?

Hazrat Adam (AS) is the first Prophet of Islam.

Is Adam a Prophet in Islam?

Yes, Hazarat Adam (AS) is the Prophet of Islam.






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