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The Do’s and Don’ts During Ramadan for Muslims


As Muslims, we look forward to Ramadan every year, as it is a month of immense blessings and rewards from Allah (swt). Ramadan is not only a time of fasting, but also a time of spiritual purification, self-discipline, and charity. It is a month that teaches us how to live according to the teachings of Islam throughout the year. However, to make the most of this sacred month, we need to be aware of the do’s and don’ts of Ramadan, which are based on the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Ramadan is a month in which Allah (swt) opens the gates of heaven, closes the gates of hell, and chains the devils, as narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) from the Prophet Muhammad (saw) in Sahih al-Bukhari 1899

This means that we have a great opportunity to increase our good deeds, seek forgiveness, and attain paradise. But it also means that we have to be careful not to do anything that would invalidate our fast, reduce our rewards, or incur Allah’s wrath.

In this article, we will share with you some of the essential guidelines that you should follow while fasting in Ramadan, as well as some of the things that you should avoid. By following these guidelines, you will be able to observe Ramadan with respect, gratitude, and joy, and reap its spiritual fruits. 

For more insights into Ramadan and its significance, visit Our Knowledge Base blog What is Ramadan and Why is it Important for Muslims?”

Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr

Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr are closely associated with one another in the Islamic calendar and hold great significance both spiritually and communally. It is a holy period during which we fast from dawn to sunset, focusing on spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and increased devotion. 

Eid-ul-Fitr, on the other hand, marks the joyous culmination of Ramadan and is celebrated as a day of thanksgiving to Allah (swt) for the strength and discipline exhibited during the fasting period. It is a festival characterized by special prayers and festive meals. 

For more information on the significance and celebrations of Eid-ul-Fitr, you can read our blog post Eid-ul-Fitr.

The Do’s of Ramadan

Ramadan is a special opportunity for Muslims to strengthen our connection with Allah (swt), increase our prayers, and empathize with those who are less fortunate. Here are some enriching and fulfilling activities that we can do during the blessed month of Ramadan.


Do fast from dawn to dusk, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and a means of attaining piety, forgiveness, and reward from Allah (swt). Fasting also helps us empathize with the needy people of society, and motivates us to be more generous and compassionate.

For more exploration about fasting, you can visit our blog, Fasting: The Third Pillar of Islam.


Do perform the five daily prayers on time and with concentration. Prayer is another pillar of Islam and a way of connecting with Allah (swt) and seeking His guidance and mercy. Prayer also helps us purify our hearts and minds from evil thoughts and deeds.

We also need to perform additional prayers during the holy month of Ramadan. One of these prayers is the Taraweeh prayer, which is performed after the obligatory Isha prayer. 

Taraweeh is a special form of Qiyam-ul-Layl. To learn more about the significance of Taraweeh prayer during Ramadan, you can explore our blog post: “Taraweeh Prayer in Ramadan.” 

Recitation of Quran

Do recite the holy Quran as much as possible, especially in the night prayers (Taraweeh). We should aim to complete the 30 chapters or Juz of the Quran by the end of Ramadan. Reciting the Quran is not only an act of worship but also a chance to reflect on and understand the message of God. 

Reciting the Quran in Ramadan is a special virtue for Muslims, as it is the month in which it was revealed. To learn more about the benefits and spiritual journey of reciting the Quran during Ramadan, you can explore our blog post: “Benefits of Reciting Quran: A Spiritual Journey.”


Do try to increase your connection with Allah (swt) and purify your hearts and minds with the help of Dhikr-Allah. Dhikr is the remembrance or glorification of Allah (swt) through the repetition of certain phrases or names of Allah (swt) like SubhanAllahAlhamdulillah, and Allahu Akbar.

Acts of Charity

Do give charity (zakat and sadaqah) to the needy people, and support the causes of Islam. Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam and a way of purifying our wealth and souls. Charity also helps us reduce our attachment to worldly things and increase our trust in Allah (swt). 

Charity in Ramadan has a greater reward for Muslims, as the Prophet (saw) said: 

“The best charity is that given in Ramadan.” 


Besides Zakat, Muslims also do Sadaqah, which are extra acts of kindness. To learn more about Islamic charity, you can visit our blog post, “Islamic Charity: Sadaqah, Zakat.”

Iftar and Suhoor

Do take care of needy people during the Suhoor and Iftar, so every Muslim can enjoy the blessings of the holy month of Ramadan. We must share food and Rashan with needy families and communities, strengthening our bond with Muslim Ummah. 

For more exploration, you can visit Suhoor and Iftar in the Ramadan blog.

Seeking Forgiveness

Do seek forgiveness from Allah (swt) and from people whom you have wronged. Forgiveness is one of the main themes of Ramadan, as it is the month of mercy and pardon for Muslims. Allah (swt) forgives all the sins of those who sincerely repent and ask for His forgiveness. 

The best way of seeking forgiveness is by doing Istighfar. The Prophet (saw) said:

“Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” 

(Bukhari and Muslim) 

Likewise, we should also forgive those who have wronged us and clear our hearts from hatred and resentment.

Act of Kindness

Acts of kindness are also encouraged during Ramadan. Muslims practice kindness in various ways, such as giving charity, volunteering, and helping those who are less fortunate. They experience a sense of harmony and community as they share their blessings and follow the teachings of Ramadan. 

For more exploration about kindness, you can visit our blog post, “Kindness: A Manifestation Of Faith In Islam.”

Reflection and Self-Improvement

Do try to control your Nafs and improve yourselves, along with fasting in Ramadan. When we fast, we learn self-control and become more mindful, which helps us to examine our actions and motives. We try to grow spiritually, personally, and morally, and to become better people. Ramadan is a time of change for Muslims, where we practice virtues like patience, gratitude, and compassion.

For more information about self-control, you can visit our blog post How to control Nafs?

Don’ts of Ramadan

The following are things to avoid during Ramadan, either out of respect or to avoid accidentally breaking your fast:

Avoiding Fasting without Valid Reason

Don’t skip your fast without a valid (sharia) reason. Fasting is a way to show your devotion to Allah and your self-discipline. If you are not ill or have a valid reason, you should not refuse to fast during Ramadan.

Avoid Easting Publicly

Don’t eat, drink, or smoke in public during the fasting hours, even if you are not fasting. This is out of respect for the fasting people and the sanctity of the month. It is also a way of avoiding temptation and provocation. 

If you have a valid excuse for not fasting, such as illness, travel, pregnancy, etc., you should eat and drink discreetly and make up the missed days later.

Engaging in Negative Speech

Don’t lie, cheat, backbite, gossip, or swear. These are sinful acts that nullify the reward of fasting and harm our relationships with Allah (swt) and people. The Prophet (saw) said: 

“Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon it, Allah has no need of him giving up his food and drink.” 


We should also avoid any kind of argument, quarrel, or violence, and instead be peaceful, gentle, and kind.

Avoid Distractions and Entertainment

Don’t waste your time in idle talk, entertainment, or social media. These are distractions that reduce the quality and benefit of our fasting and worship. We should use our time wisely and productively, by engaging in beneficial activities, such as reading, learning, teaching, volunteering, etc. 

We should also limit our exposure to negative and harmful media, such as music, movies, games, etc., that may affect our faith and morals. This also helps us defeat Shaitan in the most effective way. 

You can read more about how Shaitan traps people and the five ways to defeat Shaitan effectively. 

Excessiveness in Food and Drink

Don’t eat excessively during Suhoor and Iftar. As Muslims, we should be mindful of how much we eat and drink during Ramadan. Breaking the fast is important, but we should not overdo it. Excessive consumption can harm our health and distract us from the spiritual goals of the month. 

The Prophet (saw) said:

“Eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.”

(Quran 7:31)

By being moderate in our intake, we can practice self-control and gratitude for the blessings that Allah has given us. This way, we can nourish our bodies and souls in a balanced manner during this holy month.

Neglecting Charity and act of Kindness

Do not neglect the acts of generosity and compassion, as they are essential for the spirit of goodwill and community support that Ramadan fosters. Ramadan is a month that invites us to be more charitable and kind to others, especially those who are in need. 

We should also visit the sick, console the bereaved, help the oppressed, and invite strangers. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: 

“Whoever gives iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest.”


Ignoring Family Responsibilities

Don’t neglect your family, friends, and neighbors. Ramadan is a month of social cohesion and solidarity, as we share our meals, prayers, and joys with each other. You should not neglect your family obligations or ignore their needs.

Keytake Away

These are some of the basic do’s and don’ts of Ramadan that we should follow and teach to others. By doing so, we will be able to enjoy the spiritual and physical benefits of this blessed month and attain the pleasure and forgiveness of Allah (swt). May Allah (swt) accept our fasting, prayers, and good deeds, and make us among the successful ones in this life and the hereafter. Ameen.






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