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The Ashra Mubashra: The Ten Companions Promised Paradise


Who are the Ashra Mubashra?

The Ashra Mubashra refers to a group of ten Sahaba of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who were promised entry into Paradise during their lifetimes. The term “Ashra Mubashara” is derived from Arabic, with “Ashra” meaning Ten and “Mubashara” meaning Those Given Good News.

The Ashra Mubashra are highly respected in Islamic History due to their close companionship with the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and their early acceptance of Islam. They also participated in significant events, such as the Battle of Badr and Uhud, demonstrating their commitment to Islam’s principles. Four of the Ashra Mubashara are among the Khulfa e Rashideen.

Ashra Mubashra in the Quran and Hadith

The concept of Ashra Mubashra is more explicitly detailed in Hadith literature. Although the specific list of these ten sahaba is not mentioned in the Quran, the Quran speaks highly of the Prophet’s companions. It promises Paradise to those who believe and do righteous deeds.

A notable Hadith mentioning these ten companions is found in the collection of Sunan at-Tirmidhi.

Narrated by Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Awf (RA):

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Abu Bakr is in Paradise, ‘Umar is in Paradise, ‘Uthman is in Paradise, ‘Ali is in Paradise, Talhah is in Paradise, Az-Zubair is in Paradise, ‘Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Awf is in Paradise, Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas is in Paradise, Sa’eed bin Zaid is in Paradise, and Abu’ Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah is in Paradise.”

[Jami at-Tirmidhi 3747]

Names and Brief Biographies of the Ashra Mubashra

Each Sahaba has its biography and plays a vital role in Islam. Here is a list of ten Ashra Mubashra sahaba;

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq (RA)
  2. Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA)
  3. Hazrat Uthman ibn Affan (RA)
  4. Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA)
  5. Hazrat Talha ibn Ubaydullah (RA)
  6. Hazrat Az-Zubair ibn Al-Awwam (RA)
  7. Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf (RA)
  8. Hazrat Saad ibn Abi Waqqas (RA)
  9. Hazrat Saeed ibn Zayd (RA)
  10. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah ibn Jarrah (RA)

Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq (RA)

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was the first Caliph of Islam and one of the earliest Converts to Islam. He (RA) was a close friend, trusted advisor, and first male convert to Islam. He known for his strong faith, humility, and devotion to the Muslim community.

Key Contributions to the Islamic Community

  • Unification of the Muslim Community: After the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) death, the Muslim community was in shock and confusion. He (RA) took quick and strong actions to unite everyone and establish his leadership.
  • Battles Against Apostasy (Ridda Wars): Some crews rejected Islam after the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) death. He (RA) led campaigns against these crews to ensure the stability and continuity of the Islamic State.

For more on Hazrat Abu Bakr’s (RA) life and legacy, visit this blog post: The Role of Hazrat Abu Bakr in Islamic History.

Hazrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA)

Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) was the second Caliph of Islam. He (RA) known for his fairness, strong leadership, and ability to differentiate between right and wrong.

His (RA) leadership style was marked by a strict devotion to justice and fairness, earning the title “Al-Farooq” (who distinguishes between right and wrong).

Major Achievements and Reforms:

  • Expansion of the Islamic Empire: During Hazrat Umar’s (RA) time as Caliph, Islam spread far and wide as the Islamic empire expanded. He (RA) was highly skilled in leading battles and managing the empire, which led to its growth in Persia, Egypt, and parts of the Byzantine Empire.
  • Administrative and Social Reforms: Hazrat Umar (RA) focused on conquering lands and improving everyone’s quality of life. He established an organized system to ensure smooth governance and implemented various reforms to improve management and social welfare. This included establishing a formal organizational structure, a judicial system, a treasury (Bait-ul-Mal), and a comprehensive welfare system to aid needy people.
  • Public Works and Infrastructure: He (RA) started building roads, canals, and public buildings, especially improving infrastructure within the expanding empire.

For more exploration of the life of Hazrat Umar (RA), click on this link: The Inspiring Life and Martyrdom of Hazrat Umar (RA).

Hazrat Uthman ibn Affan (RA)

Hazrat Uthman ibn Affan (RA) was the third Caliph of Islam. He was well-known for his generosity and deep faith. During his caliphate, the Islamic empire continued to grow.

Compilation of the Quran

  • Commissioning the Compilation: Hazrat Uthman’s (RA) most important contribution was authorizing the collection of the Quran into a single, reliable text. He ordered the compilation of the Quranic text to maintain its holiness as various idioms and versions began to arise. 
  • Distribution of the Quran: He (RA) distributed standardized copies of the Quran throughout the Islamic empire to ensure unity in recitation and understanding.

If you want to read the entire life and the role of Hazrat Uthman (RA) as the Third Caliph of Islam, click on the link: Life and Legacy of Hazrat Usman (RA)

Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA)

Hazrat Ali (RA), the fourth Caliph and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was known for his knowledge, bravery, and justice. He (RA) was the husband of Hazrat Fatima (RA).

Contributions to Islamic Jurisprudence and Governance

  • Principles of Governance: He (RA) established principles of governance highlighting justice, equality, and the welfare of the people through his sermons and letters, which offer deep insights into Islamic political theory and ethics.
  • Islamic Jurisprudence: As a scholar of Islamic law, Hazrat Ali’s (RA) explanations and judgments have greatly impacted Islamic law. Due to his deep understanding, he is considered the first Imam.

For more information about the Life and legacy of Hazrat Ali (RA), click on the link: Hazrat Ali’s biography (RA).

Hazrat Talha ibn Ubaydullah (RA)

Hazrat Talha (RA) was a prominent companion known for his bravery and generosity and also one of the Ashra Mubashra sahaba. He played an important role in the Battle of Uhud and was one of Medina’s richest men. He (RA) died during the Battle of the Camel.

Contributions to Spreading Islam

  • Active Involvement: He (RA) actively participated in the early efforts to spread Islam, supporting the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in various missions and discussions.
  • Generosity and Support: He (RA) was also known for his generosity, often using his wealth to support the Muslim community and aid in the spread of Islam.

To learn more about the life of Hazrat Talha (RA), click on the link: Life and Legacy of Hazrat Talha ibn Ubaydullah (RA)

Hazrat Zubair ibn Al-Awwam (RA)

Hazrat Zubair (RA) was the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) cousin and an outstanding warrior. He was one of the earliest converts to Islam and is known for his firm support for the Prophet (SAW). He (RA) also died in the Battle of the Camel.

His Role in Significant Battles

  • Key Military Role: He (RA) played crucial roles in several battles, including the Battle of Uhud and Badr. He displayed bravery and strategic sense in these early military engagements.
  • Loyalty and Valor: Hazrat Zubair (RA) known for steady loyalty to the Prophet (SAW), and his bravery in battle made him a key figure in the early military campaigns.

If you want to read about the life of Hazrat Zubair bin al-Awwam (RA) and his contribution to the Ghazwa, click on the link: Life and Legacy of Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam (RA).

Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Awf (RA)

Hazrat Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf (RA) was a wealthy and generous companion known for his business understanding and generosity. He used his wealth to support the Muslim community and played a vital role in the early Islamic state’s economy.

His Piety and Business Ethics

  • Ethical Standards: He maintained high ethical standards in business and was known for his piety despite his wealth. He was a model of integrity and honesty.
  • Charitable Contributions: He frequently donated large sums to charity, funded military expeditions, and supported low-income and needy people within the community.

To learn more about Hazrat Abdur Rahman’s contributions during the earlier years of Islam, click on the link: Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA): A Sahabi of Paradise.

Hazrat Saad ibn Abi Waqqas (RA)

Hazrat Saad (RA) was a military leader and one of the early converts to Islam. He is celebrated for his role in the Battle of Qadisiyyah, which was crucial in the Muslim conquest of Persia. He was known for his piety and leadership.

Contributions to the Spread of Islam in Persia

  • Military Campaigns: He (RA) led campaigns that significantly spread Islam in Persia and established Muslim rule in the region.
  • Founding Cities: He (RA) is also credited with founding the city of Kufa in present-day Iraq, which later became an important center of Islamic learning and governance.

For more information about the Life and legacy of Hazrat Saad (RA), click on the link: Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas (RA) – A Pillar of Early Islam.

Hazrat Saeed ibn Zayd (RA)

Hazrat Saeed (RA) was an early convert to Islam known for his devotion and piety. He (RA) fought in key battles alongside the Prophet (SAW). He was on the committee that selected Hazrat Uthman (RA) as Caliph.

Dedication and Service to Islam: He (RA) demonstrated dedication and loyalty to the faith. He participated in numerous early Islamic Battles and missions.

For more information about the Life and legacy of Hazrat Saeed (RA), click on the link: The Life and Legacy of Hazrat Sa’id ibn Zayd (RA)

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah ibn Jarrah (RA)

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (RA) was a trusted military commander and one of the most respected companions. He played a vital role in many significant battles, including Yarmouk, demonstrating humility and strong leadership skills.

Role as a Military Commander and Key Figure in Early Islamic Conquests

  • Military Leadership: He (RA) played a vital role in the early Islamic conquests, including the battles in Syria and Palestine.
  • Strategic Acumen: His insight and leadership qualities were instrumental in securing key victories for the nascent Muslim state, significantly expanding its territory.

These ten sahaba of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are revered in Islamic history for their contributions to the faith and exemplary lives. They serve as models of piety, leadership, and devotion.

For more information about the Life and legacy of Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (RA), click on the link: Hazrat Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah (RA): Trustworthy of Ummah

Common Traits of the Ashra Mubashra

The Ashra Mubashra are famous figures in Islamic history. They share several essential qualities that demonstrate their piety and devotion to Islam:

  • Early Conversion: They all accepted Islam in the early years.
  • Service to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW): They helped the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and supported Islam significantly.
  • Migration: They participated in the migration to support Islam.

If you want to learn more about Hijra Madina, click on the link and explore Hijrah Madina – What is Hijra in Islam?

  • Participation in Battles: Many fought in crucial battles, like the Battle of Badr.
  • Allegiance: They promised loyalty to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) at Hudaybiyyah.
  • Virtuous Narrations: Many hadiths narrate their good deeds and virtues.

These sahaba are highly respected for their loyalty and contributions to spreading Islam. Their lives and actions continue to inspire Muslims around the world.

Lessons and Inspirations from the Ashra Mubashra

The list of ten Ashra Mubashra contains stories and qualities that can inspire us as Muslims today. Let’s break down their qualities and how we can follow their example in our daily lives:

Faith: Think about your challenges, such as stress or temptation, and remember the Ashra Mubashra who remained firm in their faith during tough times. You can do the same. Dhikr(Remember Allah Almighty), and find inspiration in their stories to keep your faith strong.

Resilience and Perseverance: Despite facing numerous challenges, these companions of the Prophet (SAW) remained resilient and persevered. When we face difficult times or discrimination, their stories can give us the strength to keep moving forward and never give up.

Humility and Modesty: The sahaba remained humble and modest despite their closeness to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Practicing humility can nurture relationships and a sense of gratitude in a time of self-promotion and arrogance.

Seeking Knowledge: The sahaba actively pursued knowledge, seeking culture and worldly wisdom. Their legacy inspires modern Muslims to prioritize education and lifelong learning, promoting personal growth and improvement. 

For more information, click this link: Significance of Seeking Knowledge.

By following their examples and incorporating these qualities into our lives, we can draw inspiration from the Ashra Mubashra and strive to be better Muslims in our modern world.


The Ashra Mubashra are celebrated for their virtues: honesty, bravery, wisdom, and generosity. They played pivotal roles in the spread of Islam and the establishment of a just and moral society. Their legacy endures through the centuries as they continue to be revered figures in Islamic history.

The lives of the Ashra Mubashra serve as a beacon of guidance for Muslims. They teach us the importance of living by Islamic principles, striving for justice, and committing to the service of humanity. Learning more about their stories and teachings can inspire us to embody their qualities in our daily lives.

Let us take inspiration from their lives and strive to follow in their noble footsteps.






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