“Sunnah” refers to the teachings, actions, and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), which serve as a model for Muslims to follow. Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the last and final messenger of the Allah Almighty. His life is an example for generations until the day of Qiyamah. He provided the best example of how to live purely and humbly, with the worship of Allah (SWT) as our purpose and pivotal role.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said; “Whoever revives my Sunnah, then he has loved me. And whoever loved me, he shall be with me in Paradise.”
[Jami at-Tirmidhi 2678]
Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW)
The lifestyle of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was exemplary. He lived a life of humility, kindness, and faithfulness, serving as a perfect role model for us. The Sunnah completes the Quran, providing us with a practical guide to living a righteous life. While the Quran lays down the fundamental principles of Islam, Sunnah shows us how to implement them in our daily lives. Together, they form the core of Islamic guidance, nurturing a complete and spiritually enriching way of life for Muslims.
Daily Life Examples: Provide specific examples of how the Sunnah provides guidance for Muslims in various areas of life, such as:
Characteristics of our Beloved Prophet (SAW)
Gratitude (Shukr)
The concept of gratitude, or Shukr, was extremely important in the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He constantly expressed thanks to Allah Almighty for His countless blessings. This deep appreciation was apparent in his daily prayers, supplications, and actions. The Prophet (SAW) taught his followers that gratitude is a key to unlocking more blessings and finding contentment.
Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (RA) narrated that:
The Prophet (SAW) said: He who does not thank the people is not thankful to Allah (SWT).
(Sunan Abi Dawud 4811)
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a beacon of tolerance and compassion. He interacted with people of different faiths with respect and kindness, fostering an environment of harmony and coexistence. His treatment of non-Muslims, even during challenging times, set an example for peaceful relations.
Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated that:
“The best of you is he who is best to his family, and I am the best among you to my family. When one of you dies speak no ill of him.”
(Mishkat al-Masabih 3252)
If you never knew, Allah Almighty had forgiven the prophet (SAW) for his previous and future sins. Yet, He (SAW) continued to seek forgiveness and repentance as a devoted servant.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) saying, “I swear by Allah (SWT) that I seek Allah Almighty’s Pardon and turn to Him in repentance more than seventy times a day.”
(Riyad as-Salihin 1870)
Hazrat Muadh ibn Jabal (RA) was a very young companion of the Prophet (SAW). The Prophet (SAW) loved him and sent him to Yemen to go and teach the people about Islam. On the eve of his departure, Allah’s messenger (PBUM) advised him.
Hazrat Anas bin Malik (RA) narrated that:
The Prophet (SAW) said, “Make things easy for the people, and do not make it difficult for them, and make them calm (with glad tidings) and do not repulse (them ).
(Sahih al-Bukhari 6125)
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) firmly established the principle of equality among all human beings. He rejected any form of discrimination based on race, color, or social status. In his teachings and actions, He (SAW) emphasized the common humanity that unites people. The Prophet (SAW) treated everyone with fairness and justice, irrespective of their background.
“All human beings are from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another except by piety and good action.”
Patience (Sabr)
Patience, or Sabr, was a defining characteristic of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) personality. Despite facing numerous hardships, He (SAW) remained resilient and had unwavering trust in Allah Almighty’s plan. The Prophet (SAW) taught his followers to see challenges as chances for personal growth and encouraged them to cultivate patience as a virtue.
Hazrat Abu Sa`id (RA) narrated that:
“And there is no gift better and vast (you may be given) than patience.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari 6470)
A man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said, “O Messenger of Allah (SAW), direct me to an act which, if I do it, [will cause] Allah to love me and the people to love me.” So he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Renounce the world and Allah will love you, and renounce what the people possess and the people will love you.” A hasan hadeeth related by Ibn Majah and others with good chains of authority. ( Hadith 31, 40 Hadith an-Nawawi)
The Prophet (SAW) said: “No one who has an atom’s-weight of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise.” A man said, “O Messenger of Allah (SAW), what if a man likes his clothes and his shoes to look good?” He (SAW) said, “Allah (SWT) is Beautiful and loves beauty. Arrogance means rejecting the truth and looking down on people.” (Muslim)
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was known for his unwavering honesty and truthfulness. He earned the trust of the people through his consistent adherence to the truth. He emphasized the importance of honesty in all aspects of life, from personal relationships to business dealings. The Prophet (SAW) taught that honesty is a fundamental pillar of faith and character.
Hazrat Abdullah (RA) narrated that:
The Prophet (SAW) said, “Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. And a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a truthful person. Falsehood leads to Al-Fajur (i.e. wickedness, evil-doing), and Al-Fajur (wickedness) leads to the (Hell) Fire, and a man may keep on telling lies till he is written before Allah, a liar.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari 6094)
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was an exemplar of kindness and compassion. He treated everyone with empathy and generosity, regardless of their background or beliefs. He encouraged his followers to extend kindness to all creatures, both human and animal. The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught that kindness is a reflection of one’s faith and a path to spiritual growth.
“The best among you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best among you to my family.”
(Mishkat al-Masabih 3252)
List of Daily Life Sunnah
Adopting the daily Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) can improve our lives spiritually and practically. Here are ten daily Sunnah that we can incorporate into our routine to follow the Prophet’s (SAW) example:
Start your Day with a Short Dua
Many of us grab our phones first thing in the morning. However, starting the day with the remembrance of Allah (SWT) can bring blessings. The Sunnah way to do this is by reciting a specific dua.

This dua reminds us of our dependence on Allah (SWT) for our life and sustenance. It sets a positive and mindful tone for the day, helping us to start with gratitude and awareness of our purpose.
What better way to start our day than with that?
Use Siwak (Tooth-Stick)
Oral hygiene is highly stressed in Islam, and the use of Siwak (a tooth stick) is a well-known Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He recommended its use for keeping the mouth clean and fresh. Siwak has multiple health benefits, including antibacterial properties that help maintain dental health.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Siwak is a means of purification for the mouth and is pleasing to the Lord.”
[Sunan an-Nasai 5]
By using Siwak, we not only practice good hygiene but also uphold a beloved tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Reply to the Adhan for each Prayer
Isn’t it disrespectful when we ignore someone speaking to us? Now, imagine how much more disrespectful it is to ignore the Adhaan (the call to prayer from Allah (SWT)), treating it as if it doesn’t even deserve a moment of our attention.
Responding to the Adhaan is a practice encouraged by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). When we repeat the words of the Mu’adhdhin (the caller to prayer), it strengthens our connection to the prayer and improves our focus. After the Adhaan, recite the supplication.
Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) narrated that:

To learn more about Adhan, visit this link: The Adhan in Islam: A Melodious Call to Prayer for Muslims.
Say Bismillah Before Doing Anything
Before undertaking any action, it is recommended to say “Bismillah”. This simple phrase invites blessings and success as it acknowledges the presence of Allah (SWT) and seeks His help in all endeavors. Saying “Bismillah” before starting a meal, journey, or work serves as a reminder of our reliance on Allah (SWT). This practice not only enhances spiritual awareness but also brings psychological benefits by fostering a sense of calm and confidence. Initiating actions with “Bismillah” aligns our intentions with divine guidance and ensures that our efforts are undertaken with sincerity and purpose.
To learn more about Bismillah, click this link: Understanding the Significance of ‘Bismillah’.
Recite Ayah-tul-Kursi After Every Prayer
Reciting Ayah-tul-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah 255) after every prayer is a Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) that offers significant protection and blessings. This verse, known for its significance, highlights Allah’s (SWT) sovereignty and His eternal power. By incorporating its recitation into our routine, we seek Allah’s (SWT) protection and mercy.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Whoever recites Ayat al-Kursi at the end of every obligatory prayer, nothing but death will prevent him from entering Paradise.” (An-Nasa’i)
For more information about Ayat ul Kursi, visit this blog post: Ayat ul Kursi – And its Benefits.
Say Bismillah and Salam when Entering the House
Entering your home by saying Bismillah and greeting with As-Salamu Alaikum is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This practice brings blessings and peace to your house by acknowledging Allah’s (SWT) presence and seeking His protection for your home and family.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stressed this practice, saying, when you enter your house, say As- Salamu ‘Alaikum to your family, for it will be a blessing both to you and to your family.”
[Riyad as-Salihin 861]
To learn more about greeting in Islam, visit this link: The Greeting in Islam: Significance and Etiquette.
Praise Allah (SWT) After Eating
After finishing a meal, it is a Sunnah to express gratitude by praising Allah Almighty, which emphasizes mindfulness and thankfulness. The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us to say,

This practice acknowledges Allah’s (SWT) condition and blessings, reminding us to be thankful for the sustenance we receive. By expressing gratitude, we develop a mindful attitude towards our consumption, recognizing the source of our nourishment.
To learn more about the Sunnah way of eating, visit this link: Sunnah of Eating – How to Eat According to Sunnah.
Sitting When Eating and Drinking
Sitting while eating and drinking is a Sunnah that highlights the importance of etiquette and health in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) highlighted this practice, showing that sitting down fosters mindful consumption and proper digestion.
The Prophet (SAW) prohibited that a man should drink while standing.” (Qatadah said:) So it was said: “And eating ?” He (Anas) said: “That is worse.”
[Abu ‘Eisa said:] This Hadith is Hasan Sahih.
(Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1879)
The Sunnah way of drinking water, as practiced by Prophet Muhammad (SAW), promotes etiquette, health, and mindfulness. Here are the steps:
- Sit Down: Drink water while sitting.
- Say Bismillah: Begin with Bismillah to bring blessings and acknowledge Allah’s (SWT) requirement.
- Use the Right Hand: Drink with your right hand.
- Drink in Three Sips: Take water in three sips instead of one gulp, ensuring mindful and better hydration.
- Avoid Breathing into the Vessel: Do not breathe into the vessel while drinking to maintain hygiene.
- Praise Allah After Drinking: Finish with Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) to express gratitude.
Following these steps, we drink the water according to Sunnah.
Give a Smile to at Least One Person
Giving a smile to at least one person every day is a simple yet impactful Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). This practice encourages positive social interactions and builds community.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Your smiling in the face of your brother is charity”
(Jami-Tirmidhi 1956)
Make Wudhu Before Sleeping at Night
Performing Wudhu (ablution) before sleeping at night is a Sunnah that improves spiritual cleanliness and promotes restful sleep. This practice purifies the body and soul, ensuring that you end the day in a state of spiritual cleanliness.
Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “When you want to go to bed, perform ablution as you do for prayer, then lie down on your right side”.
(Sahih al-Bukhari 6311)
By including the daily Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in our lives, we not only follow his exemplary path but also invite blessings, peace, and fulfillment into our daily routines. The Prophet’s (SAW) actions and teachings provide timeless guidance that encourages our spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being. By adopting these practices, we strengthen our connection with Allah (SWT), foster harmonious relationships, and develop a life of purpose and happiness.
We encourage you to start implementing one Sunnah at a time and observe the positive changes in your life. Share your experiences and the benefits you notice by following the Sunnah.
Let us all strive to live a life closer to the example set by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Last Updated on August 7, 2024 by Jamshed Anwer