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Dhikr in Islam: The Path to Spiritual Tranquility


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Understanding Dhikr in Islam

Dhikr is an act of worship in Islam that involves remembering Allah (swt) in our hearts and mentioning Him (swt) with our tongues. It is a simple and powerful way to worship Allah (swt) even when we are busy or have little time. Dhikr has numerous benefits and virtues for us as Muslims. The term “Dhikr” means remembrance or mention in Arabic. It is a practice of repeating specific phrases or prayers that remind us of Allah’s presence and significance in our lives. 

Allah (swt) wants us to remember Him in every situation, whether it is happy or sad, as much as we can. When we praise and glorify Allah (swt), we thank Him for His blessings and acknowledge His greatness. We admit that we are nothing without Him (swt), as He has power over everything. 

In this blog, we will explore the meaning, methods, and benefits of Dhikr in Islam. We will learn how Dhikr can help us attain peace, wisdom, and connection with Allah (swt). We will also share some practical tips on how to make Dhikr a part of our daily lives. Join us on this journey to discover the beauty and power of Dhikr for our souls.

The Quranic Basis for Dhikr

The holy Quran is one of the four holy books of Islam and provides a solid foundation for the practice of Dhikr. The Quran is full of verses that encourage us to do Dhikr and remind us of its benefits. Here are some examples of how the Quran teaches us about Dhikr:


Allah (swt) says: 

“So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me.” (Surah Baqarah verse 152).

This verse tells us that Dhikr is a two-way communication between us and Allah (swt). When we remember Him, He remembers us. When we thank Him, He increases His blessings upon us. And when we obey Him, He protects us from disbelief and ingratitude.

“Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” (Surah Ar-Ra’d verse 28). 

This verse explains the effect of Dhikr on our hearts. Dhikr fills our hearts with peace, contentment, and happiness. It removes the anxiety, sadness, and doubt that may afflict us. It increases our love, trust, and reliance on Allah (swt). So, it makes us feel closer to Him and more aware of His mercy and guidance.

These are just some of the many verses in the Quran that highlight the importance and value of Dhikr. Dhikr is not only a verbal utterance, but also a state of mind and a way of life. It is a means to connect with Allah (swt) and to seek His pleasure and forgiveness. It is a source of light and wisdom for us in this dark and confusing world. Ultimately, it is a gift and a blessing that we should cherish and practice as much as we can. 

Hadiths emphasizing the importance of Dhikr

The Prophet (saw) taught us many forms and benefits of Dhikr. He also encouraged us to do Dhikr as much as possible. 

He (saw) said: 

“The comparison of one who remembers his Lord and one who does not remember Him is like that of the living and the dead.” 

(Bukhari 6407)

Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) reported Allah’s Messenger as stating that Allah says, 

“I am present when my servant thinks of me, and I am with him when he remembers me. If he remembers me inwardly, I shall remember him inwardly, and if he remembers me among people, I shall remember him among people who are better than they.” 

(Mishkat al-Masabih 2264)


It was narrated from Hazrat Abu Darda (ra) that the Prophet(saw) said:

“Shall I not tell you of the best of your deeds, the most pleasing to your Sovereign, those that raise you most in status, that is better than your gold and silver, or meeting you enemy (in battle) and you strike their necks, and they strike your necks?” They said: “What is that, O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “Remembering Allah(Dhikr).” 

(Sunan Ibn Majah 3790)

These are some of the many Hadiths that emphasize the importance of Dhikr. They show us how Dhikr can enrich our lives, increase our faith, and please our Lord. They also show us how easy and simple Dhikr is and how we can do it anytime and anywhere.

Dhikr and Tawakkul in Islam

Dhikr and Tawakkul are closely related and mutually reinforcing. When we do Dhikr, we increase our awareness of Allah (swt) and His attributes. We remember that He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful, the All-Merciful, the All-Forgiving, and the All-Sufficient. We remember that He is the only one who can help us, protect us, provide for us, and forgive us. This increases our Tawakkul as we put our trust in Him alone and rely on Him for everything.

Allah (swt) says: “Who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts are fearful, and [to] the patient over what has afflicted them, and the establishers of prayer and those who spend from what We have provided them.” (Surah Hajj verse 35). 

When we have Tawakkul, we also increase our Dhikr. We constantly turn to Allah (swt) in prayer, supplication, praise, and gratitude. We seek His help, His guidance, His forgiveness, and His pleasure. 

If you want to learn more about Dhikr and Tawakkul and how to practice them in your daily life, we invite you to read our blog posts: Understanding Tawakkul in Allah (SWT) and 9 Practical Steps to Practice Tawakkul in Daily Life. In these posts, you will find helpful information, tips, examples, and references from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). 

The Spiritual and Psychological Benefits of Dhikr

Dhikr is a way of remembering Allah (swt) and expressing our love and gratitude to Him. It is a spiritual practice that benefits us in many ways, both in this world and the hereafter. When we do Dhikr, we can:

Feel peace and tranquility: 

Dhikr helps us to forget the troubles and temptations of this life, and focus on the ultimate source of peace, Allah (swt). When we repeat His (swt) words, we feel a soothing effect on our hearts and minds, and we get closer to Him (swt). Dhikr is like a shelter from the storm, where we can rest and relax in His presence.


Improve our mental health: 

Dhikr also helps us to improve our mental well-being, as it boosts our concentration, lowers our stress, and lifts our mood. Dhikr is a form of mindfulness, where we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings, and learn to control them. 

Grow and purify our souls: 

Dhikr is also a way of growing and purifying our souls, as it raises our spiritual level and cleanses our hearts. When we constantly remember and praise Allah’s (swt) names and attributes, we change ourselves for the better. Dhikr removes the dirt from our hearts, such as anger, jealousy, and pride, and fills them with light, lovfoure, and humility.

Best times for Dhikr

There are many times and occasions when we can engage in Dhikr, and each one has its own merits and rewards. Here are some of the best times for Dhikr that you and I should not miss:

After the Fard Prayers: 

The obligatory (fard) prayers are one of the five pillars of Islam, and they are the best times to remember Allah (swt) and seek His forgiveness and mercy.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: 

“Whoever glorifies Allah (says Subhan Allah) thirty-three times immediately after each prayer, and praises Allah (says Alhamdulillah) thirty-three times, and magnifies Allah (says Allahu Akbar) thirty-three times, this makes ninety-nine, then to complete one hundred says La ilaha illal-lah wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul-mulk wa lahul-hamd wa huwa ala kulli shai’in qadir (There is no god but Allah Alone, He has no partner, His is the dominion and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things), his sins will be forgiven even if they are like the foam of the sea.” 


This is also known as Tasbih Fatima, as it was taught by the Prophet (pbuh) to his beloved daughter Fatima (ra). You can also recite other forms of Dhikr, such as Astaghfirullah (I seek Allah’s forgiveness), La ilaha illa Allah (There is no god but Allah), or any of the beautiful names of Allah (swt).

For a comprehensive guide, you can visit our blog post Five daily prayers in Islam.

Between Adhan and Iqamah:

The call to prayer (adhan) is a reminder for us to leave worldly distractions and prepare ourselves for the worship of Allah (swt). The time between the adhan and the establishment of the prayer (iqamah) is a blessed time for Dhikr, as the Prophet (pbuh) said: 


“There is no Muslim who, when he hears the call to prayer, says: ‘Allahumma rabba hadhihi-d-da’wati-t-tammati, wa-s-salati-l-qa’imati, ati Muhammadan al-wasilata wa-l-fadilata, wa-b’athhu maqaman mahmudan alladhi wa’adtahu (O Allah, Lord of this perfect call and the prayer to be offered, grant Muhammad the privilege and also the eminence, and resurrect him to the praised position that You have promised him)’, except that I will be his intercessor on the Day of Resurrection.”  


You can also recite other supplications and Dhikr during this time, such as asking Allah (swt) for your needs, seeking His protection from evil, and praising Him with His name and attributes.

Last Third Part of the Night:

The last third part of the night holds great significance for spiritual activities such as Dhikr, Tahajjud prayer, and Qiyam ul Layl. The calmness and stillness of the night create an ideal atmosphere for deep introspection and connecting with Allah (swt). 

If you want to learn more about how to perform the Tahajjud prayer, we can help you with that.

Last Portion of the Day of Jummah (Friday):

During the last portion of Friday, before sunset, there is a special time for Dua (supplication) and Dhikr. It is believed that doing Dhikr during this period brings blessings, marking the end of the sacred day of Jummah.

Learn More: Jummah Prayer: Significance, Procedure, and Consequences of Missing It

Day of ‘Arafah:

The Day of Arafah is the 9th day of the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah. This day holds great significance, especially during the Hajj pilgrimage. However, even those who are not performing Hajj can engage in Dhikr on this day. Dhikr is a symbol of repentance and seeking forgiveness in Islam.

Morning and evening Dhikr:

Engaging in Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah, during the morning and evening is a cherished practice in Islam. It provides us with moments of reflection, gratitude, and spiritual connection. Hazrat Muhammad (saw) emphasized the importance of these times for remembrance and supplication. Here is a list of recommended Dhikr practices:

Recite the Ayatul Kursi once.


– For more information about Ayatul Kursi and its benefits, please read our blog post.

Recite the 4 Quls (Surah Al-Falaq, Surah An-Naas, Surah Al-Ikhlas, and Surah Al-Kafirun) three times.

– For more information about the four Quls, please visit our blog post on the topic.

NoteYou can incorporate additional dhikr suggestions into the morning and evening rituals. 

Best Occasions for Dhikr

Some of the most significant occasions for Dhikr in Islam are Isra and Miraj, Layla tul Qadr, and Shab-e-Barat.

Isra and Miraj:

Isra and Miraj is a commemoration of the miraculous journey Prophet Muhammad undertook from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to the heavens. By engaging in Dhikr on this occasion, we can reflect on the lessons and blessings of this journey and seek spiritual elevation. 

Learn More: “Al-isra Wal-Miraj Prophet Muhammad Night Journey.” 


Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power):

Layla tul Qadr, which occurs during the last ten nights of Ramadan, is a night of immense spiritual significance. Engaging in Dhikr on this night, which is better than a thousand months, is highly recommended. Special prayers, supplications, recitation of the Quran, and Dhikr are often performed during Laylatul Qadr. 

Learn More: “What Makes Laylat-al-Qadr So Special?”


Shab-e-Barat is observed on the 15th night of the Islamic month of Sha’ban. On this occasion, Muslims observe various acts of worship, including Dhikr, seeking forgiveness and mercy. 

For more information, you can visit our blog post titled “What is Shab-e-Barat?”

It’s worth noting that while these are some of the most significant occasions for Dhikr in Islam, we can always remember Allah at any time and in any situation.

As Allah says in the Quran: 

“Remember Me; I will remember you.”


Dhikr is a source of peace, happiness, and success for us in this world and the next.

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Dhikr

Dhikr is a practice of remembering and mentioning Allah (swt) that carries significant spiritual and psychological benefits in Islamic tradition. To maximize its benefits, here are some tips: 

  • Consistency is key in Dhikr. Set specific times of the day to engage in remembrance, whether it’s during the morning and evening or after daily prayers. 
  • Take time to understand the meanings of the phrases or names of Allah (swt) that you are reciting. Reflect on their significance and how they apply to your life. 
  • Incorporate gratitude into your Dhikr practice. Thank Allah (swt) for the blessings received, acknowledging His mercy and kindness.

Remember that Dhikr is a personal and intimate connection with Allah (swt). Tailor your practice to suit your individual needs, and let it be a source of peace, strength, and spiritual elevation in your life.


Dhikr is a powerful means of spiritual connection in Islam. It offers peace, mental health benefits, and spiritual growth. It enhances its impact by engaging in Dhikr at specific times, like after prayers or during significant events. Understanding the meanings, expressing gratitude, and maintaining consistency is vital for maximizing its benefits. Dhikr provides a refuge from life’s chaos, fostering tranquility and reinforcing the belief that through remembrance, hearts find assurance in Allah’s (swt) presence. It is a timeless practice for seeking spiritual elevation and inner purity.

Last Updated on April 6, 2024 by Muhammad Haseeb A.






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