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Practical Guide to Performing Good Deeds in Islam


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In Islam, good deeds (Amal Salih) are actions that are pleasing to Allah (SWT) and are mandated by Islamic law. They must be performed to seek Allahā€™s (SWT) pleasure, without any desire for personal gain or recognition. These deeds contain a wide range of behaviors, from obligatory acts of worship to voluntary acts of kindness, these deeds are a cornerstone of a Muslimā€™s faith.

Therefore, the importance of good deeds in Islam cannot be overstated, as they are considered a direct path to Jannah (Paradise). The Quran promises Paradise as a reward for those who consistently perform good deeds. Surah Al-Muā€™minun (23:1-11) states that the believers who perform good deeds will inherit Paradise as a reward for what they used to do.

Good deeds are seen as proof of a personā€™s faith and an expression of their commitment to the principles of Islam. Therefore, we are encouraged to live a life filled with good deeds, as they are both a requirement for and a reflection of true faith.

Good Deeds According to the Quran

The Quran emphasizes the importance of Amal Salih through various verses, each guiding believers on how to positively impact their lives and the lives of others around them. Here is a list of amal Salih as mentioned in the Quran:

(Surah Al-Baqarah 277)
ā€œIndeed, those who believe, do good, establish prayer, and pay alms-tax will receive their reward from their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.ā€ (Surah Al-Baqarah 277)

This verse links fundamental Islamic practices confirming believers of a reward from Allah (SWT), free from fear and grief.

(Surah An-Nisa 58)
ā€œIndeed, Allah (SWT) commands you to return trusts to their rightful owners; and when you judge between people, judge with fairness. What a noble commandment from Allah Almighty to you! Surely Allah (SWT) is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.ā€ (Surah An-Nisa 58)

This verse highlights the importance of honesty and justice in dealings, highlighting them as righteous deeds important to maintaining social order and fulfilling divine commands.

(Surah Taha verse 14)
ā€œIt is truly I. I am Allah! There is no god (worthy of worship) except Me. So worship Me (alone), and establish prayer for My remembrance.ā€ (Surah Taha verse 14)

Categorize the Good Deeds

Here, we categorize the good deeds in Islam and provide a list of 50 good deeds to please Allah Almighty.

Ibadah (Worship)

Moral Character

Social Responsibility

List of Good Deeds in Islam

Compiling a list of 50 daily good deeds in Islam can encourage believers to integrate simple yet impactful actions into their daily lives. This promotes a habit of kindness, piety, and community service. Hereā€™s a list that covers a broad range of easy deeds, both big and small, all rooted in Islamic teachings:

  1. Perform the five daily prayers on time.
  2. Recite the Quran, even if only a few verses.
  3. Make dua (supplication) for oneself, family, friends, and the Ummah.
  4. Smile and offer a kind word to others.
  5. Helping others in need, be it with money, advice, or physical assistance.
  6. Donate an amount of money to charity.
  7. Fast voluntarily, especially on Mondays and Thursdays.
  8. Teach someone a verse of the Quran or a Hadith.
  9. Visit the sick and inquire about their health.
  10. Offer two units of voluntary (Nafl) prayers.
  11. Attend a religious lecture or circle of knowledge.
  12. Say ā€˜Bismillahā€˜ before starting any task to seek blessings.
  13. Perform Dhikr (remembrance of Allah Almighty) after each prayer.
  14. Forgive someone who has wronged you.
  15. Teaching others about Islam
  16. Attending funerals
  17. Keeping promises
  18. Maintaining good relationships
  19. Showing gratitude
  20. Lowering the gaze
  21. Reflecting on Allahā€™s creation
  22. Taking care of orphans and widows
  23. Paying debts on time
  24. Manage time effectively
  25. Share an Islamic video or article on social media.
  26. Feed a hungry person or animal.
  27. Hold back anger and respond calmly in trying situations.
  28. Guide a tourist or someone lost in your city.
  29. Return a lost item to its rightful owner.
  30. Help an older person or a child cross the road.
  31. Say ā€˜Alhamdulillahā€™ (Praise be to Allah Almighty) for blessings throughout the day.
  32. Avoid gossip and backbiting.
  33. Sponsor a meal or Iftar for fasting individuals during Ramadan.
  34. Keep the environment clean; dispose of waste properly.
  35. Participate in a community clean-up or charity event.
  36. Plant a tree or water plants.
  37. Donate blood if medically able.
  38. Encourage others to do good.
  39. Respect parents and elders, and show affection to children.
  40. Offer a seat to someone in need when using public transport.
  41. Avoid lying and speak the truth.
  42. Regularly repenting (Tawbah) for sins.
  43. Spread knowledge that can be beneficial to others.
  44. Standing up for those who are wronged.
  45. Stand up for justice, even if it is against oneself or relatives.
  46. Support a small business by buying their products.
  47. Be patient in traffic and avoid road rage.
  48. Greeting others with peace.
  49. Send peace and blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUM) multiple times.
  50. End the day with self-reflection and planning to improve for tomorrow.

There are many good deeds, and regularly performing these deeds boosts spiritual growth, benefiting both the community and the environment, reflecting Islamā€™s holistic approach.

Rewards for Good Deeds in Islam

The concept of being rewarded for amal salih is a fundamental aspect of Islamic belief. It emphasizes the lasting benefits in the Hereafter for acts of righteousness in this life.

Good deeds in Islam are essential for seeking Allahā€™s pleasure and are categorized into worship, moral character, and social responsibility. Moreover, these deeds serve to strengthen the community and foster a sense of unity among believers.

(Surah Al-Baqarah verse 261)
ā€œThe example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah (SWT) is that of a grain that sprouts into seven ears, each bearing one hundred grains. And Allah Almighty multiplies Ė¹the reward even moreĖŗ to whoever He wills. For Allah (SWT) is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing. (Surah Al-Baqarah verse 261)

This verse shows the rewards for charity and good deeds, comparing them to a seed that grows and multiplies many times over. Furthermore, it highlights that Allahā€™s (SWT) rewards are great and far surpass the initial act.

Repetition of Deeds

Consistency and repetition in performing amal salih are essential for personal growth and spiritual development. Engaging in simple acts of kindness regularly not only benefits others but also reinforces positive behaviors within oneself, leading to a stronger character and deepened faith.

When good deeds and actions become a natural part of daily life, the constancy in performing them, despite the challenges faced, becomes a testament to the strength of oneā€™s character and the sincerity of their faith.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How to get good deeds in Islam?

In Islam, good deeds can be achieved through a combination of actions including fulfilling obligatory rituals like prayer and fasting, engaging in charitable activities, showing kindness and respect to others, and even simple acts like smiling or removing barriers from paths.

Q2. What does Hazrat Aisha (RA) say about Amal Salih?

Hazrat Aisha (RA), the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), stressed the importance of consistency in good deeds. She reported that the Prophet (SAW) said,


ā€œDo good deeds properly, sincerely, and moderately, and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little.ā€

[Sahih al-Bukhari 6464]

Q3. How can a Muslim keep up with good deeds?

A Muslim can keep up good deeds by following these tips:

  • Set Specific Goals: Establish clear, achievable goals for daily and weekly good deeds.
  • Routine and Habit: Contain good deeds into daily routines to make them habitual.
  • Dua for Steadfastness: Regularly pray for Allahā€™s (SWT) help in maintaining consistency in good deeds.
  • Reflect on Rewards: Remind oneself of the immense rewards promised by Allah (SWT) for good deeds.

Q4. What are the most rewarding good deeds in Islam?

Some of the most rewarding good deeds include performing the five daily prayers, giving in charity, fasting during Ramadan, maintaining strong family ties, being patient in trials, remembering Allah (Dhikr), and seeking forgiveness. Acts like saving a life, providing water, and spreading knowledge are also highly commended and rewarded.

Q5. How Can I Integrate Good Deeds into My Busy Life?

  • Small, Regular Acts: Start with small, manageable acts of worship and kindness that fit into your routine.
  • Combine Activities: Integrate good deeds with daily activities.
  • Use Technology: Utilize apps and reminders for Quran reading, prayer times, and charity contributions.
  • Prioritize and Schedule: Allocate specific times for good deeds in your daily schedule.
  • Be Intentional: Approach every action with the intention of pleasing Allah (SWT), turning everyday tasks into acts of worship.

Q6. What role do intentions play in the rewarding of good deeds?

Intentions are central in Islam; they are the basis upon which deeds are considered. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said,

ā€œActions are only done with intentions, and every man shall have what he intended. Thus he whose emigration was for Allah and His Messenger, his emigration was for Allah and His Messenger, and he whose emigration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his emigration was for that which he intended.ā€

(Sunan an-Nasaā€™i 75)

To learn more visit this: Importance of Making Sincere Intention.

Q7. How can I encourage my children to perform good deeds?

Encouraging children to perform good deeds can be facilitated by:

Lead by Example: Show good deeds in your behavior.
Teach and Explain: Educate your children about the importance and rewards of good deeds in Islam.
Create a Routine: Establish regular family activities that include acts of worship and charity.
Storytelling: Share stories from the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic history that highlight the virtues of good deeds.
Interactive Activities: Engage children in interactive and fun activities that involve good deeds, such as volunteering together. To learn more about parenting in Islam visit these links;


Performing good deeds in Islam is a basic aspect of a Muslimā€™s life and faith. Good deeds are not only a way to fulfill religious obligations but also an expression of our commitment to the teachings of Islam and a means of attaining spiritual growth.

The practice of good deeds is a continuous journey. It requires mindfulness, consistency, and the intention to make a positive impact, both in this life and the hereafter.

May Allah (SWT) guide us all to incorporate good deeds into our daily lives, bless us with the ability to perform them sincerely, and reward us abundantly in this life and the Hereafter. Ameen!

Last Updated on July 31, 2024 by Jamshed Anwer






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